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2 (Paper 1) English H (Paper 1) English AH English Int.1 (Paper 2) English Int.2 (Paper 2) English H (Paper 2) PE I2 PE H TUESDAY JANUARY 22 Geography Int.2 Geography H (Paper 1) Geography AH Geography H (Paper 2) Hospitality Int 2 Chemistry H Chemistry AH WEDNESDAY JANUARY 23 Maths Int.1 (Paper 1) Maths Int.2 (Paper 1) Maths H (Paper 1) Maths AH Maths Int.1 (Paper 2) Maths Int.2 (Paper 2) Maths H (Paper 2) Biology Int.2 Biology H Biology AH Human Biology THURSDAY JANUARY 24 French I2 (Reading) French H (Reading & Directed Writing) French AH (Reading & Translation) French I2 (Listening) French I2 (Writing) French AH (Listening & Discursive Writing) French H ( Listening & Writing) Physics Int 2 Physics H Physics AH Psychology H 0900-0935 0900-0945 0900-1030 0900-1130 1015-1105 1015-1145 1045-1155 1330-1530 1330-1600 1330-1530 1330 1600 0900-1010 0900-1040 0900-1020 1030-1100 1115-1155 1115-1235 1140-1240 1330-1530 1330-1600 1330-1530 1330-1500 ML Dept ML Dept ML Dept 0900-1030 0900-1030 0900-1130 1050-1205 1000-1600 1330-1600 1330-1600 HE Dept 0900-1000 0900-1000 0900-1045 0900-1200 1015-1100 1015-1145 1100-1230 1400-1520 1400-1540


MONDAY JANUARY 28 RMPS I2 RMPS H (Paper 1) Music Int 2 Music H Music AH RMPS H (Paper 2) TUESDAY JANUARY 29 Business Management I2 0900-1045 Business Management H 0900-1130 Business Management AH Hospitality Int 2 (Group 2) Art & Design Int2 Art & Design H WEDNESDAY JANUARY 30 Latin H (Interpretation) Classical Studies H Classical Studies AH Computing Int 2 Computing H Computing AH Latin H (Translation) Drama H THURSDAY JANUARY 31 Modern Studies I2 Modern Studies H (Paper 2) Modern Studies H (Paper 1) Modern Studies AH FRIDAY 1 FEBRUARY History I1 History I2 History H P1 History H P2 RMPS AH

0900-1030 0900-1030 0950-1050 0950-1050 0950-1050 1045-1140

Music Dept Music Dept Music Dept

0900-1145 1000-1600 1400-1500 1400-1530 0900-1100 0900-1200 0900-1200 0900-1000 0900-1040 0900-1130 1145-1230 1330-1600 0900-1015 0900-1015 1115-1200 0900-1200 0900-1000 0900-1010 0900-0940 1000-1125 0900-1100

STUDY LEAVE 1. Study leave will extend from Monday 21 January- Friday 25 January, both days inclusive. During this period you need only attend when you have examinations. 2. Normal classes resume from Monday 28 January. 3. From Monday 28 January: Register as normal. You must attend normal classes unless you have an exam. If you have a morning exam only, you must attend afternoon classes or vice versa. 4.Most exams will be held in the school hall unless otherwise indicated on the timetable. No bags are allowed in the hall. 5. If you have any problems as a result of your exam timetable, please see Mr Illingworth.

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