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Wednesday, November 7 By failing to associate [his] ultimate ends with any secular meansbe it a church, a political party, or the

universityAdorno effectively crossed the imaginary line from criticism to nihilism Steve Fuller 1. Paper #3 is now due next Wednesday by 11:59 p.m. If you are finished with it by this evening, by all means email it to me. Or, take another week to revise it into a stronger, more effective piece. 2. Song Analysis: Aleeya 3. In groups of 3, take about 7 minutes to come up with some points for clarification/analysis for Arolas Tyranny of Authenticity. This is a difficult article with some subtle writing and connections to many difficult texts. So, as a group ask at least 1 2 questions to help your section make sense. (For a starting point, I suggest you look at the red highlights and text boxes in your section). a. Group 1: Im More Punk Than You p. 3 6. b. Group 2: Sovereignty of Individual p. 6-8. c. Group 3: Impossibility of being alone p. 8-11. d. Group 4: This Whole is false p. 11 13. e. Group 5: This Whole is false p. 13 16. 4. Monday songs: Class War / Dils; Cops are Punks / The Nails; Breakdown / The Buzzcocks: Jack F. 5. Remember to bring a draft of your final project to class next Monday and Wednesday. Rest of today devoted to final projects.

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