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How civility is determined

Are you born civil or a savage? What defines a savage? Modern society says that some one that has a government, an organized currency, people covering their bodies with clothing, and moving from one place to another working to achieve a common goal is civil. But other civilizations don't do things like that, but is that un civil or even savage? My thoughts are that civility is something you develop as your raised, the environment you live in or even the education you get.

When you are born you are not a savage but you're not exactly civil either. That is part of human nature. A study of 4000 americans showed that children of more permissive parents did not do as well in school, had high rates of misconduct, and more cases of substance abuse (lamborn 2011). These acts are what I believe to be the building blocks of savagery and could escalate to a worse situation. However as they grow up and are growing into a new society out of the family, they will adapt and become more civilized. Another research study showed that college students that were raised by authoritarian parents were more likely to make more ethical decisions, and solve problems better then a student raise by permissive parents. (Bednar and Fisher 2003) These are two other qualities that are built into what makes civility. Although it is just one factor of what makes someone civil of a savage how you're raised can be a large part of that process.

Another factor of how someone acts, in regards to civility, is culture and society as a whole. We often think that who we are is set in stone but throughout our lives we change due to people around us and just the environment we live in. People have shown to behave differently based on those around them. They rely on cues and environmental factors to see how they should act. (Billikopf 2009) Another study shows that situational factors in the environment or

culture someone is living in such as poverty, crime, lack of social conduct can greatly affect how someone acts. (Jones 2005) I believe if someone is in a culture full of those savage acts as mentioned before it makes a lot of sense that they would become more savage.

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