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Bahtiar, Ilham, 2011, Hubungan Insiden Goiter dengan Ketinggian Tempat Pada Murid Sekolah Dasar di SD Negeri Karanganyar IV Kecamatan Tambelangan dan SD Negeri Bangsah Kecamatan Sereseh Kabupaten Sampang. Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Pembimbing (1) Febri Endra BS, (2) Indah Serinurani. Latar Belakang: Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium (GAKY) masih merupakan masalah kesehatan bagi negara Indonesia, Kabupaten Sampang adalah kabupaten dengan angka Total Goiter Rate (TGR) tertinggi di Pulau Madura dan tertinggi ketiga di Jawa Timur. Diduga semakin tinggi suatu tempat maka akan semakin tinggi pula insiden goiter karena semakin rendah kadar yodium di daerah tersebut. Tujuan Penelitian: Mengetahui hubungan insiden goiter dengan ketinggian tempat pada murid sekolah dasar di SD Negeri Karanganyar IV Kecamatan Tambelangan dan SD Negeri Bangsah Kecamatan Sereseh Kabupaten Sampang. Metodologi Penelitian: Deskripsi analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Besar sampel 80 murid. Dilakukan uji hipotesis Chi Square untuk menentukan hubungan antar variabel. Hasil dan Pembahasan: Sebanyak 69 murid memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Sebanyak 18 murid terkena goiter di dataran tinggi dan sebanyak 22 murid yang tidak terkena goiter. Sebanyak 9 murid yang terkena goiter di dataran rendah dan sebanyak 20 murid yang tidak terkena goiter. Hasil analisis didapatkan x 2 = 1,377 dan p > 0,05. Kesimpulan: Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan antara insiden goiter dengan ketinggian tempat. . Kata Kunci: Insiden goiter, Ketinggian tempat.


Bahtiar, Ilham, 2011. The Correlation between Goiter Incidence and Area Altitude on Elementary School Students at Public Elementary School Karanganyar IV Tambelangan and Public Elementary School Bangsah Sereseh Sampang. Thesis, Faculty of Medical Science, University of Malang Muhammadiyah. Advisor (1) Febri Endra BS, (2) Indah Serinurani. Background: Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) constitutes a common disease in Indonesia. Sampang is a regency where most incidences of goiter occur in Madura Island, and it is in the third highest position in East Java. It is assumed that the higher the area altitude, the more incidences of goiter due to low iodine level in the region. Objective: To investigate the correlation between goiter incidence and area altitude on elementary school students at Public Elementary School Karanganyar IV Tambelangan and Public Elementary School Bangsah Sereseh Sampang. Method: This study was an observational analytic with cross sectional approach. Samples were 80 students. Chi square hypothesis test was employed to determine the correlation among variables. Result: 69 students fulfilled the criteria for inclusion. 18 students suffered from goiter in high altitude area and 22 students did not. 9 students suffered from goiter in low altitude area and 20 students did not. The analysis found x 2 =1.377 and p > 0.05. Conclusion: The result of statistic found there was no correlation between goiter incidence and area altitude. Keyword: Goiter incidence, area altitude


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