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St John The Evangelist CE Primary School IMPACT OF PUPIL PREMIUM Annual Report to Parents & Guardians for 2012-2013

The Pupil Premium is an element of school funding aimed at narrowing the gap in attainment between certain disadvantaged groups of pupils and those who are more well off. In 2012-13 funding was calculated on the basis of 600 for each pupil who has been eligible for free school meals in the past six years, and for looked after children in care for more than six months. There is a related Service premium of 250 for children of families in the armed services. The funding is provided to schools, which decide how best to spend this according to local needs. Last year our school budget included a total Pupil and Service Premium of 21,613 (1.6% of our overall revenue budget), and below is a summary of the way we have used this funding to support our pupils learning. (Note: information related to individual pupils remains confidential). Actions taken Target pupil group Impact on learning outcomes Evidence: pupil attainment & progress

Nurturing Support groups during school day, 1-1 support and nurturing support at lunchtimes Looked after children FSM children and Service children

Children have developed self confidence and self esteem and are better able to access learning in class. Reduced anxiety levels in the playground and fewer incidents of low level disruption following lunchtimes. Impact variable on pupil progress reading, writing and maths Children keen to take part in directed activities and go to peer mediators to resolve issues during lunchtime session. Improved learning behaviours resilience, concentration and perseverance. Good progress during interventions but not seen in SATs results. Much improved personal, social and emotional development of children Very good teaching and learning opportunities enable children to have many opportunities to be independent, make choices and initiate their own learning. Impact on self esteem, confidence and learning behaviours. Very good progress in Reception last year, good progress in Nursery in 6 areas of learning.

Tracking files and evaluations. Nurturing reports Behaviour incident reports School Council and Healthy Schools minutes

1-1 tuition for children in Y6 2011-2012 in maths, additional teaching assistant time to help children address misconceptions in maths FSM children Additional higher level teaching assistant time in Nursery and Reception (2 days a week)

Tracking data following interventions, SATS results. Pupil progress meetings, end of key stage outcomes

Evaluations and tracking every 6 weeks 6 areas of learning. Pupil progress meetings End of Foundation Stage outcomes

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