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Egyptian Gods Anubis

The God of Death and Mummification

Depicted as a man with the head of a Jackal As the 'Conductor of Souls' Anubis sits in the 'Hall of Truths' where he weighs the hearts of the dead to judge if they should pass into the Underworld. Anubis also presided over many funerary rites.

The God of the Sky

Depicted as a man with a Falcon's head Son of Isis and Osiris. He avenged his father's death at the hands of Seth. In the battle Horus lost his left eye - 'The Eye of Horus' is considered as a powerful charm among Egyptians.

The God of Motherhood

Depicted as a tall woman, usually on a throne. Wife of Osiris and mother of Horus. She found and reassembled the body of Osiris after his murder. She is regarded as the mother and Protector of all the Pharaohs.

The God of Creation

Depicted as a man with the head of a Ram Khnum, God of Creation, is said to have created children on a potter's wheel and implanted them into their mothers. He is also said to control the flow of the river Nile.

The God of the Underworld

Depicted as a man dressed as a mummy with green skin Osiris represents the Underworld and Resurrection. He was murdered by his brother Seth who tricked him into a coffin before throwing it deep into the Nile. Osiris was resurrected as one of the great gods of Egypt.

The God of Chaos

Depicted as a man with the head of an unknown creature Brother of Osiris (whom he murdered) - he was one of the supreme deities until his war with Osiris's son; Horus. He was either killed or punished by the Council of the Gods.

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