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Name: jack Robertson Date: September 18, 2012 Period: 2 Assignment: Homo Sapien Sapiens Input Chart

Brain: Large brains using basic speech patterns to communicate.


Facial Characteristics: High, rounded skulls. Skulls identical to modern humans. Small teeth.

Shelter: Built shelters of earth and stone; lived in caves/ huts made with hide

Height: 4.5-6 feet tall

Tools: They attached thin blades to bone, antler, and stone to create a wide variety of tools. Tools for engraving and sculpting. They created needles to sew clothing. They made hooks and spears to catch fish. They invented the spear thrower and the bow and arrow. Used medicines and rituals to heal. Art cave paintings, dresses, tunics, beaded necklaces, and carvings. They had feelings about their world and created images to express feelings.

Diet: Learned how to fish and could hunt from a safe distance. Nomadic followed pack animals (horse, oxen)

Name: jack Robertson Date: September 18, 2012 Period: 2 Assignment: Homo Sapien Sapiens Input Chart

Use History Alive! Pages 22-23 to complete the following. Write complete sentences. Be thorough in your answers. Input Charts are the primary source for Unit Exams (30% HISTORY category) and they need to be used as a study guide. PROMPT 1.) Who created the first prehistoric cave paintings ever discovered? 2.) When did Homo Sapien Sapiens, the earliest member of our own group, live? 3.) Define land bridge. 4.) Why did Wise Humans survive? 5.) Describe Homo Sapien Sapiens tool making capabilities. 6.) Describe this hominids hunting capabilities. 7.) How did early modern humans record their lives? 8.) Describe the imagery of prehistoric artists. 9.) What are some conclusions about why early modern humans created art? 10.) Paraphrase the caption provided with the illustration on page 23. YOUR ANSWER The first group that started painting in caves was the homo sapien sapiens. Most scientist believe they originated in Africa but they spread to Europe, Asia, and Australia. They eventually got to north and south America. A land bridge is a piece of land connecting two continents. They survived because they had the ability to create better tools, shelter and clothing. There abilities to make tools were very good. They made tools for engraving and sculpting. They made needles to sew animal skins together and they made many more different tools. To hunt the made hooks and spears to hunt fish. They also invented the spear thrower and bow and arrow. They left records of there lives through the cave paintings. They also carved shapes out of clay, bone, flint and ivory. The prehistoric artists created a verity of pictures such as pictures of nature and animals they hunted. They also created imaginary animals Some conclusions of why they created the cave art was so they could express themselves also so they could teach children lastly some think it was for religious purposes. After the homo sapiens had enough food from hunting and they built shelter they had extra time to create art work that could express themselves.

Name: jack Robertson Date: September 18, 2012 Period: 2 Assignment: Homo Sapien Sapiens Input Chart

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