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China daTa // edUCaTion ChineSe and ameRiCan STUdenTS aBRoad

STUdenT key: US China india SoUth Korea SaUdi arabia Canada

While the number of American students studying in China has increased in recent years, Chinese students in the United States far outnumber American students in China. Each figure represents 10,000 students.

poST-SeCondaRy inSTiTUTionS
the United states has 7,234 post-secondary institutions of learning. China has 2,138 post-secondary institutions.

Sources: Institute of International Education, 2012 open Doors Data, World Bank, College Board, China Education and Research Network, QS World University Rankings Report, US Department of Education
36 China Business Review JanuaryMarch 2013

WoRLd UniveRSiTy RankinGS

14: 0:

number of Us universities that are ranked in the top 25 of the Qs World University rankings, an annual international university ranking publication.

number of mainland Chinese universities that are ranked in the top 25 of the Qs World University rankings.

STUdenTS TakinG CoLLeGe enTRanCe eXamS in 2011

Gaokao*: 9 million SaT: 3 million
*This examination is a prerequisite for entrance into almost all higher education institutions at the undergraduate level in China.

JanuaryMarch 2013 China Business Review 37

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