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Name Anjali Sehrawat Sriprakash Vandana mishra

Roll no PG20112235 PG20112085 PG20111031


Market research Q.1. What would you prefer when you are thirsty (except water)? a) b) c) d) Soft drinks Fruit juices Lemonade Energy drinks

Q.2. What taste or flavour do you like the most? a) b) c) d) Mango Orange Lemon Others (if option d attempt Q.3 otherwise go to Q.4)

Q.3. Any other flavour you like Q.4. What type of packaging do you prefer? a) b) c) d) Glass Tetra pack Pet bottles Doesnt matter

Q.5. Which brand of fruit juices do you prefer (rate according to your preference in numeric)? a) b) c) d) e) Frooti Real juices Minute maid Tropicana Maaza

Q.6. Rate Frooti on the basis of given factorsa) b) c) d) e) Taste Sugar Flavour Packaging Advertisement

Q.7. How often do you consume frooti in a week? a) Once b) More than once c) Occasionally

Q.8. Do you prefer Frooti during parties and outings? a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes with other drinks Q.9. Frooti is a nutritional drinka) b) c) d) e) Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree

Q.10. From where do you buy Frooti usually? a) b) c) d) Retail store General store Super market Mall

Q.11. According to you Frooti is a drink for which age group? a) b) c) d) Kids Teenagers Adult For all of them

Q.12. Do you like advertisement of frooti? a) Yes b) No Q.13. Do you think Parle Agro should opt for celebrities endorsement for Frooti? a) Yes b) No c) May be Q.14. Should Frooti come up with new flavours? a) Yes b) No c) May be Q.15. do you think Frooti is made out of real mangoes or is it flavoured drink? a) Yes b) No c) Cant say

Details of respondents Name- GenderAgea) Male a) below 20 b) 20-30 c) 30-40 d) 40 and above Contact Number +91. a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) >4 b) Female

No of family numbers(self included)

Code Book for Responses Variable name

Question 1 (Preference for thirst)

1)Soft drinks 2) Fruit juices 3) Lemonade 4) Energy drinks 9) missing 1) Mango 2) Orange 3) Lemon 4)Others 9)missing 1) Glass 2)Tetra pack 3) Pet Bottles 9) missing 1)frooti 2) Real juice 3) Minute maid 4)Tropicana 5) Mazaa 9) missing 1) Taste 2) Sugar 3) Flavour 4) Packaging 5) Advertisement 9) Missing 1)once 2)more than once 3)Occasionally 9)missing 1) Yes 2) No 3) Sometimes with other drinks 9) Missing 1) Strongly agree 2) agree 3) neutral 4) disagree 5) strongly disagree 9)missing 1) retail outlet 2) general store 3)super market 4) Mall 9)missing 1) kids 2) teenagers 3) adult 4) for all of them 9) missing 1) yes 2) no 9) missing 1) yes 2) no 3) may be 9) missing 1) yes 2) no 3) may be 9) missing 1) yes 2) no 9) missing

Question 2 (Flavour)

Question 4 ( Packaging) Question 5 (Brand preference) Question 6 (Frootis Preference) Question 7 (Frooti Consumption) Question 8 (party preference) Question 9 (Nutritional drink) Question 10 (buying location) Question 11 (Age Group) Question 12 (advertisement likeness) Question 13 (celebrity endorsement) Question 14 (new flavour) Question 15 (real mango content)

Name Gender Age

1) male 2) female 9) missing 1)below 20 2)20-30 3) 30-40 4) 40 and above 9) missing

Contact number No of family members

1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) > 4 9) missing

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