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Neural Streams We know that over time, streams and rivers have carved out and eroded pathways

through the landscape. What this means is that those pathways, are the easiest routes for the water to follow on its way to the sea. At somepoint, way back in prehistory, none of the river basins existed, but erosion began to carve them out. Re routing a river is a very difficult thing to do because it is a very 'fixed' thing, it has it's pathway and not much will change it. Now, if we consider a child's mind as being like the prehistoric landscape, pre river formation, then, we find that from a young age, certain pathways, neural pathways begin to be burnt into the child's mind. Concepts, truths and ways of thinking which are given to the child, burn in or erode certain pathways into the brain and just like a river basin will effect how water will flow to the sea, burnt in neural pathways will effect how information is processed by the brain. So, a child's mind is a very precious thing because the things that are burnt into it will effect the rest of it's lifetime of perception, or it can, unless often very drastic measures are taken to 'rewire' perceptions. One of the ways that this can be done is through controlled and responsible use of psychoactive drugs. When these substances are taken, the literally rewire the brain. Because our brains give us our sense of who we are, where we are from and how we process life, if you take these substances, you may well go a little coo-coo as your brain is rewired. The education system does nothing for free thinking because the aim of the education system isn't to produce free thinkers. Rather, the aim of the education system is to produce people who are conformists. Do what we say, learn what we say and repeat it with very little questioning. Psychoactives do the opposite. You think for you, type mentality and let the drugs rewire your percpetions (reroute the river) in the process so that your brain process the same information in a whole new way. People who use psychoactives to rewire their brains like this are called psychonauts and they get to whole new vistas of perception in the process.

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