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Sheppard Resigns

October 22, 1999 Dear Brethren associated with The Restored Church of God, I am Bill Sheppard. Many of you will recognize my name from the tape program, and the website, that Tim Mobley and I set up, a year or so ago. My wife Leah, and I produced, and mailed to you sermons by Dave Pack, for approximately 10 months. Many of you asked about us at The Feast. We sure appreciate that, and wish we could have met all of you. I, along with six out of ten (a total of seven) office staff members that have quit since the first of July '99, have removed my family as members of The Restored Church of God. I have taken this action due to the massive inconsistencies, total confusion (far beyond that of starting up a corporation) and double mindedness. In 1 Cor. 14:33 Paul says, "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace,". James 1:8 says, "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." I had great hope and expectations at the onset of the Restored Church of God. I believed it would be the final gathering, under the umbrella of truth, and right conduct. Now, I see it as only the further scattering of God's people prophesied in Dan:12:7. I am sorry for any problems I may have caused you, or your family in this past year. Sincerely, Bill Sheppard 3065 Cleveland - Massillon Rd. Norton, Ohio 44203 (330) 825-3061 [Information Page] [Home]

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2/25/2012 10:23 AM

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