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Abstract In running his activity all worker in NPI company two production division, that is MMD division and

MAD division still often the accident of experiencing moment execute his work in this division. This matter causing level of office hours disappearing and bothering production activity which in running company. In expected with applying of FMEA methode can know espesial cause factor accindent and conducting some assesment risk in effort lissening of accident and the recurring preventing of returning accident which experinced all worker in production division. Result of which in obtaining throught check sheet tabulation and pareto diagram that knowing accident level happened in NPI company production division 4 years during range of time is as much 50 accident. Work station owning accident level highest is injection work station that is as much 19 accident or 34,8 from entrie accident totalizeing, and the work station which owning accident lowest level is work station finishing that is as much 1 accident or 1,8% from entrie accident totalizeing. Result of which in obtaining throught indentifying FMEA and cause effect diagram that is especial cause factor of accident hight mount accident that happened in injection work station is caused by human factor being that is fatique of work with RPN value highest equal to 96. Keywords : Cause Effect Diagram, Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)

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