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// generated by Call of Duty, do not modify unbindall bind TAB "+scores" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind SPACE "+gostand"

bind ' "chatmodepublic" bind , "say You ^1MAD^7? Not big surprise." bind . "say ^3Sorry about that" bind 1 "weapnext" bind 2 "weapnext" bind 4 "+smoke" bind 5 "+actionslot 3" bind 6 "+actionslot 4" bind 7 "+actionslot 2" bind < "openScriptMenu modkeybind objectdrop" bind \ "chatmodepublic" bind ` "toggleconsole" bind A "+moveleft" bind B "mp_QuickMessage" bind C "+frag" bind D "+moveright" bind E "+activate" bind F "+leanright" bind G "openScriptMenu modkeybind weapondrop" bind H "say ^1JUGGER ^3ftw" bind I "say ^3Bite your pillows, I'm going ^6C4^3, dry." bind J "say deal with it." bind K "stoprecord" bind L "say ^6You just ate the ^3C4!" bind M "say ^5Fus Ro Dah!" bind N "+actionslot 1" bind O "record" bind P "say ^3Challenge ^6accepted!" bind Q "+leanleft" bind R "+reload" bind S "+back" bind U "say ^3My body is ^1ready." bind V "+melee" bind W "+forward" bind X "openScriptMenu modkeybind bandage" bind Y "say ^1JUGGER^3 ftl" bind Z "openScriptMenu modkeybind unjam" bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind 228 "chatmodeteam" bind PAUSE "toggle cl_paused" bind ALT "toggleprone" bind CTRL "+movedown" bind SHIFT "+breath_sprint" bind F1 "vote yes" bind F2 "say_team Tango down." bind F3 "pb_plist" bind F4 "say ^5INSERT WEAPON NAME HERE ^6HOOO!!!!!" bind F5 "say close, no cigar" bind F6 "say ^6P90 ^5HOO!!!!" bind F7 "say ^3Shake it don't ^1fake^3 it, it took our team 7 seconds to make it." bind F8 "say" bind F9 "say"

bind F12 "screenshotJPEG" bind KP_HOME "toggle cg_thirdpersonangle 340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0" bind KP_UPARROW "timescale 5.0" bind KP_PGUP "toggle cg_draw2D" bind KP_LEFTARROW "timescale 0.4" bind KP_5 "timescale 1" bind KP_RIGHTARROW "timescale 2.0" bind KP_END "toggle cg_thirdpersonangle 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 " bind KP_DOWNARROW "timescale 0.3" bind KP_PGDN "toggle cg_thirdperson" bind KP_ENTER "toggle g_compassShowEnemies" bind KP_INS "toggle cl_freezedemo" bind KP_DEL "toggle developer" bind KP_SLASH "quit" bind KP_MINUS "toggle cg_thirdpersonrange 1024 800 600 350 120" bind KP_PLUS "toggle cg_thirdpersonrange 120 350 600 800 1024" bind MOUSE1 "+attack" bind MOUSE2 "+toggleads_throw" bind MOUSE4 "+talk" bind MWHEELUP "+melee" seta ai_badPathSpam "0" seta ai_corpseCount "0" seta ai_debugAccuracy "0" seta ai_debugAnimDeltas "0" seta ai_debugCoverEntityNum "-6969" seta ai_debugCoverSelection "0" seta ai_debugFindPath "0" seta ai_debugMayMove "0" seta ai_debugMeleeAttackSpots "0" seta ai_debugThreat "0" seta ai_debugThreatSelection "0" seta ai_disableSpawn "0" seta ai_nocriticalsections "1" seta ai_noDodge "0" seta ai_playerFarAccuracy "0.1" seta ai_playerFarDamage "30" seta ai_playerFarRange "2000" seta ai_playerNearAccuracy "0" seta ai_playerNearDamage "200" seta ai_playerNearRange "800" seta ai_showBadPlaces "0" seta ai_ShowCanshootChecks "0" seta ai_showClaimedNode "0" seta ai_showDodge "0" seta ai_ShowFailedPaths "100" seta ai_showFriendlyChains "0" seta ai_showNearestNode "0" seta ai_showNodes "0" seta ai_showNodesDist "384" seta ai_showPaths "0" seta ai_showRegion "0" seta ai_showVisData "0" seta ai_showVisDataDist "1000" seta airlift_min_spec "0" seta angles "0" seta animated_trees_enabled "1"

seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta

animscriptent "-1" b_altHud "1" b_altHudFlags "6" b_anticheat "1" b_antilag "1" b_antiwarp "1" b_backupcvars "1" b_bannerlocation "128" b_banners "0" b_bannertime "0" b_brokenlogtimestamps "0" b_campaignFile "" b_chargetransfer "1" b_chatAlpha "0.33" b_chatFlags "1" b_chatsounds "0" b_cheatkicktime "-1" b_cheatlog "" b_cmdwarnings "1" b_cursefilter "" b_cursefilteraction "3" b_customVoiceChat "1" b_damagexp "0" b_debugfakebmodel "0" b_defaultbantime "300" b_defaultskills "" b_demo_autotimescale "1" b_demo_autotimescaleweapons "0" b_demo_dynamitecam "0" b_demo_dynamitecounter "0" b_demo_followxDistance "50" b_demo_followyDistance "0" b_demo_followzDistance "20" b_demo_freecamspeed "800" b_demo_grenadecam "0" b_demo_mortarcam "0" b_demo_nametags "0" b_demo_nopitch "1" b_demo_panzercam "0" b_demo_pitchturnspeed "140" b_demo_playersprites "1" b_demo_pvshint "0" b_demo_rollspeed "140" b_demo_teamonlymissilecam "0" b_demo_yawturnspeed "150" b_demorecord_statusline "470" b_descriptiveTextscale "0.8" b_distancefalloff "1" b_drawclock "1" b_drawPromotions "1" b_drawranks "1" b_drawRewards "1" b_drawspectatoralpha "1.0" b_drawspectatorteamflags "1" b_drawspeed "0" b_emptyscript "" b_ettv_flags "3" b_fireteamAlpha "1.0"

seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta

b_fireteamLatchedClass "0" b_floodMaxCommands "6" b_flushItems "0" b_goatsound "1" b_headshot "0" b_helmetprotection "1" b_hitsounds "1" b_hudYoffset "10.0" b_instagibDamage "400" b_intermissiontime "60" b_intreadypercent "75" b_lagometerAlpha "1.0" b_levels_battlesense "" b_levels_covertops "" b_levels_engineer "" b_levels_fieldops "" b_levels_lightweapons "" b_levels_medic "" b_levels_soldier "" b_locationJustify "0" b_locationMaxChars "25" b_locationMode "0" b_logbanners "1" b_logrealtimestamps "1" b_mapconfigdirectory "" b_mapscriptdirectory "" b_mapzoom "2.708854" b_match_warmupjoin "0" b_maxmortarpitch "0" b_moverscale "1.0" b_multiview "1" b_muzzleflash "0" b_noactivatelean "0" b_noskillupgrades "0" b_numPopups "-1" b_optimizePrediction "1" b_panzerhack "1" b_popupFadeTime "2500" b_popupStayTime "2000" b_popupTime "1000" b_predefineddemokeys "1" b_privatemessages "2" b_pronedelay "0" b_realHead "0" b_riflegrenades "1" b_semiAdminLevels "0" b_shoutcastpassword "" b_shove "80" b_shove_noz "1" b_shovesounds "1" b_showClientCmds "0" b_shrug "0" b_simpleItems "0" b_spectatorNames "1" b_speedinterval "200" b_speedunit "0" b_statsaver "1" b_stickycharge "1"

seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta

b_sv_hitsounds "1" b_textcolorfilter "" b_tjg_ghostfx "2" b_tjl_color "blue" b_tjl_draw "1" b_tjl_showmaxspeed "0" b_tjl_stepsize "0.5" b_tjl_stoponnomove "1" b_tracers "1" b_votetextscale "0.8" b_watermark "" b_watermarkAlpha "1" b_watermarkFadeAfter "0" b_watermarkFadeTime "0" b_weapaltReloads "1" b_wolfrof "0" b_xpstopwatch "0" bg_debugWeaponAnim "0" bg_debugWeaponState "0" bg_duck2prone_time "400" bg_fallDamageMaxHeight "350" bg_fallDamageMinHeight "140" bg_foliagesnd_fastinterval "500" bg_foliagesnd_maxspeed "180" bg_foliagesnd_minspeed "40" bg_foliagesnd_resetinterval "500" bg_foliagesnd_slowinterval "1500" bg_ladder_yawcap "100" bg_physicsFix "1" bg_prone2duck_time "400" bg_prone_softyawedge "1" bg_prone_yawcap "85" bg_swingSpeed "0.2" bg_viewheight_crouched "40" bg_viewheight_prone "11" bg_viewheight_standing "60" blood "0" bobpitch "0" bobroll "0" bog_b_min_spec "0" bot_enable "0" camera "off" capturelimit "0" cf_AmmoStatusbar "8x8" cf_crosshairnames "9x9" cf_following "8x8" cf_fragmsg "8x8" cf_Pickupstring "10x14" cf_scores "11x11" cf_statusbar "32x32" cf_Teamchat "8x12" cf_teamcrosshairhealth "9x9" cf_teamoverlay "9x9" cf_vote "10x10" cf_WeaponName "12x12" cf_WeaponSwitch "32x32" cf_wstats "1.2" cf_wtopshots "1.0"

seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta

cg_blood "1" cg_bloodLimit "0" cg_bloodLimitMsec "330" cg_brass "0" cg_centerPrintY "-60" cg_chatHeight "8" cg_chatTime "12000" cg_connectionIconSize "0" cg_crosshairAlpha "1" cg_crosshairAlphaMin "0.5" cg_crosshairDynamic "0" cg_crosshairEnemyColor "1" cg_cursorHints "1" cg_debugInfoCornerOffset "0 0" cg_descriptiveText "1" cg_drawBreathHint "1" cg_drawCrosshair "0" cg_drawCrosshairNames "0" cg_drawFPS "Off" cg_drawFPSLabels "1" cg_drawFriendlyFireCrosshair "1" cg_drawFriendlyNames "1" cg_drawLagometer "0" cg_drawMantleHint "0" cg_drawSnapshot "0" cg_drawTurretCrosshair "1" cg_enemyNameFadeIn "250" cg_enemyNameFadeOut "250" cg_firstPersonTracerChance "0.2" cg_footsteps "1" cg_fov "80" cg_fovScale "1" cg_friendlyNameFadeIn "0" cg_friendlyNameFadeOut "1500" cg_gameBoldMessageWidth "390" cg_gameMessageWidth "455" cg_gun_ofs_f "0" cg_gun_x "0" cg_headIconMinScreenRadius "0.015" cg_hintFadeTime "100" cg_hudChatIntermissionPosition "5 110" cg_hudChatPosition "5 200" cg_hudDamageIconHeight "64" cg_hudDamageIconInScope "0" cg_hudDamageIconOffset "128" cg_hudDamageIconTime "2000" cg_hudDamageIconWidth "128" cg_hudGrenadeIconEnabledFlash "1" cg_hudGrenadeIconHeight "25" cg_hudGrenadeIconInScope "1" cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxHeight "104" cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFlash "500" cg_hudGrenadeIconMaxRangeFrag "0" cg_hudGrenadeIconOffset "50" cg_hudGrenadeIconWidth "25" cg_hudGrenadePointerHeight "12" cg_hudGrenadePointerPivot "12 27" cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseFreq "1.7"

seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta

cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMax "1.85" cg_hudGrenadePointerPulseMin "0.3" cg_hudGrenadePointerWidth "25" cg_hudMapBorderWidth "2" cg_hudMapFriendlyHeight "15" cg_hudMapFriendlyWidth "15" cg_hudMapPlayerHeight "20" cg_hudMapPlayerWidth "20" cg_hudMapRadarLineThickness "0.15" cg_hudProneY "-160" cg_hudSayPosition "5 180" cg_hudStanceHintPrints "0" cg_hudVotePosition "5 220" cg_invalidCmdHintBlinkInterval "600" cg_invalidCmdHintDuration "1800" cg_laserLight "0" cg_mapLocationSelectionCursorSpeed "0.6" cg_marks "0" cg_marks_ents_player_only "0" cg_nopredict "0" cg_overheadIconSize "0.7" cg_overheadNamesFont "2" cg_overheadNamesGlow "0 0 0 1" cg_overheadNamesMaxDist "10000" cg_overheadNamesSize "0.5" cg_overheadRankSize "0.5" cg_predictItems "1" cg_scoreboardBannerHeight "35" cg_scoreboardHeaderFontScale "0.3" cg_scoreboardHeight "435" cg_scoreboardItemHeight "18" cg_scoreboardMyColor "1 0.8 0.4 1" cg_scoreboardPingHeight "0.7" cg_scoreboardPingText "1" cg_scoreboardPingWidth "0.036" cg_scoreboardRankFontScale "0.25" cg_scoreboardScrollStep "3" cg_scoreboardWidth "400" cg_ScoresPing_BgColor "0.25098 0.25098 0.25098 0.501961" cg_ScoresPing_HighColor "0.8 0 0 1" cg_ScoresPing_Interval "100" cg_ScoresPing_LowColor "0 0.74902 0 1" cg_ScoresPing_MaxBars "4" cg_ScoresPing_MedColor "0.8 0.8 0 1" cg_scriptIconSize "0" cg_small_dev_string_fontscale "1" cg_sprintMeterDisabledColor "0.8 0.1 0.1 0.2" cg_sprintMeterEmptyColor "0.7 0.5 0.2 0.8" cg_sprintMeterFullColor "0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8" cg_subtitleMinTime "3" cg_subtitles "1" cg_subtitleWidthStandard "520" cg_subtitleWidthWidescreen "520" cg_teamChatsOnly "0" cg_thirdPersonRange "120" cg_tracerchance "0.2" cg_tracerScale "1" cg_tracerScaleMinDist "5000"

seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta

cg_tracerSpeed "7500" cg_tracerwidth "4" cg_viewZSmoothingMax "16" cg_viewZSmoothingMin "1" cg_viewZSmoothingTime "0.1" cg_voiceIconSize "0" cg_weaponCycleDelay "0" cg_weaponHintsCoD1Style "1" cg_youInKillCamSize "6" cl_allowDownload "1" cl_anglespeedkey "0" cl_anonymous "0" cl_connectionAttempts "20" cl_freelook "1" cl_maxpackets "100" cl_maxPing "800" cl_maxppf "5" cl_mouseAccel "0" cl_packetdup "2" cl_pitchspeed "140" cl_punkbuster "1" cl_timeNudge "0" cl_voice "1" cl_wwwDownload "1" cl_yawspeed "140" com_hunkmegs "1024" com_introPlayed "1" com_maxfps "200" com_recommendedSet "1" compassClampIcons "1" compassCoords "740 3590 400" compassDebug "0" compassECoordCutoff "37" compassFriendlyHeight "18.75" compassFriendlyWidth "18.75" compassMaxRange "2500" compassMinRadius "0.0001" compassMinRange "0.0001" compassObjectiveArrowHeight "20" compassObjectiveArrowOffset "2" compassObjectiveArrowRotateDist "5" compassObjectiveArrowWidth "20" compassObjectiveDrawLines "1" compassObjectiveHeight "20" compassObjectiveIconHeight "16" compassObjectiveIconWidth "16" compassObjectiveMaxHeight "70" compassObjectiveMaxRange "2048" compassObjectiveMinAlpha "1" compassObjectiveMinHeight "-70" compassObjectiveNumRings "10" compassObjectiveRingSize "80" compassObjectiveRingTime "10000" compassObjectiveTextHeight "18" compassObjectiveTextScale "0.3" compassObjectiveWidth "20" compassPlayerHeight "15" compassPlayerWidth "15"

seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta

compassRadarLineThickness "0.4" compassRadarPingFadeTime "4" compassRadarUpdateTime "4" compassRotation "1" compassSize "1" compassSoundPingFadeTime "2" compassTickertapeStretch "0.5" con_boldgamemessagetime "8" con_debug "0" con_errormessagetime "8" con_gamemessagetime "5" con_gameMsgWindow0FadeInTime "0.25" con_gameMsgWindow0FadeOutTime "0.5" con_gameMsgWindow0Filter "gamenotify obituary" con_gameMsgWindow0LineCount "4" con_gameMsgWindow0MsgTime "5" con_gameMsgWindow0ScrollTime "0.25" con_gameMsgWindow0SplitscreenScale "1.5" con_gameMsgWindow1FadeInTime "0.25" con_gameMsgWindow1FadeOutTime "0.01" con_gameMsgWindow1Filter "boldgame" con_gameMsgWindow1LineCount "5" con_gameMsgWindow1MsgTime "8" con_gameMsgWindow1ScrollTime "0.25" con_gameMsgWindow1SplitscreenScale "1.5" con_gameMsgWindow2FadeInTime "0.75" con_gameMsgWindow2FadeOutTime "0.5" con_gameMsgWindow2Filter "subtitle" con_gameMsgWindow2LineCount "7" con_gameMsgWindow2MsgTime "5" con_gameMsgWindow2ScrollTime "0.25" con_gameMsgWindow2SplitscreenScale "1.5" con_gameMsgWindow3FadeInTime "0.25" con_gameMsgWindow3FadeOutTime "0.5" con_gameMsgWindow3Filter "" con_gameMsgWindow3LineCount "5" con_gameMsgWindow3MsgTime "5" con_gameMsgWindow3ScrollTime "0.25" con_gameMsgWindow3SplitscreenScale "1.5" con_inputBoxColor "0.15 0.2 0.4 0.7" con_inputHintBoxColor "0.15 0.2 0.4 0.7" con_matchPrefixOnly "1" con_minicon "0" con_miniconlines "5" con_minicontime "4" con_outputBarColor "1 1 0.95 0.6" con_outputSliderColor "0.15 0.15 0.1 0.6" con_outputWindowColor "0.15 0.2 0.3 0.7" con_restricted "0" con_typewriterColorGlowCheckpoint "0.6 0.5 0.6 1" con_typewriterColorGlowCompleted "0 0.3 0.8 1" con_typewriterColorGlowFailed "0.8 0 0 1" con_typewriterColorGlowUpdated "0 0.6 0.18 1" con_typewriterDecayDuration "700" con_typewriterDecayStartTime "6000" con_typewriterPrintSpeed "50" customclass1 "TIER 1" customclass2 "TIER 2"

seta customclass3 "TIER 3" seta customclass4 "TIER 4" seta customclass5 "TIER 5" seta debug "0" seta debug_drawcone "off" seta debug_protocol "" seta debug_stundraw "off" seta debug_tankall "off" seta debug_tanknone "off" seta debug_tankque "off" seta debug_tanksamples "off" seta debuggraph "0" seta demo_start "crossfire 12 kills" seta demo_stop "stoprecord; set demo_togg vstr demo_start" seta demo_togg "vstr demo_start" seta destructibles_enable_physics "1" seta developer "0" seta disable_tank_shock_minspec "1" seta dmflags "0" seta dollycamera "" seta drew_notes "1" seta dynEnt_active "1" seta fallback "0" seta fixedtime "0" seta fraglimit "20" seta fs_basegame "" seta fs_basepath "D:\Call of Duty 4" seta fs_cdpath "" seta fs_copyfiles "0" seta fs_debug "0" seta fs_game "mods/openwarfare" seta fs_homepath "D:\Call of Duty 4" seta fs_ignoreLozalized "0" seta fs_restrict "0" seta fx_count "0" seta fx_cull "1" seta fx_debug "0" seta fx_draw "1" seta fx_drawClouds "1" seta fx_enable "1" seta fx_freeze "0" seta fx_marks "0" seta fx_marks_ents "1" seta fx_marks_smodels "1" seta fx_sort "0" seta g_allowvote "0" seta g_antilag "1" seta g_banIPs "" seta g_clonePlayerMaxVelocity "80" seta g_deadChat "0" seta g_deathDelay "3000" seta g_dropForwardSpeed "10" seta g_dropHorzSpeedRand "100" seta g_dropUpSpeedBase "10" seta g_dropUpSpeedRand "5" seta g_gamma_00 "seta r_gamma 1;seta g_gamma_up vstr g_gamma_01" seta g_gamma_01 "seta r_gamma 1.2;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_00;seta g_gamma_up vstr g_gamma_02; Gamma^2|^9-------- ^40.8"

seta g_gamma_02 "seta r_gamma 1,4;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_01;seta g_gamma_up vstr g_gamma_03; Gamma^2||^9------- ^40.9" seta g_gamma_03 "seta r_gamma 1.6;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_02;seta g_gamma_up vstr g_gamma_04; Gamma^2|||^9------ ^41.0" seta g_gamma_04 "seta r_gamma 1.8;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_03;seta g_gamma_up vstr g_gamma_05; Gamma^2||||^9----- ^41.1" seta g_gamma_05 "seta r_gamma 2;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_04;seta g_gamma_up vstr g_gamma_06; Gamma^2|||||^9---- ^41.2" seta g_gamma_06 "seta r_gamma 2.1;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_05;seta g_gamma_up vstr g_gamma_07; Gamma^2||||||^9--- ^41.3" seta g_gamma_07 "seta r_gamma 2.2;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_06;seta g_gamma_up vstr g_gamma_08; Gamma^2|||||||^9-- ^41.4" seta g_gamma_08 "seta r_gamma 2.3;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_07;seta g_gamma_up vstr g_gamma_09; Gamma^2||||||||^9- ^41.5" seta g_gamma_09 "seta r_gamma 2.4;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_08;seta g_gamma_up vstr g_gamma_10; Gamma^2|||||||||^9 ^41.6" seta g_gamma_10 "seta r_gamma 2.5;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_09" seta g_gamma_down "vstr g_gamma_05" seta g_gamma_up "vstr g_gamma_07" seta g_log "games_mp.log" seta g_logSync "1" seta g_oldVoting "1" seta g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed "25" seta g_redCrosshairs "1" seta g_ScoresColor_Allies "0.6 0.639216 0.690196 0" seta g_ScoresColor_Axis "0.65098 0.568627 0.411765 0" seta g_TeamColor_Allies "0.6 0.639216 0.690196 0" seta g_TeamColor_Axis "0.65098 0.568627 0.411765 0" seta g_TeamColor_EnemyTeam "1 0.45098 0.501961 0" seta g_TeamColor_MyTeam "0.6 0.8 0.6 0" seta g_TeamName_Allies "MPUI_MARINES_SHORT" seta g_TeamName_Axis "MPUI_OPFOR_SHORT" seta g_useGear "1" seta g_useholdspawndelay "500" seta g_voiceChatTalkingDuration "500" seta g_voteAbstainWeight "0.5" seta g_warmup "0" seta g_weaponAmmoPools "1" seta g_weaponrespawn "5" seta gamedate "Jun 18 2008" seta gamename "Call of Duty 4" seta graphheight "32" seta graphscale "1" seta graphshift "0" seta handicap "100" seta hud_deathQuoteFadeTime "1000" seta hud_enable "1" seta hud_fade_ammodisplay "1.7" seta hud_fade_compass "0" seta hud_fade_healthbar "0" seta hud_fade_offhand "1.7" seta hud_fade_sprint "0" seta hud_fade_stance "0" seta hud_fadeout_speed "0.1" seta hud_flash_period_offhand "0.5" seta hud_flash_time_offhand "2" seta hud_health_pulserate_critical "0.5" seta hud_health_pulserate_injured "1"

seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta

hud_health_startpulse_critical "0.33" hud_health_startpulse_injured "1" hud_letterBoxFadeTime "1000" in_gpuSync "0" in_mouse "1" loc_forceEnglish "0" loc_language "0" m_filter "0" m_forward "0.25" m_pitch "0.022" m_side "0.25" m_yaw "0.022" min_spec_ai "0" monkeytoy "0" mss_khz "44" name "Robot Flux" net_noipx "0" net_noudp "0" net_socksEnabled "0" net_socksPassword "" net_socksPort "1080" net_socksServer "" net_socksUsername "" pb_sleep "500" r_aaAlpha "off" r_aaSamples "1" r_altModelLightingUpdate "1" r_aspectRatio "auto" r_ati_fsaa_samples "0" r_ati_pntriangles "0" r_ati_truform_normalmode "CUBIC" r_ati_truform_pointmode "CUBIC" r_ati_truform_tess "0" r_autopriority "0" r_cacheModelLighting "1" r_cacheSModelLighting "1" r_clear "dev-only blink" r_colorbits "32" r_compressmodels "1" r_customMode "" r_debugLineWidth "1" r_depthbits "32" r_depthPrepass "0" r_depthPrepassModels "0" r_desaturation "1" r_detail "1" r_displayRefresh "60 Hz" r_distortion "0" r_dlightLimit "0" r_dof_enable "0" r_drawDecals "0" r_drawSun "0" r_drawWater "0" r_envMapSpecular "0" r_envMapSunIntensity "0" r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" r_ext_compress_textures "1" r_ext_compressed_textures "1"

seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta

r_ext_multitexture "1" r_ext_NV_fog_dist "0" r_ext_texture_env_add "1 " r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "0" r_ext_transform_hint "1" r_fastSkin "1" r_fastsky "1" r_filmTweakBrightness "0.2" r_filmTweakContrast "1.4" r_filmTweakDarkTint "0.25 1 0.5" r_filmTweakDesaturation "0.75" r_filmTweakEnable "1" r_filmTweakInvert "0" r_filmTweakLightTint "1 1 1" r_filmtweaks "1" r_filmUseTweaks "0" r_floatz "0" r_fog "1" r_forceLod "none" r_fullscreen "1" r_gamma "1.08036" r_glow "1" r_glow_allowed "0" r_glowTweakBloomIntensit "3" r_glowTweakBloomIntensity "3" r_glowTweakBloomIntensity0 "1" r_gpuSync "adaptive" r_ignorehwgamma "0" r_inGameVideo "0" r_lightTweakSunColor "1 0.85098 0.670588 1" r_lightTweakSunDirection "-20 -280 0" r_lightTweakSunLight "1.4" r_lodBias "0" r_lodBiasRigid "0" r_lodBiasSkinned "0" r_lodScale "1" r_lodScaleRigid "1" r_lodScaleSkinned "1" r_mode "1680x1050" r_monitor "0" r_multiGpu "0" r_normal "0" r_nv_fence "0 " r_nv_fog_available "0" r_nv_fog_dist "0" r_nv_fogdist_mode "GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV" r_nv_register_combiners "0 " r_nv_texture_shader "0" r_nv_vertex_array_range "0 " r_optimize "1" r_optimizeLightmaps "1" r_optimizeXModels "5" r_outdoor "1" r_outdoorAwayBias "32" r_outdoorDownBias "0" r_outdoorFeather "8" r_picmip "0" r_picmip_bump "0"

seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta

r_picmip_manual "1" r_picmip_spec "0" r_picmip_water "0" r_polygonOffsetBias "-1" r_polygonOffsetScale "-1" r_portalBevels "0.7" r_preloadShaders "1" r_rendererInUse "Shader model 2.0" r_rendererPreference "Shader model 2.0" r_smc_enable "0" r_specular "0" r_subdivisions "999" r_sunblind_max_angle "0" r_sunflare_max_size "669.9" r_sunflare_min_size "0" r_swapInterval "0" r_texFilterAnisoMax "1" r_texFilterAnisoMin "1" r_texFilterMipMod "3" r_texFilterMipMode "Force Mipmaps Off" r_texturebits "32" r_useThreadedRenderer "4" r_vsync "0" r_zFeather "0" ragdoll_enable "0" ragdoll_fps "20" ragdoll_max_simulating "0" rate "25000" sc_enable "0" sensitivity "4.51156" server1 "" server10 "" server11 "" server12 "" server13 "" server14 "" server15 "" server16 "" server2 "" server3 "" server4 "" server5 "" server6 "" server7 "" server8 "" server9 "" sm_enable "1" sm_maxLights "1" sm_polygonOffsetBias "0.5" sm_polygonOffsetScale "2" sm_spotEnable "1" sm_sunShadowScale "1" snaps "30" snd_bits "16" snd_cinematicVolumeScale "0.85" snd_debugReplace "0" snd_drawEqChannels "0" snd_drawEqEnts "0"

seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta seta

snd_enableEq "1" snd_errorOnMissing "0" snd_khz "44" snd_levelFadeTime "250" snd_outputConfiguration "Stereo" snd_slaveFadeTime "500" snd_stereo "0" snd_touchStreamFilesOnLoad "0" snd_volume "0.795918" sv_allowDownload "1" sv_floodprotect "4" sv_hostname "EPIC robot & sossu" sv_maxclients "24" sv_maxPing "500" sv_maxRate "25000" sv_minPing "0" sv_punkbuster "1" sv_reconnectlimit "3" sv_voice "1" sv_wwwBaseURL "" sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0" sv_wwwDownload "0" sys_configSum "4379996" sys_configureGHz "11.8667" sys_cpuGHz "2.67561" sys_gpu "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 Ti sys_sysMB "1024" takeCoverWarnings "1" thereisacow "1337" ui_bigFont "0.4" ui_browserFriendlyfire "-1" ui_browserHardcore "1" ui_browserKillcam "-1" ui_browserMod "0" ui_browserOldSchool "0" ui_browserShowDedicated "0" ui_browserShowEmpty "1" ui_browserShowFull "1" ui_browserShowNoPassword "1" ui_browserShowPassword "0" ui_browserShowPunkBuster "1" ui_browserShowPure "1" ui_currentMap "5" ui_currentNetMap "5" ui_dedicated "0" ui_drawCrosshair "1" ui_extraBigFont "0.55" ui_gametype "0" ui_joinGametype "0" ui_maxclients "32" ui_mousePitch "0" ui_netGametype "4" ui_netGametypeName "dm" ui_netSource "2" ui_serverStatusTimeOut "7000" ui_smallFont "0.25" v_mute "vstr v_mute_on"


seta v_mute_off "setfromdvar snd_volume v_volume; seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; ^4un^7mute^4!" seta v_mute_on "setfromdvar v_volume snd_volume; set snd_volume 0; seta v_mute vstr v_mute_off; ^4m^7ute^4!" seta v_vol_00 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_01" seta v_vol_01 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.1; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_00; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_02; Sound^4|| ^0-------- ^41.4" seta v_vol_02 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.2; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_01; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_03; Sound^4||| ^0------- ^41.4" seta v_vol_03 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.3; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_02; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_04; Sound^4|||^2| ^0------ ^21.5" seta v_vol_04 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.4; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_03; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_05; Sound^4|||^2|| ^0----- ^21.6" seta v_vol_05 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.5; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_04; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_06; Sound^4|||^2||| ^0---- ^21.7" seta v_vol_06 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.6; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_05; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_07; Sound^4|||^2|||^3| ^0--- ^31.8" seta v_vol_07 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.7; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_06; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_08; Sound^4|||^2||| ^3||^0-- ^31.9" seta v_vol_08 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.8; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_07; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_09; Sound^4|||^2||| ^3||^1|^0- ^12.0" seta v_vol_09 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.9; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_08; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_10; Sound^4|||^2||| ^3||^1|| ^12.1" seta v_vol_10 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 1; seta v_vol_down vstr v_vol_09" seta v_vol_down "vstr v_vol_09" seta v_vol_up "vstr v_vol_10" seta vehDriverViewHeightMax "50" seta vehDriverViewHeightMin "-15" seta vid_xpos "-2" seta vid_ypos "-7" seta voice_deadChat "0" seta voice_global "0" seta voice_localEcho "0" seta waypointIconHeight "10" seta waypointIconWidth "10" seta waypointwidth "15" seta winvoice_mic_mute "1" seta winvoice_mic_reclevel "65535" seta winvoice_mic_scaler "1" seta winvoice_save_voice "0" con_hidechannel *; con_showchannel dontfilter error gamenotify boldgame subtitle obituary logfile_only console_only gfx sound files devgui profile ui client server system playerweap ai anim physics fx leaderboards parserscript script

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