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Digital Unit Plan Template Unit Title: Derivatives and Integrals Content Area: Math - Calculus

CA Content Standard(s)/Common Core Standard(s):

Name: Ashley Wooding Grade Level: 11-12

9.0 Students use differentiation to sketch, by hand, graphs of functions. They can identify maxima, minima, inflection points, and intervals in which the function is increasing and decreasing. 12.0 Students use differentiation to solve related rate problems in a variety of pure and applied contexts. 13.0 Students know the definition of the definite integral by using Riemann sums. They use this definition to approximate integrals.
Big Ideas:

Students will learn how to sketch a graph of a function based on information given, such as maxima, minima and increasing/decreasing intervals. Using a graph, students will learn the basic definition of an integral and be able to visualize what it looks like. For any random function, students will be able to use Riemann sums to approximate how to find the area under the curve and the average value of the curve.
Unit Goals and Objectives:

1. Students will analyze a graph to determine how we can evaluate the integral of a function. 2. Students will be able to explain the difference between integrals and derivatives and know how they are used in certain careers. 3. Students can effectively label a graph with maxima, minima, inflection points, and intervals in which the function is increasing and decreasing.
Unit Summary:

In this unit, students will be introduced to integrals and explore the relationship between integrals and derivatives. We will be learning the definition of an integral and how we can approximate them using geometric shapes. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the subject through a project involving a rate-related problem. For this assignment, students will come up with the graph of a function and use Riemann sums to approximate the integral. They will then interpret this information and present their work to the class.

Assessment Plan: Entry-Level: Discussion of a graph - how can we use the slope formula to gure out the area under a curve? Formative: Summative: Group Examples - students work in groups to Project - road trip with the average speed for work out examples the entire trip, includes graph of the speeds Graphic Organizer - uses of Riemann sums at certain points in the trip, class and the three different types presentation Critical Thinking - how can we get the most Quiz - covering Riemann sums, includes exact area? vocabulary from the lesson as well as Game - jeopardy with denitions and problems problems from the lecture

Lesson 1 Student Learning Objective: Students will analyze a graph to determine how we can evaluate the integral of a function. Acceptable Evidence: Instructional Students are able to pass Strategies: the quiz embedded in the Communication lecture with at least a Collection 70%. Any students with Collaboration questions have their Presentation questions answered. Organization Interaction Acceptable Evidence Instructional Students understand how Strategies: to evaluate a derivative Communication versus an integral and Collection can provide at least two Collaboration situations in which they Presentation are useful. Organization Interaction Acceptable Evidence: Students label the graph with maxima, minima, inection points, and intervals in which the function is increasing and decreasing correctly. Instructional Strategies: Communication Collection Collaboration Presentation Organization Interaction
Lesson Activities: Fill out handout as you go through the prezi. Complete the activities embedded in the prezi.

Lesson 2 Student Learning Objective: Students will be able to explain the difference between integrals and derivatives and know how they are used in certain careers. Lesson 3 Student Learning Objective: Students can effectively label a graph with maxima, minima, inection points, and intervals in which the function is increasing and decreasing.
Lesson Activities: Students will create their road trip and include a graph representing the speed they will be traveling. They will use Riemann sums to calculate the average speed they traveled. They will then create a presentation addressing their results. Lesson Activities: Go to the website that is linked and complete the worksheet answering the questions and referring to the website.

Unit Resources:

Useful Websites:,articleId-39897.html

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