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1) Wap to display an entered number in words 2) Wap to display ap series and its sum 3) Wap to display calendar of any

month of any year 4) Wap to calculate GCD using recursion 5) Wap to insert values in a spiral matrix and display that 6) Wap to display magical square 7) Wap to search an array using binary search 8) Wap to sort an array using selection sort 9) Wap to sort an array using bubble sort 10) Wap to convert a decimal no into its binary equivalent 11) Wap to display date from its entered no of days 12) Wap to create the following pattern: I INDIA D I A 13) WAP to display the frequency of each character in an entered string 14) Wap to find a word in an entered string 15) Wap to decode the entered string 16) Wap to display the entered string in alphabetical order 17) Wap to create a string and count number of words 18) Wap to create a string and replace all vowels with * 19) Wap to create a DDA with 4*4 subscripts 20) Wap to generate sum of all elements of a DDA of 5*5 subscripts

21) Wap

to generate the product of two arrays of 5 subscripts as a 3rd array 22) WAP to find sum of each column of a DDA 23) Wap to print the series:- 2 , 9 , 28 , 65 , 126. 24) Wap to find the grade of steel samples considering the following conditions:I. Tensile strength>=700 kgf/cm^2 II. Rockwell hardness>=200 III. Carbon content <=6% When conditions I), II), III) are satisfied then the grade is A When conditions I) and II) are satisfied then the grade is B When conditions I) and III) are satisfied then the grade is C When conditions II) and III) are satisfied then the grade is D

When conditions I) or II) or III) are satisfied then the grade is E, otherwise grade F

25) Wap to create pascals triangle

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