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EDUC 6331 Administrative Internship Overview Table of Projects Students Name: Erika Rodriguez Area of Concern Additional resources

are needed such as Elmos, itouches, tablets, NOOK eReaders, cameras, headphones and more computers. Needs Assessment -Campus Improvement Team reports that faculty members need these materials to aid with instruction. Technology integration is also a large district focus and is now being linked to PDAS appraisals. Teachers are willing to find ways to use the technology to enhance instruction if the devices are provided. - Search online for grants and opportunities to receive funding. No PTA at our school and there is no extra money in Project 1 Title: Resource Allocation Projects Action Plan -PLAN: Found the nonprofit organization www.donorschoose .org which allows teachers to post projects that they would like funded. They advertise to bring people to the site to donate money to the projects and get them fully funded. Teachers simply create a project and shop through their affiliated vendors for the supplies and tools they need to make the project a reality. The vendors carry everything from 1 Evaluation Competency addressed

-Reflect on the C 008 number of projects that are funded and resources that are allocated and what is still needed. -Teachers are compiling their thank you packages to ship to the generous donors for funding their projects. When creating the package, evidence of how the materials are being used is clearly evident. The staff is aware of who has received technology devices and collaboration is happening. The students are

the budget to purchase technology.

pencils to computers. The selection is quite impressive. In return the teacher must send thank you notes, photos, and documentation of the students completing the project they posted. The plan is to use this site to get as many resources funded as possible. Donors Choose is partnering with Chevron for the month of October and will fund projects up to $2,000 that have incorporated the S.T.E.M. skills in Harris county. I will conduct a staff development on how to use the site and assist teachers with setting up accounts 2

becoming tech experts and teaching other students how to use eReaders and tablets. Cameras and camcorders are being shared among the grade levels in order to document experiments and what was learned. Students are creating videos to explain concepts and teach those that watch it. Ideas between teachers are being shared of how to maximize instruction using the items. Additional projects are being created on the site in hopes of acquiring more materials. Chevron only funds one project per teacher, but other donors can go to the site and choose to fund

and creating projects to be funded. IMPLEMENTATIO N: I offered two staff development class on August 31, 2012 and September 4, 2012 at my school. 12 teachers attended and all left with an account and a project submitted for a type of technology. -MONITOR: Projects were set to begin getting funded on October 1, 2012. The first project was funded on October 3, 2012. Within one week all twelve projects were funded by Chevron! I received an email from a volunteer at Donors Choose on October 19th that additional funding 3

any project. Principals will continue to monitor the effectiveness of these materials through walk throughs and classroom visits. The principal is currently very excited and happy that this project has been so successful. Technology that is worth thousands of dollars has been donated to the school and our students are reaping the benefits.

was still available and they were in need of more projects, so to please spread the word. Funding from Chevron will end at the end of November. - I assisted ten additional teachers to set up accounts and create projects. As of November 7, 2012 seven of the ten have been fully funded. -November 16, 2012: Still waiting for remaining three projects to be funded before the end of the month deadline. -Teachers are working on thank you packages that must be shipped back.

Project 2 Title: Professional Learning Communities Rollout Area of Concern Ensuring that all students are learning through the collaboration of teachers and that results and data are guiding the process. Needs Assessment Campus Improvement Team reports that scores are lower in some grades in comparison to other grades on the same topic/skill. As a campus we need to vertically align our curriculum to allow everyone to work smarter, not harder. We want to increase collaboration across grade levels and not just within individual grade level teams. Projects Action Plan PLAN: Introduce and conduct the Professional Learning Communities Framework professional development for all staff members. Allow the use of PLCs to guide curriculum and data conversations. IMPLEMENTATIO N: -November 14, 2012 Faculty Meeting Establish Group Norms: 1. Bring something to the table regardless- of your experiences 2. One person 5 Evaluation CURRENT EVALUATION: First round benchmarks were administered at the end of October. The scores will be compared to the second round of benchmark scores that will be administered in December before Winter Break. It is still very early in the process, but there may be some trends that can be identified. Teachers are also providing feedback in grade level teams and relaying it to administration. Constant discussions are occurring to make Competency addressed C 004 C 005 C 006

shares at a time-be focused and stay on topic 3. You are the voice for your grade level team! Introduce vertical team groups. Each group will have at least one member from each grade level including Fine Arts and Special Education. Each group will be given 3 questions to give detailed grade level responses to. 1. How does your team manage meetings? What is discussed, and when and how often do you meet? 2. How is rigor and relevance 6

PLC a way of life. FINAL EVALUATION: Evaluate benchmark scores at the end of the year to analyze any trends after PLCs have been fully instituted. Compare it to last years data to see how PLCs made a difference and an impact on learning. Staff survey to determine strengths of our staff as a PLC and what are some areas to improve upon. Get insight on how they felt it worked.

being reflected in your lesson plans? How do you plan for it? 3. How do you use data to drive instruction? What has the impact been on instruction? How do you analyze it? The questions are based on topics that team leaders expressed an interest in. Answer questions in groups and then be ready to share out two Ahas to the entire faculty. Turn in responses to administrators. Homework: Read article A Vertical Approach to Math Instruction by Linda Gojak before next 7

meeting to discuss in Vertical Content Groups. MONITOR: -2nd Faculty Meeting November 28, 2012 This meeting will allow staff members to be divided by the four content areas (Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science). Each content area will have a representative from every grade level. The curriculum will be reviewed to see how it progresses from grade to grade on one specific topic. For example, in math what does addition look like in kindergarten in comparison to second grade? How does the 8

concept scaffold up from K to 5? Discussions will consist of what strategies are being used to teach specific skills, what common vocabulary is needed, and what types of interventions can be used when students do not comprehend the concept. 3rd Faculty Meeting December 11, 2012 Continuation of 2nd meeting, but with a different topic. Continue to focus on how to better align curriculum in all grades to allow students to master the concept easier. A grade level team will provide snacks and refreshments for each meeting. 9

11/14-2nd grade 11/28- 5th grade 12/11- 3rd grade


Project 3 Title: Spring School Carnival (First Annual) Area of Concern Lack of parental and community involvement with school. Needs Assessment Campus Improvement Team reports that parent involvement is low. Parents are not on campus and do not participate in many events. This event will serve as a way to attract parents and community members to the school and bring them in to volunteer for other activities and projects. Projects Action Plan PLAN: Plan a spring carnival to bring the community together and also fundraise money for the school. IMPLEMENTATIO N: A committee has been created consisting of the principal, CIS worker, counselor, several teachers that have volunteered, and myself. The date of the carnival has been set for March 23, 2012. MONITOR: October- Meet has a committee to finalize date and shares dates of 11 Evaluation Evaluate success of carnival and number of parents and community members that participate. How many parents volunteered their time at carnival and for future events? How much profit was made? How many out of pocket expenses did we pay out? What was donated? Were the profits (both parental Competency addressed C 002

other fall carnivals to attend to get ideas of what we would like ours to look like. NovemberCommittee meeting to discuss what we saw at other carnivals and brainstorm a list of ideas to include at our carnival. December- Meet with principals to finalize all booths for carnival and begin to acquire donations and items needed to have a successful carnival. Also discuss how money earned will be allocated. Will grade level booths be allowed to keep the profits they make or will it all go to the general school activity fund? January- Continue 12

involvement and money) worth the effort and preparation? Survey staff, parents, and students to get their thoughts and ideas on what they liked and what they would like to see changed for next year. Compare results to next school years carnival to gain a better perspective.

securing donations for carnival and reserving businesses to stop by and have a booth. Discuss with grade level teams what their booths will consist of. February- Begin advertisement of carnival and finalize any last minute needed donations or items. March- finalize details and advertise as much as possible.


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