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Choosing a Code

The meaning of choosing a code Wardhaugh (1986), The term of code refers to language or any system that two or more people use to communicate. Thus choosing a code is a situation which peoples communicate with others by choosing their appropriate system or language. In general, when you open your mouth, you must choose a particular language dialect, style, register, or variety, that is a particular code. The neutral term code can be used to refer any kind of system that two or more people employ for communication. It can actually be used for system, used by a single person, as when someone devices a private code to protect certain secrets. The meaning of Diglossia Diglossia refers to a situation in which two dialects or languages are used by a single language community. In addition to the community's everyday or vermacular language variety. A second, highly codified variety is used in certain situations such as literature, formal education, or other specific settings, but not used for ordinary conversation. Digolssia is relatively stable language situation in which in addition to the primary dialects of the language. Some instances of contact between language with different prestige levels have resulted in diglossia, a phenomenon in which community uses a high prestige language or dialect in certain situation usually for newspaper, literature, on university campuses, for religious ceremonies, and on television and also the radio, but uses a low prestige language or dialect for other situations, often in conversation in home or in letters, comic strips, and in popular culture. A key defining characteristics of diglossia is that two varieties are kept quite apart in their functions, on is used in one set of circumstances and the other in an entirely different set. Diglossic Situation Exists in a speech community where two codes perform two separate sets of functions Superposed variety (H) OR HIGH Other varieties - dialects (L) OR LOW Examples: Arabic (H) and colloquial Arabic (L) Standard German (H) and Swiss German (L) Standard French (H) and Haitian Creole (L)

The meaning of Bilingualism Bilingualism is a sociolinguistic phenomenon that has received much scholarly attention, not only because of its importance in communication , but also because of political geographic considerations that have led many sociologist to brand some languages as major and other as minor in multi-linguistics setting. It is a process, to understand the process of bilingualism, it should first be understood that human beings inherit the ability to speak, thought they do not inherit the ability to speak a particular language. It can occurs because of geographical proximity (marriage), historical factors, migration, religion, etc.

Type of Bilingualism

1. Coordinate Bilingualism

2. Compound Bilingualism

The person learns the languages in separate environments, and words of the two languages are kept separate with each word having its own specific meaning. Words and phrases in different languages are the same concepts. Example, chien and dog are two words in the same concepts for FrenchEnglish speakers. The person learners the two languages is the same contest where they are use currently, so that there is a fused representation of the language in the sign. Words and phrases in different language are the same concepts. That means than chien and dog are two words for the same concepts for a French-English speakers.

The meaning of Multilingualism. Multilingualism is the act of using or promoting the use of multiple languages either by an individual speaker or by a community of speakers. Its becoming a social phenomenon governed by the needs of globalization and cultural openness.

Types of Multilingualism :
1. Monolingual family in the same language environment but who believe in the importance of speaking another language. For example: Sania sending her child to a French immersion school despite no one in that family speaking French or living in France. 2. Monolingual Family in a different language environment A British family moving to live in Saudi Arabia for work season. 3. Bilingual Family in a same language environment A Spanish mother and an English father lives in England. One of the parents speak in a minority language while the other speaks the majority language, and both of the language is used at home. 4. A Spanish mother and Japanese father living and bringing up their children in Italy. Each parents speaks a language different to the majority language and the children are exposed at least to three languages.

DIGLOSSIA adalah keadaan satu bahasa yang relatif stabil, sebagai tambahan terhadap dialek primer dari bahasa (yang mungkin termasuk yang standar atau standar regional), terdapat sebuah varian bahasa yang sangat menyimpang terkodekan secara lebih diutamakan (sering secara tata bahasa lebih rumit), kendaraan bagi badan literatur tertulis yang besar dan dihormati, baik periode awal maupun pada masyarakat pengguna bahasa lain, yaitu yang dipelajari secara luas dalam pendidikan formal dan dipergunakan paling banyak untuk secara tertulis dan penggunaan percakapan resmi tapi tidak dipergunakan oleh sektor komunitas manapun untuk percakapan biasa. DIGLOSSIA is a state of relatively stable language, in addition to the primary dialects of the language (which may include a standard or regional standards), there is a very distorted variant coded language in a more preferred (often grammatically more complex), a vehicle for agencies literature written large and respected, both the initial period or at the public users of other languages, namely the widely studied in formal education and most widely used for in writing and use of official conversation but not used by any community sector for ordinary conversation.



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