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Shawl Abyssal

Translation by Pushka (

1for frileuse version : CO 254 sts (edges + 14 feather & fan repeat) woth 6 mm needles. Change to 5.5 mm needles . for aerienne version : CO 290 sts (edges + 14 feather & fan repeat) woth 5.5 mm needles. Change to45.5 mm needles for "arienne" version

2- Knit 2 rows 3- Knit 5 ("arienne") or 4 ("frileuse") repeats of feather & fan pattern as follows: (repeat from * to *) Row 1: SL1, *K2TOG x 3, (YO, K1) x 6, SSK x 3*, K1 Row 2: SL1, *P*, K1 Row 3: SL1, *K* Row 3: SL1, *K* 4- Continue with short rows until the end of the shawl as follows: Row 1 (RS): K130 ("frileuse") or K148 ("arienne"), turn Row 2 (WS): P8, wrap & turn Row 3: K7, K2TOG, K3, wrap & turn Row 4: P10, P2TOG, P3, wrap & turn Row 5: Knit until 1 stitch before the retrn point of the previous row, K2TOG, K3, wrap & turn Row 5: Purl until 1 stitch before the retrn point of the previous row, P2TOG, P3, wrap & turn Repeat rows 5 & 6 until there are no stitches left 5- Cast off vey loosely on the wrong side of the shawl. 6- Block & BO all ends


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