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GRADUATE CREDIT COURSE GUIDELINES AND DESCRIPTION Course Title Sponsoring Agency Nspire Technology to Enhance Instruction DoDDS-E

District Offices Lourdes Alonso Mediterranean District Dana Jackson, Isles District Jenna Mauriello Kaiserslautern District Patti McNaughton, Bavaria District Joy Schiele Heidelberg District High School Mathematics teachers in DoDDS-E 1.0 December 3, 2012- March 22, 2013 Online Delivery Model Various Locations University of San Diego: $60 Ashland University: $60 University of San Diego: 764C Ashland University: 13/GW 6270 M1 Course Guidelines A. Registration: To register for the course the participants must submit an online registration form located at: University of San Diego: Ashland University: The registration deadline is 13 December 2012. B. Description:
Participants will establish a basic understanding the Ti-Nspire CX Handheld that can be used directly with students to enhance the educational experience. An emphasis will be placed on pedagogy and the implementation of effective and appropriate use of the Ti-Nspire CX Handheld in an interactive mathematics classroom.


Audience Semester Hours Course Dates Course Meeting Times Location Tuition Course Codes

C. Outcomes: Participants will:

Become familiar with the features of the Ti-Nspire CX Handheld. Understand the power and potential of the Ti-Nspire CX Handheld's key Plan and execute a classroom lesson using this the Ti-Nspire CX Handheld. Support peers and build a professional learning community of math educators.
mathematical and pedagogical features.

D. Requirements: Participants will complete required tutorials on the eportalnow site, respond to discussion questions, provide feedback in the blog, plan and implement a lesson using the TI-Nspire CX Handheld, analyze results of the lesson, and write a final reflection at the end of the course. E. Course Schedule:

F. Final Reflection Paper: The final assignment for this course is 2-4 page reflection paper about your experiences with Ti-Nspire CX Handheld. Be sure to address the follow points in your paper: 1. Describe your lesson and implementation experience. What aspects were the most beneficial to your students and to you? Why? What aspects were most challenging? Why? 2. To what extent do you believe your use of the Ti-Nspire CX Handheld in your classroom has increased student understanding of the math content youve taught? Please explain. Papers should be typed in 12-point Arial or Times New Roman font, and include a coversheet with your full name, course title, and date of submission.

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