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Course: Research Methodology

Assignment: Analyze the main characteristics of an appropriate research problem

Presented by: AbdiQadir Buureed
Characteristics of a Research Problem 1

The selection of an appropriate problem is the first step in research. The term Problem means a question or issue raised to examine or address for consideration or solution . The selection of a problem for research is not an easy task; itself is a problem. Ignore, Talk about, or try to solve them. Vision, an imaginative insight, plays an important role in this process.
Characteristics of a Research Problem 2

One of the most difficult phases of any research project is the identification of a appropriate research problem. Research forms a cycle. It starts with a problem and ends with a solution to the problem. The research problem is therefore the axis which the whole research revolves around, because it explains in short the aim of the research.

Characteristics of a Research Problem

Problem can be anything which disturbing our minds, our intention, social aspects and so on OR problem can be defined as something deviates from the norm or issue to be address. In research when we talk about problem is a something which is frequently happening not just at once, for example, why students always perform poorly?, then you starting conducting a research.
Characteristics of a Research Problem 4

Conventional sense: a problem is a set of conditions needing discussion, a solution, and information. Technical meaning: implies the possibility of empirical investigation, that is, of data collection and analysis A problem statement is a description of a problem that needs to be solved or at least researched to see whether a solution can be found. It should provide the reader with the context for the research study and gives the questions which the research aims to answer.
Characteristics of a Research Problem 5

Mouly (1978) defined research as process of arriving at effective solutions to problems through systematic collection, analysis and interpretation of data. In the Research Process: Steps 1. Research Problem 2. Literature Review 3. Research Design 4. Collection of Data 5. Analysis & Interpretation 6. Research Report Problems should have in general Theoretical, Conceptual, Contextual justifications.
Characteristics of a Research Problem 6

Research originates from a need that arises

What caused the need to do the research (problem identification). Are there questions about this problem to which answers have not been found up to the present? PROBLEM and the PURPOSE The problem is the aspect the researcher worries about, think about, wants to find a solution for. The purpose is to solve the problem, i.e. find answers to the question(s).

Characteristics of a Research Problem

Research Problems
It is a problem that someone would like to investigate. It is considered a situation that needs to be changed or addressed. These problems consist of: Areas of concern Conditions to be improved Difficulties to be eliminated Questions seeking answers
Characteristics of a Research Problem 8

What constitutes a problem situation in research?

An interrogation Std Vs Academic program An issue of concern Unanswered questions Neg. Att Math& GB Missing links Voc Vs Ed Syst Imbalances Arts Vs Science Unsatisfactory state of affairs Technological change
Characteristics of a Research Problem 9

Ways of stating
1. Problem Statement: General overview with just information about the scope and purpose of the study to provide an initial understanding of the research. 2. Research Objectives and/or Questions: more specific focused statements and questions that communicate in greater detail the nature of the study.

Characteristics of a Research Problem


Steps in research problems

1. Identify a broad topic 2. Identify a narrow topic within the broad topic 3. Raise questions 4. Formulate objectives

Characteristics of a Research Problem


From Broad Topic to Narrow Topic

Unskilled Labor
Low Labor Productivity Unsuitable Climate Inefficient Water harvesting Inefficient Irrigation

Water Scarcity Food Insecurity Unsuitable Crops

Lack of crop varieties adapted to climate

Farming Patterns do not Return nutrients

Low Land Productivity

Farmers cant afford fertilizers

Poor Soil
Characteristics of a Research Problem

Farmers unaware of best practices

12 12

The identification of a good research problem should be considered a discovery in itself. As soon as the researcher identifies a research problem he has to ensure whether the research problem meets the appropriate Characteristics of research problem. The following are the main characteristics of an appropriate research problem.
Characteristics of a Research Problem 13

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Researchability Theoretically Important Originality Relevence Feasiblity Narrow Down Problem Interrogative Form Ethical Consideration
Characteristics of a Research Problem 14

1. Researchability
Observation or other data collection in the real world can provide the answer. It is not: (1) how to do something; (2) a vague or too broad a proposition; (3) a value-based concerns (not Info. Alone) ; (4) or inadequate procedures and techniques:
1. 2. 3. 4. Is democracy a good form of Govt.? Can crime be prevented? Should P.E Classes be dropped from curriculum? New Fiscal policy Vs Distributive justice
Characteristics of a Research Problem 15

Researchable vs. Non-researchable Questions

Characteristics of a Research Problem


2. Theoretical/Practical Significance
Research problems have varying levels of importance to different people in terms of their benefit. So a typical research problem should be important and worth investigating. why people buy different sizes of shoes? why people buy particular type of shoes

Characteristics of a Research Problem


3. Originality (Novelty)
There is no use of wasting ones time & energy on a problem already studied thoroughly by others. A researcher may come up with different views on the definitions of terms used in a previous work.

Characteristics of a Research Problem


4. Relevence
It is important to understand whether the findings of a research problem can be useful in terms of their relevance to the situation. For example it is unwise for a Business and Management student to design a research problem in a scientific topic such as human medicine. The problem can be seen that the researcher is in the dark and findings will be too far to be reliable. Ensure that your study adds to the existing body of Knowledge, bridges current gaps and is useful in policy formulation. This will help you to sustain interest in the study.
Characteristics of a Research Problem 19

5. Feasibility
Concerns the possibility of whether the research problem can be conducted in terms of the means, resources, cost and time to complete the study. For example to investigate whether there can be life in Mars. US, EU & China
Competencies: knowledge, experience, skills and ability availability and accessibility availability of adequate financial resources
Characteristics of a Research Problem 20

6. Narrow Down Problem

It should be specific researchable problem. A research problem that is too general increases the scope of the project, the relevant literature review that has to be covered, and time as well as the cost of the project. identify a specific problem area form the general problem that is well-defined, clear and practically manageable

Characteristics of a Research Problem


I want to research the effect of providing immediate feedback to university students!

Way too general and broad!

Characteristics of a Research Problem


I want to research the impact of providing immediate feedback via electronic responders in graduate classes!
Much Better!

Characteristics of a Research Problem


7. Interrogative Form
A research problem should set in an interrogative form use the 5Ws for instance, what is the relationship between family environment and student performance?

Characteristics of a Research Problem


8. Ethical Consideration
It is prudent practice to remain within the confines of acceptable ways of doing things. It is morally inappropriate to enter into the private lives of individuals. The respondents may not cooperate and refuse to take part or simply to give the right information in research projects that involve sensitive questions.
Characteristics of a Research Problem 25

It is important as much as possible to frame the research problem very carefully. Examples (Local Context)
IRR in Hargeisa, what tribe the participants of the research represent? DAI Similarly raised a question on Religion?

Characteristics of a Research Problem


In Summary!!!
Characteristics should reflect
S-Specific M-Measurable A-Attainable/Achievable R-Realistic T-Time Bounded

Characteristics of a Research Problem


As human beings, we are curious about the unknowns. We ask many questions and try to find out answers to them. However, not every question can become a research problem. A research problem has to indicate the possibility of empirical investigation--that is, of data collection and analysis.
Characteristics of a Research Problem 28

A research problem has to indicate the possibility of empirical investigation--that is, of data collection and analysis. In order to make your research problem appropriate, we need to follow some guidelines, which we discussed earlier in the above characteristics.

Characteristics of a Research Problem


Finally, you need to resolve the original problem by using the research you have done and referring back to the original problem as much as possible. What is important is to study the research problem while taking into account these characteristics and assessing whether the research problem meets these requirements.
Characteristics of a Research Problem 30

All of the above characteristics need to be applied to a good research problem to make it thorough and conclusive. Without these the research may fall apart, the problem may not appear to be fully solved or the general structure of the problem may not seem clear and consistent. Without a careful planning and study the research work may end up useless.
Characteristics of a Research Problem 31

Questions & Answers
Thanks for your attention!

Characteristics of a Research Problem


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