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STRUCTURE for the show: * Gap between seating audience and Food Song time = 1 Cue: dropping plates

Food Song - RACHEL , length = *Gap time = 2 cue: Couples Song 1 CLARE & DANNY /FIONA & BEN , length = 4.30 *Gap time = 3 Cue = RACHEL First monologue with the audience, length = *Gap time = 4 Cue = BEN and DANNY both leave to go to the loo. *Gap time & Cue= Duet CLARE & FIONA. Thirty Seconds, length = * Gap Time = 5 Cue The two men return from the loo. BEN & DANNYs duet , length = * Gap Time = 6 Cue = RACHELs second speech involving Tony (estimated length = Continues straight into Table For One. Length = 3 *Gap Time= 7 Cue = CLAREs Jabber Song, length = 1.45 )

*Gap Time = 8 Cue= RACHELs third monologue, length = Gap Time = 9 Cue= TONY s Poem Song, length = 4.30 *Gap time = 10 Cue= CLARE & DANNY Food nostalgia song, Length = * Gap Time = 11 Cue = TONY Sings Gerald De Vere Song, length = Gap Time = 12 Cue= FIONA & BEN sing Why is everyone a tosser (apart from me)? Length = 3 * Gap Time = 13 Cue = Couples Song 2: CLARE & DANNY / FIONA & BEN , Length = * Gap Time = 14 Cue = RACHEL s Final Song, length = End

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