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23andMe Genetic Health Overview

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Jul 7, 2016

What this overview includes

This overview includes brief summaries of your 23andMe results for:
diseases for which you are at greater than average genetic risk,
inherited conditions for which you carry one or more genetic variants
(carrier status),
and drugs to which you may have an atypical response based on
These results are based on your genetic data and any sex and ancestry
information you have provided along with population-level risk data for
specified age ranges. They do not take into account non-genetic factors,
family history, or additional genetic factors that may influence these
conditions. Only results for genetic associations that are scientifically well
established are included. This overview does not provide details regarding
diseases for which you are at typical or lower than average genetic risk,
heritable diseases for which you aren't known to carry a variant, or drugs to
which you are likely to have a typical response. If you would like more
information on any of your 23andMe results, please go to that topic's
individual report page on our website at

Overview of Genetic Health

Lucien Engelen
Year of Birth: 1962
Disease risk results are
included in this overview only
if your risk based on genetics
is greater than 1%. Note that
certain conditions may have
genetic information applicable
only to specific populations.

Disease Risk

Your risk

Average risk

Type 2 Diabetes



Prostate Cancer



Venous Thromboembolism



Components of this test were

performed in a clinical laboratory
regulated under the Clinical
Laboratory Improvement
Amendments of 1988 (CLIA) to
perform high-complexity testing. The
data provided are intended for
informational and educational use
and are not for diagnostic use.

Restless Legs Syndrome



Exfoliation Glaucoma



26 conditions*

Typical or decreased risk

*All conditions tested are listed at the

end of the report. You may not have
data for every report.

Inherited Conditions


Hemochromatosis (HFE-related)

Variant Present

52 heritable conditions*

Variant Absent

Drug Response


Hepatitis C Treatment Response


Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Metabolism (CYP2C19related)


10 other drugs*


How to read your reports

Type 2 Diabetes
The most common type of diabetes, type 2 diabetes mellitus occurs when chronically high blood sugar levels
cause a breakdown of the body's natural response to eating sweets and starches. Left untreated, type 2
diabetes can result in kidney failure, blindness, and circulatory problems that increase the risk of heart attack
or stroke. In the United States, almost 21 million children and adults have diabetes, but the rate of new
diagnoses is increasing.

What is my risk based on?

Lucien's Genetic Risk



Lucien's risk of
developing Type 2
Diabetes between
the ages specified

Chance that the

average person will
develop Type 2


20 - 79


European ancestry
11 genetic markers
rs7903146 (TCF7L2), rs1801282 (PPARG),
rs5219 (KCNJ11), rs4402960 (IGF2BP2),
rs1111875 (HHEX), rs4712523 (CDKAL1),
rs13266634 (SLC30A8), rs10012946 (WFS1),
rs2383208 (CDKN2A/B), rs2237892 (KCNQ1),
rs1387153 (MTNR1B)

compared to

Understanding Your Results

The heritability of type 2 diabetes is estimated to be 26%. This means that environmental factors contribute
more to dierences in risk for this condition than genetic factors. Genetic factors that play a role in type 2
diabetes include both unknown factors and known factors such as the SNPs we describe here.
Environmental factors include obesity, gestational diabetes, giving birth to at least one baby weighing nine
pounds or more, high blood pressure, abnormal cholesterol levels, physical inactivity, polycystic ovarian
syndrome, other clinical conditions associated with insulin resistance, a history of impaired glucose tolerance
or impaired fasting glucose, and a history of cardiovascular disease.
View the full report online for links to resources, references, and more detailed genetic results and information.

Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is by far the most common cancer aecting men. (Women don't have prostate glands and
therefore cannot get prostate cancer, but can pass markers to their children.) About one in six men will
develop prostate cancer over their lifetimes, according to the American Cancer Society. Fortunately, most
prostate tumors grow slowly, and if detected early, treatment may help control their size. Until recently, the
only well-known risk factors for prostate cancer were age, ethnicity, and family history. Although advanced
age increases a person's risk for any type of cancer, the involvement of ethnicity and family history suggests
that there is a strong genetic component as well.

What is my risk based on?

Lucien's Genetic Risk



Lucien's risk of
Prostate Cancer
between the ages

Chance that the

average person will
develop Prostate


35 - 79


European ancestry
12 genetic markers
rs1447295 (8q24 (region 1)), rs6983267 (8q24
(region 3)), rs10505483 (8q24 (region 2)),
rs1859962 (17q24.3 region), rs4430796
(TCF2), rs10993994 (10q11.23), rs7127900
(11p15.5), rs8102476 (19q13.2), rs12621278
(ITGA6), rs17021918 (PDLIM5), rs10486567
(JAZF1), rs1512268 (8p21.2)

compared to

Understanding Your Results

The heritability of prostate cancer is estimated to be 42-57%. This means that genetic and environmental
factors contribute nearly equally to dierences in risk for this condition. (If you are a woman, you have no
chance of getting this type of cancer, but if you have sons, their risk may be aected by what they inherit
from you.) Genetic factors that play a role in prostate cancer include both unknown factors and known
factors such as the SNPs we describe. Other factors that can increase your risk include being older, having
African ancestry, or living in North America, Northwestern Europe, Australia, or the Caribbean islands. The
eect of nationality may be tied to diet, as a diet high in red meat and high-fat dairy products, and low in
fruits and vegetables, may also put you at increased risk.
View the full report online for links to resources, references, and more detailed genetic results and information.

Venous Thromboembolism
Venous thromboembolism (VTE) encompasses two related conditions. The first, deep vein thrombosis or
DVT, is the formation of a blood clot in a vein deep within the body, usually in the legs. The second,
pulmonary embolism (PE), occurs if the clot breaks free and travels through the circulatory system to the
lungs. DVT always precedes PE. It is estimated that about 250,000 people are hospitalized with venous
thromboembolism in the United States each year, but the incidence is probably much higher as many cases
go undiagnosed. Pulmonary embolism is potentially life threatening if prompt medical attention is not
received. Therefore, recognizing the symptoms of venous thromboembolism and avoiding risk factors is of
paramount importance.

What is my risk based on?

Lucien's Genetic Risk



Lucien's risk of
developing Venous
between the ages

Chance that the

average person will
develop Venous

0 - 79


European ancestry
3 genetic markers
rs6025 (F5), i3002432 (F2), rs505922 (ABO)


compared to

Understanding Your Results

The heritability of venous thromboembolism is estimated to be 55%. This means that genetics (including
unknown factors and known ones such as the SNPs we describe here) and environment play nearly equal
roles in this condition. There are a number of environmental factors of various strengths that contribute to
venous thromboembolism. Strong risk factors include hip or leg fractures, hip or knee replacement, major
surgery or trauma, and spinal cord injury or surgery. Moderate risk factors include arthroscopic knee surgery,
having central venous lines, congestive heart or respiratory failure, hormone replacement or oral
contraceptive use, cancer, pregnancy, paralytic stroke, previous venous thromboembolism, and
thrombophilia. Weak risk factors include bed rest for more than three days, immobility due to sitting (such as
a long car or plane trip), specific types of chemotherapy, increasing age, laparoscopic surgery, obesity, and
varicose veins.
View the full report online for links to resources, references, and more detailed genetic results and information.

Restless Legs Syndrome

Imagine what it would be like to crawl into bed every night, ready to catch some much-needed Zs, only to be
struck by an irrepressible urge to move your legs as soon as you began to relax. No matter how tired you
were, instead of drifting o peacefully, you would be compelled to get up and move around. It may sound
crazy, but this is exactly the situation people with restless legs syndrome (RLS) experience. Though the
symptoms in many people are milder, it is estimated that about 4% of the U.S. population suers from this
puzzling disorder.

What is my risk based on?

Lucien's Genetic Risk



Lucien's risk of
Restless Legs
Syndrome between
the ages specified

Chance that the

average person will
develop Restless
Legs Syndrome

0 - 79


European ancestry
1 genetic markers
rs3923809 (BTBD9)


compared to

Understanding Your Results

The heritability of restless legs syndrome is estimated to be 54%. This means that genetic and environmental
factors contribute nearly equally to dierences in risk for this condition. Genetic factors that play a role in
restless legs syndrome include both unknown factors and known factors such as the SNPs we describe
here. Environmental factors include pregnancy. Low iron levels, dialysis for end-stage renal disease, and
damage to the nerves of the hands and feet tend to worsen the condition.
View the full report online for links to resources, references, and more detailed genetic results and information.

Exfoliation Glaucoma
Glaucoma is one of the most common causes of blindness in the United States and globally, accounting for
about 12% of the world's cases. It is caused by a buildup of fluid pressure inside the eye, which eventually
damages the optic nerve and causes sight to deteriorate. Exfoliation glaucoma (sometimes called pseudoexfoliation glaucoma) is a subtype of the disease that often results from exfoliation syndrome, a disorder
which causes an accumulation of flaky, white material inside the eye that blocks fluid drainage. Exfoliation
syndrome aects about 10% of the population over 50, though some populations especially
Scandinavians have much higher rates of the condition.

What is my risk based on?

Lucien's Genetic Risk



Lucien's risk of
Glaucoma between
the ages specified

Chance that the

average person will
develop Exfoliation

40 - 79


European ancestry
1 genetic markers
rs2165241 (LOXL1)


compared to

Understanding Your Results

The heritability of exfoliation glaucoma has not been studied. However, the heritability of open-angle
glaucoma, a broad category of the disease that includes many cases of exfoliation glaucoma, has been
estimated to be 13%. This means that environmental factors contribute more to dierences in risk for this
condition than genetic factors. Environmental factors that may increase the risk for glaucoma include
diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, eye injury or disease and prolonged corticosteroid use.
View the full report online for links to resources, references, and more detailed genetic results and information.

Inherited Condition: Hemochromatosis (HFE-related)

Iron, an essential mineral, is absorbed via the intestines from food and is important for many bodily functions
including red blood cell formation and proper brain function. The iron absorption process must be tightly
regulated or else iron can accumulate in the body, possibly causing organ damage. Inherited forms of iron
overload, known as hereditary hemochromatosis (HH), are caused by mutations in genes that normally play
important roles in regulating iron levels. This report includes three mutations in the HFE gene that are
typically found in people with European ancestry and are responsible for most cases of HH. HFE-related HH
is inherited in a recessive manner, meaning that a person must receive a mutated copy of the HFE gene from
each parent to have the condition. In Europeans, roughly one in 300 individuals has HFE-related HH and at
least one in 10 carries a mutation for the condition. Rates are even higher in certain European populations
including Irish, Norwegian and Australian. HFE-related HH is much rarer in Asian and African populations.

Lucien's Genetic Results


Has one mutation in the HFE gene linked to hemochromatosis. A person with one of these
mutations is not typically prone to higher levels of iron in the body, but can pass the mutation to
ospring. May have other mutations in the HFE gene (not reported here).


DNA change

Lucien's genotype



C to G


Markers tested: 3

Variants detected: H63D

Coverage: Up to 90%

Understanding Your Results

Mutations in a number of genes can cause hereditary hemochromatosis (HH). The HFE gene is most often
linked to HH, and 23andMe reports data for the three most common HFE mutations C282Y, H63D, and
S65C. At least 17 additional mutations in the HFE gene (not reported here) have been linked to HH, but all of
them are very rare. Sixty to 90 percent of people with HH have two copies of the C282Y mutation and are
prone to higher levels of iron in the body, which in a small percentage of cases leads to clinical symptoms of
hemochromatosis such as liver disease and arthritis. Individuals with any other combination of these three
mutations usually do not develop clinical symptoms or typically have only a mild form of the condition (read
more in the technical report). Other genetic and non-genetic factors also influence whether someone with
one or more of these mutations goes on to develop hemochromatosis. Keep in mind that it is possible to
have another mutation that causes this condition that is not included in this report.
What You Can Do
This is not a diagnostic test. If you are considering having children, consult with a healthcare provider
about confirming your result especially if you have a family history of this condition. Likewise, consider
genetic testing for your partner to help assess a childs risk for this condition.
Genetic conditions run in families. Sharing this information with family members might be useful to help
them better understand their own risk of having a child with this condition.
Find more information and resources.
If you have questions about what your results mean for you or your family, consider speaking with a
genetic counselor. Genetic counselors help people understand genetic disorders and genetic test results.
Learn more about genetic counseling here.
View the full report online for links to resources, references, and more detailed genetic results and information.

Drug response: Hepatitis C Treatment Response

Unlike the flu virus, which the body is generally able to fight o completely, infection with the hepatitis C virus
is often chronic. That means for most of the three to four million people worldwide who are newly infected
each year the virus will persist in the liver, where it greatly increases risk for diseases including cirrhosis and
cancer. Even with the approval of new therapies, the current treatments still require six to nearly twelve
months of drug regimes and they often cause severe side-eects. Worse yet, the treatments still fail in over
25-40% of patients. In addition to several non-genetic factors that can impact treatment success, recent
research has shown that DNA variations in and around the IL28B gene are associated with reduced chances
of responding to certain hepatitis C treatments.

Lucien's Genetic Results


Moderately lower odds of responding to PEG-IFN-alpha and RBV combination treatment for
hepatitis C.

Lucien's Genotype



Markers tested: 1

Understanding Your Results

23andMe reports data for a SNP that has been shown to be associated with reduced odds of responding to
peginterferon alpha (PEG-IFN-alpha) and ribavirin (RBV) combination treatment for hepatitis C. Other genetic
and non-genetic factors also play a part in determining whether an individual will respond to treatment with
this drug combination.
What You Can Do
This is not a diagnostic test. If this medication is prescribed for you and your results show that you have a
gene variant that may aect how you respond to it, consult with a healthcare provider about confirming
the result or taking appropriate next steps.
Only a healthcare provider can determine if this treatment is right for you. Do not use the information in
this report on its own to stop, start, or make any changes to any current treatment without first consulting
a healthcare provider.
Find more information and resources.
View the full report online for links to resources, references, and more detailed genetic results and information.

Drug response: Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Metabolism (CYP2C19-related)

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are drugs that limit the production of stomach acid. They are used to treat
gastrointestinal conditions like ulcers, acid reflux disease, and infection by a common type of stomach
bacteria called H. pylori. The ability of PPIs to reduce stomach acid production depends not only on factors
like age, body weight, diet, kidney and liver function and other medications, but also on genetics. The
CYP2C19 gene encodes an enzyme that metabolizes PPIs. Certain variants in this gene result in an enzyme
that metabolizes PPIs rapidly, which can decrease a PPI's eectiveness at standard doses. People with
these variants may need dierent doses to eectively reduce stomach acid production. PPIs are sold under
many names, but three that are most influenced by CYP2C19 genetics are omeprazole (Prilosec),
lansoprazole (Prevacid), and pantoprazole (Protonix).

Lucien's Genetic Results


Likely an ultrarapid or rapid metabolizer. Someone with this genotype typically metabolizes
certain PPIs at a rapid rate. Although the standard dose is usually eective, some people with this
genotype may benefit from a dierent dose, especially if being treated for H. pylori infection. If
you are taking a PPI and your symptoms do not improve, consider talking to your doctor.


DNA change

Lucien's genotype



G to A




G to A




A to G




T to C




C to T


Markers tested: 5

Genotype combination: Likely an ultrarapid metabolizer (CYP2C19

*17/*17). Likely to metabolize certain PPIs at
a rapid rate. Standard doses are usually
eective, but some people with this genotype
may benefit from a dierent dose, especially
for treating H. pylori infections. If you are
taking a PPI and your symptoms do not
improve, consider talking to your doctor. *17

Understanding Your Results

This report includes five genetic variants in a gene called CYP2C19, which influences how rapidly PPIs are
metabolized by the body. Four of the variants (*2, *3, *4, and *8) are associated with slow metabolism, and
the other variant (*17) is associated with rapid metabolism. People who do not have any of these five variants
are most likely to have *1, the most common version of of the CYP2C19 gene, which is also associated with
rapid PPI metabolism. It is still possible to have other very rare genetic variants not included in this report
that may aect PPI metabolism.
According to guidelines from the Dutch Pharmacogenetics Working Group and additional studies, standard
PPI doses may not be eective for some people with the rapid-metabolizer genotypes. People with these

genotypes may benefit from a dierent dose, especially when treating H. pylori infections.
Not all PPIs are metabolized equally by the CYP2C19 enzyme. Omeprazole (Prilosec), lansoprazole
(Prevacid), and pantoprazole (Protonix) are more dependent on CYP2C19 metabolism than others such
as rabeprazole (AcipHex) and esomeprazole (Nexium).
In addition to genetic factors like CYP2C19, non-genetic factors like body weight, age, kidney and liver
function, and the use of other drugs also play a role in response to PPIs.
What You Can Do
This is not a diagnostic test. If this medication is prescribed for you and your results show that you have a
gene variant that may aect how you respond to it, consult with a healthcare provider about confirming
the result or taking appropriate next steps.
Only a healthcare provider can determine if this treatment is right for you. Do not use the information in
this report on its own to stop, start, or make any changes to any current treatment without first consulting
a healthcare provider.
Find more information and resources.
View the full report online for links to resources, references, and more detailed genetic results and information.

Lucien Engelen's results for all conditions tested by 23andMe

Conditions and diseases tested by 23andMe: This list may change as new genetic associations are
discovered and reported. Please visit our website at to view the most upto-date list of conditions tested by 23andMe.
About Risk Estimates:
23andMe reports results as
genotype-specific incidence, which is
an estimate of how many individuals
in a population composed of people
with a customer's genotype are
expected to be diagnosed with a
condition given a specified ancestry
and age range. These estimates are
based on well-established genetic
associations reported in the
biomedical literature and do not
account for non-genetic factors,
family history, or additional genetic
factors that may modify a customer's
risk. The genotype-specific incidence
estimate combines the odds for a
condition for a customer's genotypes
at a set of SNPs with data about
disease incidence. For more
information on how 23andMe
calculates these estimates, please
see our technical papers available at

Disease Risk (31)

Your risk


Type 2 Diabetes



Prostate Cancer



Venous Thromboembolism



Restless Legs Syndrome



Exfoliation Glaucoma



Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma




Stomach Cancer (Gastric Cardia




Atrial Fibrillation

Typical risk

Bipolar Disorder

Typical risk

Breast Cancer

Typical risk

Chronic Kidney Disease

Typical risk

Colorectal Cancer

Typical risk


Typical risk


Typical risk

Lung Cancer

Typical risk

Lupus (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus)

Typical risk


Typical risk

Scleroderma (Limited Cutaneous Type)

Typical risk

Age-related Macular Degeneration

Decreased risk

Alzheimer's Disease

Decreased risk

Celiac Disease

Decreased risk

Coronary Heart Disease

Decreased risk

About Inherited Conditions:

23andMe tests for specific genetic
variants that are strongly linked to a
number of inherited genetic
conditions. These variants are
typically the most common ones
linked to the condition. Certain
variants may be more common in
certain populations than others. The
absence of specific variants does not
rule out the possibility that a
customer may carry another variant
linked to the condition.

Crohn's Disease

Decreased risk


Decreased risk

Multiple Sclerosis

Decreased risk

Parkinson's Disease

Decreased risk

Primary Biliary Cirrhosis

Decreased risk


Decreased risk

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Decreased risk

Type 1 Diabetes

Decreased risk

Ulcerative Colitis

Decreased risk

Inherited Conditions (53)


Hemochromatosis (HFE-related)

Variant Present


Variant Absent

Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum with

Peripheral Neuropathy (ACCPN)

Variant Absent

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency

Variant Absent

Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney


Variant Absent

BRCA Cancer Mutations (Selected)

Variant Absent

Beta Thalassemia

Variant Absent

Bloom's Syndrome

Variant Absent

Canavan Disease

Variant Absent

Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation Type

1a (PMM2-CDG)

Variant Absent

Connexin 26-Related Sensorineural

Hearing Loss

Variant Absent

Cystic Fibrosis

Variant Absent

D-Bifunctional Protein Deficiency

Variant Absent

DPD Deficiency

Variant Absent

Dihydrolipoamide Dehydrogenase

Variant Absent

Factor XI Deficiency

Variant Absent

Familial Dysautonomia

Variant Absent

Familial Hypercholesterolemia Type B

Variant Absent

Familial Hyperinsulinism (ABCC8-related)

Variant Absent

Familial Mediterranean Fever

Variant Absent

Fanconi Anemia (FANCC-related)

Variant Absent

G6PD Deficiency

Variant Absent

GRACILE Syndrome

Variant Absent

Gaucher Disease

Variant Absent

Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1a

Variant Absent

Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1b

Variant Absent

Hereditary Fructose Intolerance

Variant Absent

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (MYBPC3


Variant Absent

Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa (LAMB3related)

Variant Absent

Leigh Syndrome, French Canadian Type


Variant Absent

Limb-girdle Muscular Dystrophy

Variant Absent

Maple Syrup Urine Disease Type 1B

Variant Absent

Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase

(MCAD) Deficiency

Variant Absent

Mucolipidosis IV

Variant Absent

Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (CLN5related)

Variant Absent

Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (PPT1related)

Variant Absent

Niemann-Pick Disease Type A

Variant Absent

Nijmegen Breakage Syndrome

Variant Absent

Pendred Syndrome

Variant Absent


Variant Absent

Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 2 (PH2)

Variant Absent

Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata

Type 1 (RCDP1)

Variant Absent

Salla Disease

Variant Absent

Sickle Cell Anemia

Variant Absent

Sjgren-Larsson Syndrome

Variant Absent

TTR-Related Cardiac Amyloidosis

Variant Absent

TTR-Related Familial Amyloid


Variant Absent

Tay-Sachs Disease

Variant Absent

Torsion Dystonia

Variant Absent

About Drug Response:

23andMe displays your possible
response to a number of drugs based
on genetic variants associated with
dierences in response. These may
be dierences in sensitivity, in the
likelihood or severity of side eects,
or dierences in disease risk tied to
use of a drug. Only a medical
professional can determine whether a
drug is right for a particular patient.
The information contained in this
report should not be used to
independently establish a drug
regimen, or abolish or adjust an
existing course of treatment.

Tyrosinemia Type I

Variant Absent

Usher Syndrome Type I (PCDH15-related)

Variant Absent

Usher Syndrome Type III

Variant Absent

Zellweger Syndrome Spectrum

Variant Absent

Drug Response (12)


Hepatitis C Treatment Response


Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Metabolism



Abacavir Hypersensitivity


Acetaldehyde Toxicity


Clopidogrel (Plavix) Ecacy (CYP2C19related)


Fluorouracil Toxicity


Oral Contraceptives, Hormone

Replacement Therapy and Risk of Venous

Not Applicable

Phenytoin Sensitivity (Epilepsy Drug)


Pseudocholinesterase Deficiency


Sulfonylurea Metabolism


Thiopurine Methyltransferase Activity

Likely Typical (Normal


Warfarin (Coumadin) Sensitivity


Type 2 Diabetes
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Restless Legs Syndrome

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Exfoliation Glaucoma
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Hepatitis C Treatment Response

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Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) Metabolism (CYP2C19-related)

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