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General Notes on Plane Stress and Plane Strain Previous: Plane Strain (b) (Cont'd) (1) In plane stress

(2) (3) In plane strain If we replace in the plane stress equation

it becomes a plane strain equation. (4) We can define a case where in thin plates, but has a constant value say and . The plane stress equations are all valid, (except ). Such a state is called '' Generalized Plane Stress''.

Similarly, in the thick cylinder case, , it is called ''Generalized Plane Strai n''. Strain gages are used to measure strains of the body and are typically mounted o n the surfaces, since there are no normal/shear tractions on the surface. A sta te of '' plane stress'' can be assumed. Problem: If the principal strains at a given strain gage indicate 0.004 and 0.0 01 in/in, what is the principal stress at that location. Solution: A state of plane stress exists, In elasto statics, the body is in static equilibrium. The first simple example i s the tension test. Problem is to find the displacement field. Boundary Conditions: Constitutive equation (Hooke's law) Since strain has a constant value, compatibility is automatically satisfied. Displacement field:

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