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Stem cell research is awe-inspiring, exciting, and one of the most controversial

areas of science today. This is because the unspecialized stem cells can
potentially migrate to any damaged tissue in the body and replace the damaged
tissue with healthy cells, thus curing the disease. For example: a heart attack
victim can regenerate healthy, beating heart muscle cells, or a person with
Parkinson's disease can have functioning neurons grow back in the brain, or a
person with diabetes can grow back insulin producing cells in the pancreas. This
research is controversial because one method to obtain stem cells involves
harvesting human embryos.

So the questions we pose are: "Is the controversial research on stem cells a new
miracle afforded to mankind by the advancements in biological research? Or are
stem cells a part of God's original plan for the body to regenerate damaged tissue
and cure itself from deadly diseases?" To answer these questions, let's first take
a look at the biology of stem cells. There are two types of stem cells: embryonic
and adult. Embryonic stem cells are undifferentiated (unspecialized) cells in a
human embryo several days old. These cells have the potential to differentiate
into a wide variety of specialized cells. Adult stem cells are also
undifferentiated cells found in mature differentiated tissue such as the bone
marrow. An adult stem cell can divide and renew itself, or differentiate into
other tissues such as muscle, brain, bone marrow, etc.

The dilemma with adult stem cells is that after the embryo has developed, the
number of these cells found in the body of the average American citizen is
extremely low. Thus the ability of the adult body to heal itself with its own stem
cell population is limited. Therein lies why stem cell research is proliferating.
The main approach used by research scientists for clinical stem cell therapy
involves first harvesting embryonic stem cells, culturing them in the lab, and
then transplanting them into patients with specific diseases or syndromes.
However, significant technological breakthroughs are still required before these
procedures can be widely used for a variety of different diseases. Some of the
difficulties that have to be overcome are: avoiding immune rejection problems,
insuring the stem cells survive in the recipient after transplant, and promoting
differentiation into the desired cell types with enough proliferation to generate
the new healthy tissue.

Stem cells and the resulting controversy are even greater than harvesting human
embryos. Suppose years of research did not have to be done for mankind to benefit
from the healing effects of stem cells. Suppose a way to produce stem cells in
adults and children which overcome the obstacles of immune regulation was
possible. Suppose there was a natural way to stimulate the proliferation of adult
stem cells that results in the body healing itself from literally dozens of
diseases and syndromes. Suppose this same procedure for stimulating stem cells
also caused a normally healthy person to be even healthier, stronger, brighter and
with a reduction in biological age. Well, suppose no more! All of the above is
true, right now!

A relatively new discovery that came from the correlation of hundreds of

independent research studies has come to light. A simple natural formulation of
food substances called glyconutrients has been clinically shown to increase the
number of adult stem cells circulating in the peripheral blood. And yes, the
clinical implications of these nutraceutical glyconutrients is more than

Why has the world not heard about this miraculous breakthrough in stem cell
research? Why has the word "glyconutrients" not become part of everyone's
vocabulary? The answer is simple: lack of marketing funds, and a medical community
that does not support nutritional supplements.
Glyconutrients are not drugs. They come from natural food sources like sea weed
and tree gums or resins. They did not have to pass the FDA regulations, and
rightly so as they were put on earth by the Creator and not by years of research
by pharmaceutical businesses.

Drugs are big business. Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars a year
advertising drugs in the U.S. alone. Nutraceutical companies are not yet large
enough to spend this kind of money in the promotion of a product. Thus, major
advertisement campaigns on TV, radio, magazines and billboards has not been done
for the glyconutrients.

In addition, the traditional medical community of this country has not provided
information about glyconutrients because our well-intended medical community is
about the treatment of symptoms and the management of disease. Traditional
medicine is not about the prevention of disease, or the promotion of natural
substances that allow the body to heal itself. For instance, for decades vitamins
have been scientifically known to prevent disease, but the American Medical
Association (AMA) has only recently stated in an article published in June, 2002,
that the AMA recommends that adults take vitamins.

So the problem is that the information about glyconutrients has not yet been
publicized. However, the science behind glyconutrients' ability to give the body
the correct nutrition for the body to heal itself via the production of stem
cells, and improvement of cell-to-cell communication is extremely impressive. For
example, the study of glycobiology has yielded over 20,000 clinical and scientific
research publications from reputable universities, hospitals and research
facilities. Information about glycobiology appeared in major publications like
Science, and Scientific American, and has even appeared on major television
programming such as Good Morning America. Technology Review published by MIT
states that glycomics (the study of glycobiology) is one of the emerging
technologies that will change the world. There is absolutely no shortage of
research validation that glycobiology is an emerging field of biological research
that will change the world as we know it.

So the link between glycobiology and glyconutrients is simple. Glycobiology states

that there are eight monosaccharides (biological sugars) that provide the code for
cells to communicate. The concept is simple, just as there are 26 letters in the
alphabet that allow for written communication, and four bases that allow for the
genetic code of DNA, there are eight sugars that allow cells to talk to one
another. If the cells do not communicate well, the tissues cannot function. And if
the tissues have a problem, the organs and organ systems do not work optimally,
and consequently health is compromised.

Even though the body can make all eight of these glyconutrients, the human body is
designed by nature (God) to get (salvage) these glyconutrients from the diet.
However, the problem in the U.S. is that processed foods and green-harvested
fruits and vegetables are devoid of the glyconutrients. In fact, the average
American diet only has two of these glyconutrients in it. When our society is
compared to less developed nations where people buy fruits and vegetables from the
corner market an interesting story develops. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), the U.S. is ranked number one in the world in emergency
medical care, and number 37 in the world in chronic debilitating diseases. This
opens the discussion as to whether this sad report about the health care in the
U.S. needs improvement.
It is a known fact that if the body is given the nutrition it needs, the body is
designed to heal itself. And science has shown that if you feed the body the
required glyconutrients, somehow the body knows to increase the number of stem
cells, which theoretically migrate to damaged tissue, differentiate, proliferate
by division, and repair the damaged tissue.

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