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AP Psychology review Types of Psychologists and Perspectives What is psychology? What is the APA?

PA? Whats the difference btwn psychiatrist and psychologist? Whats a forensic psychologist? An industrial/organizational psych? Whats a counselor? What is trephination? Psychology came from what disciplines? Who is William Wundt and structuralism? Who is William James and functionalism? What is the psychodynamic perspective of psychology? Behavioral perspective of psych? Cognitive perspective of pscyh? Humanistic perspective of psych? Sociocultural perspective of psych? Evolutionary perspective of psych? Biological/neuroscience perspective of psych?

What is the placebo effect? What is independent variable? Dependent variable? What is a double-blind study? What is bias? Hindsight bias? Experimenter bias? What is random sampling? What is a correlation coefficient? Experimental group? Control group? What is a case study? What is a longitudinal study? Crosssectional study? What is an Institutional Review Board? What are the APAs ethical guidelines for animal research? What are the APAs ethical guidelines for human research?

Research Methods * What is a theory? A hypothesis? What are 3 measurements of central tendency? What is standard deviation? What are types of descriptive research? What is correlational research? What is a correlation coefficient? What is experimental research? What is an operational definition? What are confounding (extraneous) variables? What is validity? Reliability?

Neuroscience Structure of the neuron? (draw on this card) Parts of neuron? (define on this nc) What is synaptic cleft? What is the action potential? What are neurotransmitters? How does Prozac work? What is AcH? Dopamine? What is serotonin? Endorphins? What is epinephrine? Norepinephrine? What are agonists? Antagonists? What are 3 types of neurons? What is homeostasis? Divisions of the nervous system? (draw chart) What is the sympathetic NS? Parasympathetic? What is the autonomic NS? Somatic NS? What is the Central NS? Peripheral NS?

What is the endocrine system? Examples of major glands? How do we study the brain? What are the parts of the hindbrain? What is the reticular formation? Parts of the forebrain? Parts of the limbic system? Lobes of the cerebral cortex? What is the sensory cortex? Motor cortex? What is the Sensory homunculus? What is the frontal lobe? What is the occipital lobe? What is the parietal lobe? What is the temporal lobe? Right vs. left hemisphere? What is Brocas area and Wernikes area? What is the corpus callosum? What is split brain? What is brain plasticity?

What are pheromones? What is olfactory?

Perception What is perception? Whats Gestalt mean? What are Gestalts 5 principles? What is figure ground? How do we perceive depth? What are monocular cues? What are perceptual sets? What is the Phi phenomenon? Whats the Muller Lyer illusion?

Sensation What is difference btwn sensation and perception? What is bottom up vs. top down processing? What is absolute threshold? What is JND? (Difference threshold) What is Webers Law? Whats sensory adaptation? What is vestibular sense? Whats cocktail party effect? Whats the structure of the eye? Parts of a light wave? Trichromatic color theory? Opponent process theory? Parts of the ear? What is Place theory and Frequency theory of hearing? Parts of tongue? What can we taste?

Consciousness What is the iceberg theory of consciousness? What is melatonin? What is the reticular activating system? What is stage 1 sleep? Stage 2 sleep? What is stage 3 sleep? Stage 4 sleep? Draw sleep brain waves. What is REM? nREM? What are circadian rhythms? Jet Lag? When do nightmares, sleepwalking and night terrors happen? Why do we dream (3 theories)? What are sleep disorders? What is manifest content of dreams? Latent content? Learning What is Behaviorism? What is classical conditioning? What is operant conditioning? What is the UCS, UCR, CS, CR? What terms associated w/ classical cond? How we can apply classical cond?

What is shaping? What was John Watsons Little Albert experiment? What is reinforcement? What is punishment? What are reinforcement schedules? Whos Albert Bandura? What is Thorndikes Law of Effect?

What is convergent thinking? Divergent thk? Obstacles to solving problems? What are phonemes and morphemes? What is grammar, semantics, syntax? Skinners and Chomskys language development theories?

Memory What is encoding, storage and retrieval? (tasks of memory) What are the Atkinson-Shiffrin processes of memory? What are types of forgetting? What are the 3 types and levels of encoding? What is serial positioning effect? What is the spacing effect? What is self-referent encoding? What are pneumonic devices? What state dependent memory? What is consolidation? What are flashbulb memories? What is sensory memory? What is working (STM) memory (Baddeleys model)? What is Long term memory? What is decay theory? What are 3 types of amnesia? What is tip of the tongue? What is priming? What is recall? What is recognition? What is proactive interference? Retroactive interference? What is the repressed memory controversy? Thought and Language (Cognition) What is cognition? What is a schema? What is a prototype? How we solve problems?

Intelligence What is factor analysis? Howard Gardners multiple intelligences? Sternbergs 3 intelligences? Emotional intelligence? Stanford-Binet (IQ) test? Aptitude vs. Achievement test? What are qualities of a good test? What is the Flynn effect? Gender/social differences in intelligence? Forms of mental retardation? Emotion and Motivation *What is drive reduction theory? *What is Schacters Two Factor theory? *What is the Cannon Bard Theory? *What is homeostasis? *What is achievement motivation? *What is sensation seeking? *What is arousal? *What is facial feedback hypothesis? Development What is developmental psychology? What are the stages of prenatal development? What are terotagens? Harry Harlows monkey experiment? What are parenting styles? What is Piagets Stages of Cognitive Dev?

Whats Kholbergs Stages of Moral Dev? What is Eriksons Psychosocial Stages? (2 cards)

Personality What is personality? Who was Hippocrates? What is psychodynamic approach to personality? Freuds 3 structures of personality? What are ego defense mechanisms? What is repression? Regression? What is displacement? Projection? What is reaction formation? Denial? What is sublimation? What is compensation? What are psychosexual stages of development? (3 cards) What is fixation? Personality Part 2 What methods psychoanalysts use? Pros of psychoanalytic theory? Cons of psychoanalytic theory? Who is Carl Jung? Who is Alfred Adler? What is Humanistic perspective on personality? Who is Abraham Maslow? Who is Carl Rogers? Projective versus self-report tests? Examples of personality tests? Mental Disorders What is the DSM IV? What are anxiety disorders? What are Dissociative disorders? What are types of schizophrenia? What are mood disorders? What are personality disorders? Difference between a disorder and a normal behavior?

Treatment Behavioral methods of therapy? Humanistic therapy? Cognitive therapy? Biomedical therapy? Albert Ellis? Aaron Beck? examples of Antidepressants? examples of Anti-anxiety medications? Eclectic approach to therapy? Social z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z Psychology What is social psychology? What is person perception? What is a schema? What is illusory correlation? Whats fundamental attribution error? Whats self fulfilling prophesy? Whats attribution? Fundamental attribution error? Internal vs. external attributions? Whats self serving bias? Individualist vs collective societies? Persuasion techniques? Stanley Milgrams experiment? Solomon Aschs conformity experiment? Jane Elliots Blue Eyes Brown Eyes Experiment? Bystander effect? Psychology of attraction? What is love?

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