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An Introduction to Non-Harmonic Fourier Series, Revised Edition, 93
An Introduction to Non-Harmonic Fourier Series, Revised Edition, 93
An Introduction to Non-Harmonic Fourier Series, Revised Edition, 93
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An Introduction to Non-Harmonic Fourier Series, Revised Edition, 93

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About this ebook

An Introduction to Non-Harmonic Fourier Series, Revised Edition is an update of a widely known and highly respected classic textbook.

Throughout the book, material has also been added on recent developments, including stability theory, the frame radius, and applications to signal analysis and the control of partial differential equations.
Release dateMay 23, 2001
An Introduction to Non-Harmonic Fourier Series, Revised Edition, 93

Robert M. Young

Robert Young was born in New York City in 1944. He received his B.A. from Colby College in 1965 and his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 1971. He currently teaches at Oberlin College where he holds the James F. Clark Chair in Mathematics. In addition to his work in nonharmonic Fourier series, he is the author of Excursions in Calculus: An Interplay of the Continuous and the Discrete.

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    An Introduction to Non-Harmonic Fourier Series, Revised Edition, 93 - Robert M. Young

    An Introduction to Nonharmonic Fourier Series

    Revised First Edition

    Robert M. Young

    James F. Clark Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio


    A Harcourt Science and Technology Company

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    Table of Contents

    Cover image

    Title page

    Copyright page


    Preface to the Revised First Edition

    Preface to the First Edition

    1: Bases in Banach Spaces











    2: Entire Functions of Exponential Type



    3: The Completeness of Sets of Complex Exponentials







    4: Interpolation and Bases in Hilbert Space

    1 Moment Sequences in Hilbert Space

    2 Bessel Sequences and Riesz – Fischer Sequences

    3 Applications to Systems of Complex Exponentials

    4 The Moment Space and its Relation to Equivalent Sequences

    5 Interpolation in the Paley – Wiener Space: Functions of Sine Type

    6 Interpolation in the Paley-Wiener Space: Stability

    7 The Theory of Frames

    8 The Stability of Nonharmonic Fourier Series

    9 Pointwise Convergence

    Notes and Comments






    List of Special Symbols

    Author Index

    Subject Index


    Copyright © 2001, 1980 by Academic Press

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to the following address: Permissions Department, Harcourt, Inc., 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, Florida, 32887-6777.


    A Harcourt Science and Technology Company

    525 B Street, Suite 1900, San Diego, CA 92101-4495, USA

    Academic Press

    Harcourt Place, 32 Jamestown Road, London NW1 7BY, UK

    Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 00-104370

    International Standard Book Number: 0-12-772955-0

    Printed in the United States of America

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    To Linda

    Preface to the Revised First Edition

    When An Introduction to Nonharmonic Fourier Series first appeared, there was little reason to believe that the theory of Riesz bases and frames in Hilbert space would one day play so prominent a role in both pure and applied harmonic analysis. The wavelets revolution of the past fifteen years helped change that. Now, the three classic treatises in the field—arguably those by Daubechies [1992], Meyer [1992], and Mallat [1999]—all attest to the fact that research in frame theory flourishes. Moreover, in the more specialized area of nonharmonic Fourier series, the celebrated work of Avdonin and Ivanov [1995] provides ample evidence that Riesz bases of complex exponentials remain of central importance in the theory of control.

    I am therefore deeply indebted to Bob Ross and the editorial staff of Academic Press for the opportunity to bring An Introduction to Nonharmonic Fourier Series up to date. To maintain the continuity of the original text, most of the new material has been incorporated in a greatly expanded set of Notes and References. In this way, the book remains true to its original goal — to provide an elementary introduction to a rich and multifaceted field, not an exhaustive account of all that is known.

    Preface to the First Edition

    Robert M. Young

    in Lp[–π, π]. Its origins, which are classical in spirit, lie in the celebrated works of Paley and Wiener [1934] and Levinson [1940]. In recent years, in response to the development of functional analysis and, in particular, to the growing interest in bases in Banach spaces, research in the area has flourished. New approaches to old problems have led to important advances in the theory.

    This book is an account of both the classical and the modern theories. Its underlying theme is the elegant interplay among the various parts of analysis. The catalyst in the present case is the Fourier transform, through which the classical Banach spaces are mapped into spaces of entire functions. In this way, problems in one domain can be examined via their transform image in the other.

    The book is designed primarily for the graduate student or mathematician who is approaching the subject for the first time. Its aim as such is to provide a unified and self-contained introduction to a multifaceted field, not an exhaustive account of all that is known. Accordingly, the first half of the book presents an elementary introduction to the theory of bases in Banach spaces and the theory of entire functions of exponential type. At the same time, an extensive set of notes touches on more advanced topics, indicates directions in which the theory can be extended, and should prove useful to both specialists and nonspecialists alike. Much of the material appears in book form for the first time.

    The only prerequisites are a working knowledge of real and complex analysis, together with the elements of functional analysis. By that I mean roughly what is contained in Rudin [1966]. On occasion, when more advanced tools of analysis are required, appropriate references are given. Apart from this, the work is essentially self-contained, and it can serve as a textbook for a course at the second- or third-year graduate level.

    The problems, which are of varying degrees of difficulty, are an integral part of the text. Some are routine applications of the theory, while others are important ancillary results — these are usually accompanied by an indication of the solution and an appropriate reference to the literature.

    A word about notation: Theorem 2.3 refers to Theorem 3 of Chapter 2. The labeling of all other results is self-explanatory.

    I am deeply indebted to Doug Dickson and Paul Muhly for their careful reading of the manuscript and for their sharp criticism and advice. I owe immeasurable thanks to Linda Miller, who proofread the entire book more times than I could possibly have hoped.


    Bases in Banach Spaces


    Let X be an infinite-dimensional Banach space over the field of real or complex numbers. When viewed as a vector space, X is known to possess a Hamel basis — a linearly independent subset of X that spans the entire space. Unfortunately, such bases cannot in general be constructed, their very existence depending on the axiom of choice, and their usefulness is therefore severely limited. Of far greater importance and applicability in analysis is the notion of a basis first introduced by Schauder [1927].

    Definition. A sequence of vectors {x1, x2, x3, …} in an infinite-dimensional Banach space X is said to be a Schauder basis for X if to each vector x in the space there corresponds a unique sequence of scalars {c1, c2, c3, …} such that

    The convergence of the series is understood to be with respect to the strong (norm) topology of X; in other words,

    Henceforth, the term basis for an infinite-dimensional Banach space will always mean a Schauder basis.

    Example. The Banach space lp p < ∞) consists, by definition, of all infinite sequences of scalars c = {c1, c2, c. The vector operations are coordinatewise. In each of these spaces, the natural basis {e1, e2, e3, …}, where

    and the 1 appears in the nth position, is easily seen to be a Schauder basis. If c = {cn} is in lpis valid.

    It is clear that a Banach space with a basis must be separable. Reason: If {xn} is a basis for Xwhere the cn are rational scalars, is countable and dense in X. It follows, for example, that since l∞ is not separable, it cannot possess a basis.

    The basis problem— whether or not every separable Banach space has a basis — was raised by Banach [1932] and remained until recently one of the outstanding unsolved problems of functional analysis. The question was finally settled by Per Enflo [1973], who constructed an example of a separable Banach space having no basis. The negative answer to the basis problem is perhaps surprising in light of the fact that bases are now known for almost all the familiar examples of infinite-dimensional separable Banach spaces.


    1. Prove that every vector space has a Hamel basis.

    2. Prove that every Hamel basis for a given vector space has the same number of elements. This number is called the (linear) dimension of the space.

    3. Show that a Hamel basis for an infinite-dimensional Banach space is uncountable.

    4. Show that the dimension of l∞ is equal to c. (Hint: Show that the set {(1, r, r², …): 0 < r < 1} is linearly independent.)

    5. Let X be an infinite-dimensional Banach space.

    a. Prove that dim X c. (Hint: Show that there is a vector space isomorphism between l∞ and a subspace of X.)

    b. Prove that if X is separable, then dim X = c.

    6. The Banach space c0 consists of all infinite sequences of scalars which converge to zero (with the l∞ norm). Show that the natural basis is a Schauder basis for c0.

    7. Exhibit a Schauder basis for the Banach space c consisting of all convergent sequences of scalars (with the l∞ norm).

    8. Aninfinite series ∑ xn in a Banach space X is said to be unconditionally convergent if every arrangement of its terms converges to the same element. It is said to be absolutely convergent is convergent. Show that every absolutely convergent series in X is unconditionally convergent. What about the converse?

    9. A basis {xn} for a Banach space X is said to be unconditional (absoluteis unconditionally (absolutely) convergent.

    (a) Show that the natural basis is unconditional for the spaces lpp < ∞, and c0. Show also that it is absolute for lp only when p = 1. Is it absolute for c0?

    (b) Show that the sequence of vectors

    forms a basis for c0 which is not unconditional.


    One of the most important and widely studied classical Banach spaces is C[a, b], the space of all continuous functions on the closed finite interval [a, b], together with the norm

    The celebrated Weierstrass approximation theorem asserts that the polynomials are dense in C[a, b]: if f is continuous on [a, b], then for every positive number ε there is a polynomial P such that the inequality

    holds throughout the interval [a, b].

    For a given continuous function, a sequence of approximating polynomials can even be given explicitly. The most elegant representation is due to Bernstein. Let us suppose, for simplicity, that f is continuous on the interval [0, 1]. Then the nth Bernstein polynomial for f is

    As is well known,

    uniformly on [0, 1] (see Akhiezer [1956, p. 30]).

    Since every polynomial can be uniformly approximated on a closed interval by a polynomial with rational coefficients, the preceding remarks show that the space C[a, b] is separable; in fact, it has a basis.

    Theorem 1

    (Schauder). The space C[a, b] possesses a basis.

    Proof. We are going to construct a basis for C[a, b] consisting of piecewise-linear functions fn (n = 0, 1, 2, …). This means that to each function f in the space there will correspond a unique sequence of scalars {cn} such that

    uniformly on [a, b].

    Let {x0, x1, x2, …} be a countable dense subset of [a, b] with x0 = a and x1 = b. Set

    When n 2, the set of points {x0, x1, …, xn–1} partitions [a, b] into disjoint open intervals, one of which contains xn; call it I. Define

    for n = 2, 3, 4, … The sequence {f0, f1, f2, …} will be the required basis.

    For each function f in C[a, b] and each positive integer n, we denote by Ln f the polygonal function that agrees with f at each of the points x0, x1,…, xn; we denote by L0 f the function whose constant value is f(x0). Since f is uniformly continuous on [a, b], a simple continuity argument shows that

    Therefore, we can write

    We are going to show that there are scalars c1, c2, c3, … such that

    For this purpose, we shall define a sequence of functions {g0, g1, g2, …} recursively by the equations

    The claim is that gn = Lnf, whence

    Since gn is a polygonal function whose only possible corners are at the points x0, x1,…, xn, it is sufficient to show that gn agrees with f at each of these points. This is trivial for n = 0, and we proceed by induction. Since fn(xn) = 1, it follows that gn(xn) = f(xn); if i < n, then fn(xi) = 0, and it follows from the definition of gn, together with the induction hypothesis, that

    This establishes the claim.

    Accordingly, every function f C[a, b] has at least one representation of the form

    and we have only to show that this representation is unique. Suppose then that some function g If N is the smallest value of n for which an bn, then

    for every x. Choose x = xN. Since fn(xN) = 0 whenever n > N, it follows that aN = bN. But this contradicts the choice of N, and hence an = bn for every n


    1. Give a probabilistic interpretation of the Bernstein polynomials (see Feller [1966, Chap. VII]).

    2. Prove that the space C[a, b] is separable by showing that every continuous function on [a, b] can be uniformly approximated by polynomials with rational coefficients.

    3. Let f be a continuous function on (–∞, ∞). Prove that if there is a sequence of polynomials {P1, P2, P3, …} such that Pn f uniformly on (–∞, ∞), then f must itself be a polynomial.

    4. Let f be a continuous function on [a, b]. Show that there is a sequence of polynomials {P1, P2, Pand the series converges absolutely and uniformly on [a, b].


    In a separable Hilbert space†, a distinguished role is played by those Schauder bases that are orthonormal—the basis vectors are mutually perpendicular and each has unit length. An equivalent characterization of such bases is that they are complete orthonormal sequences. (Recall that a sequence of vectors {f1, f2, f3, …} in a Hilbert space is said to be complete if the zero vector alone is perpendicular to every fn.) It follows readily from this characterization that every separable Hilbert space has an orthonormal basis.

    The most important property of an orthonormal basis (as opposed to any other basis) is the simplicity of all basis expansions. If {e1, e2, e3, …} is an orthonormal basis for a Hilbert space H, then for every element f H we have the Fourier expansion

    The inner product (f, en) is called the nth Fourier coefficient of f (relative to {en}). When the Pythagorean formula is applied to this series, the result is Parsevals identity:

    The validity of Parseval’s identity for every vector in the space is both necessary and sufficient for an orthonormal sequence to be a basis.

    Since the linear transformation

    from H into l² preserves norms, it must also preserve inner products. Thus

    for every pair of vectors f and g; this is the generalized Parseval identity.

    Even if an orthonormal sequence {en} is incomplete, Bessels inequality is always valid:

    whenever f H. This shows, in particular, that the Fourier coefficients of each element of H form a square-summable sequence. The RieszFischer theorem then there exists an element f in H for which

    . We conclude that if {en} is a complete orthonormal sequence in H, then the correspondence f → {(f, en)} between H and l² is a Hilbert space isomorphism. It follows that from a geometric point of view, all separable Hilbert spaces are indistinguishable, that is to say, isomorphic.

    Example 1

    In l² the natural basis is orthonormal.

    Example 2

    In L²[–π, –π], with the inner product

    constitutes an orthonormal basis. That the system is orthonormal is obvious; we prove that it is complete.

    Theorem 2

    The trigonometric system is complete in L²[–π, –π].

    Proof. The proof will establish even more. Suppose that

    for some integrable function f defined on [–π, π] and n = 0, ± 1, ± 2, … It is to be shown that f = 0 a.e. Set

    for t ∈ [‒π, π]. Integration by parts

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