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Myelodisplasia Syndrome in Dr.

Kariadi Hospital Semarang 2007 2011 Domiko Widyanto and Bambang Sudarmanto Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, Diponegoro University/Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang Indonesia

ABSTRACT Background: Myelodisplasia Syndrome (MDS) is a stem cell malignancies that can lead to a dysplasia and lack of effective of hematopoesis disorder, which is closely related to the occurrence of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. This disorder is more common in males, with symptoms of fever, fatigue, weakness, splenomegaly, signs of spontaneous bleeding like petechie, ecchymoses or hemoptysis and haematological abnormality such as microcytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia and hiperseluler of the Bone Marrow Puncture (BMP). Objectives: To determine the clinical manifestations and outcomes of MDS. Methods: A retrospective study was taken in children hospitalized in Dr. Kariadi Hospital between January 2007 and December 2011. Results: There were 14 children who met the MDS criteria, 50% boys and 50% girls, with 57% aged less than 5 years, 86% good nutritional status. MDS with fever 71%, spontaneous bleeding 43%: petechie 21%, organomegaly 78% consist of hepatosplenomegaly 73%, hepatomegaly 18%, splenomegaly 9%. Anemia was found in 78.5% of children, leukopenia 35.7%, thrombocytopenia 85.7%. The first BMP showed MDS in 13 children (93%) and the following BMP showed that 8 children develop to ALL, 1 children to AML and 2 children remain as MDS. Conclusion: Most of clinical finding, laboratory, including BMP showed 93% diagnosed as Myelodysplasia Syndrome. Only one child developed AML, 61.5% became ALL. Keywords: Myelodisplasia Syndrome, AML.

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