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Motion (n.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. the action or process of moving or of changing place or position; movement. power of movement, as of a living body. the manner of moving the body in walking; gait. a bodily movement or change of posture; gesture. a formal proposal, esp. one made to a deliberative assembly. Category: Government 6. an application made to a court or judge for an order, ruling, or the like. Category: Law 7. an inward prompting or impulse; inclination. 8. melodic progression from one pitch to another. Category: Music and Dance 9. Mach. a piece of mechanism with a particular action or function. the action of such a mechanism. Category: Machinery 10. in motion, in active operation; moving. Category: Idiom 11. (v.t.)to direct by a significant motion or gesture, as with the hand. 12. (v.i.)to make a meaningful motion, as with the hand

The windlass is a means of converting motion to linear motion Body Motion

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