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GTHERI [maize and beans]

INGREDIENTS: gtheri ka nyama/gtheri with meat | serves 6

3 cups red beans 3 cups soft maize grains 0.5 kg chicken/beef 3 bunches of sukumawiki [kale]/terere [wild greens]/spinach 2 large onions 3 carrots 1 chilli 2 cubes bouillon 2 bunches fresh coriander

If you are using dry beans, soak them overnight to soften them. Boil the beans in 6 cups of water until the water is drained. Drain any water that is left otherwise the dish will have an unpleasantly dark colour. Chop the meat into small pieces/cubes. Wash and chop the greens into small pieces. Wash and grate the carrots / chop into quarters. Wash and chop the chilli into small pieces. Wash and chop the onions into rings. If you are using tinned maize, wash before cooking it.

Fry the onions and coriander in a little oil and salt for 2 minutes in a saucepan, Add the meat, cover the saucepan and cook for 5-8 minutes until tender Add the chilli, carrots and the beans, stir well and fry for another 5-8minutes until the beans are cooked; add salt as required. Put in the maize and greens, stir thoroughly cover the pot and let the mixture cook for 3-4 minutes. Serve hot.

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