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LEVEL Grade 5 Number of Lessons: 3

OBJECTIVE: Understanding the urban waste management. Identify the correct selection of waste. MATERIALS: Fact sheets for separate collection of waste. Information search activities in the surrounding environment.

VOCABULARY: Landfill, selection, Ecopark, containers, hazardous waste, bulky waste

OPENING ACTIVITIES. Previously, students should know: What are they and where are the ecopoints in your area. What these systems door to door collection. Are the residues that can lead to an eco-park and what is done with this waste. Differentiate hazardous waste and what to do with them. MAIN ACTIVITIES Students search for information in their area to develop activities to find out: If there are any/enough Ecopoints close to home? What are the logos of your local recycling centers? How can we save materials and energy, recycling glass bottles, plastic boxes or cans? Where can we deposited waste such as computers, medicine, oil, radiographs, or cleaning products? CLOSING ACTIVITIES Students will talk about their ideas to learn that together we can: Reduce the amount of waste going to landfill Save raw materials and energy reusing or recycling waste. Avoid uncontrolled discharge of waste in our environment.

Students will make a picture to distinguish: Ecopoint, ecopark and landfill.

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