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GOMBU MSW Procedure 2 Safe Work Practices Permit to Work (PTW) 2011 CBT

Learning Management System Awareness & Quiz Tony Ritchey Sub-Process Advisor
Oleg Mikhailov Management Sponsor Keith Triche MSW Process Advisor
2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.
Chevron 2005 DOC ID

GOM Permit to Work Purpose, Objectives & Scope

To provide for the effective identification, mitigation, control and communication of Health, Environment and Safety (HES) hazards for work. To ensure that proper consideration is given to the risks of a particular job, including potential impact to/from simultaneous activities. The permit and associated specialized permits (if any) are detailed documents that authorize certain people to carry out specific work at a specific site at a certain time, and details the precautions needed to complete the job safely. The Permit to Work Safe Work Practice (SWP) covers work performed by Chevron employees and their delegates and contractors within Chevron Global Upstream Exploration and Production (GU) operational control
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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

GOM Titles and Roles within Permit to Work

Generic Title Permit User GOM-Specific Title Person Performing Work or one who represents those performing work. OS, OIM, DSM, WSM, or the Designee Person Leading Work (PLW) Operations Representative Role Person(s) performing work

Permit Approver Work Team Leader Area Controller

Approver of a permit Person in charge of the work Person responsible for the equipment in the area where the work is to be performed Person assigned responsibility to verify worksite activities are in compliance with permit conditions during normal activities

Site Checker Person Leading Work (PLW)

Permit Coordinator (optional)

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GOM has no specific role Person handling the identified but may designate a administrative tasks associated to permit coordinator role permitting
2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

A Permit to Work will be required when:

Specialized work permits are initiated (e.g., Hot Work, Confined Space, Isolation of Hazardous Energy, Excavation, Working at Heights, Electrical, SIMOPs, etc.); or Work or maintenance is performed in a process area that involves breaking into a line, equipment or vessel that contains actual or potential hazards; or There is a transfer of work and responsibilities from one group to another; or Communication across more than one area, group, or technical type is required to accomplish the task; or If the Area Controller (Ops Rep) determines permit is required; or The work has significant potential for injury or incident; or When synthetic slings are used in marine operations involving crane activities; or Boats are arriving within 500 meters of the facility (Floating Offshore Installations); or

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A Permit to Work will be required when: Continued - Boats are transferring diesel fuel, synthetic base mud, or other hazardous materials to the facility; or Any liftboat moves. Liftboat guidelines and procedures are the standard operating procedure for liftboat operations in all fields. The Lift Boat Guidelines and Procedures shall be reviewed prior to all liftboat moves. For Blasting & Painting, Production Wireline & Construction activities, a Hazard Identification Checklist) must be completed & attached to the Permit to Work Form


Routine vs. Non-Routine work is not to be used as

criteria for determining when the Permit to Work is needed. Refer to the PTW/SimOps Decision Matrix to help determine the need for utilizing Permit to Work only or Permit to Work and SimOps. The above captures the majority of circumstances that require the need for a Permit to Work. However, not every scenario can be predicted. Many situations will have to be evaluated individually.
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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc .

Additional Specific Permits

The Permit Approver (OS, OIM, DSM, WSM, or the Designee) and/or Area Controller (Ops Rep) shall review all applications for Permit to Work and indicate which types of additional specific permits are required in order to allow approval of the work (Hot Work, Confined Space, Excavation, Electrical, Isolation of Hazardous Energy, SimOps Plan, etc.) All necessary permits are required to be fully completed and approved by all signatories prior to Permit Users (Person(s) Performing Work) carrying out any work. Competent personnel defined by the SBU or facility shall initiate and prepare the Permit to Work and associated specialized permits PTW documentation shall be available in the language appropriate for personnel involved in the PTW approval process. Other means (i.e., translators) may be necessary to promote clear understanding.

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

Communication and Coordination

It is important to make sure that an activity under a Permit to Work does not create danger for another activity elsewhere. There shall be means to ensure that clear communication and coordination of work is ongoing to address possible permit conflicts and/or simultaneous operations (SimOps) situations. The Permit Approver (OS, OIM, DSM, WSM, or the Designee) , Area Controller (Ops Rep), SimOps Controller or other responsible person(s) must be aware of potential interaction and check when the PTW is prepared, whether it impinges on a PTW already issued and still current, or could endanger another area.
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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

Conduct Onsite JSA and Recycle

A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) shall be performed onsite prior to the initiation of work. The purpose of the onsite JSA is to:

Involve the work team to make sure that the people doing the work understand the tasks, hazards and mitigations Address on-site conditions on the day of the work Verify that work team has proper skill level and tools

The crew/personnel carrying out the work should be included in the development and communication of the JSA. Communication should address the nature and extent of the job, the hazards involved, controls in place, and limitations on the time. Recycle JSA

The JSA may identify hazards that were not previously identified and controlled, or not addressed in the preparation of permits. When this situation occurs, the permit preparation should be reviewed and updated as appropriate.

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

Approve/Release Permit
The Permit Approver (OS, OIM, DSM, WSM, or the Designee) will designate the Person Leading Work by name At no time can a PLW simultaneously lead the work for more than 2 active permits to work. When all conditions have been met, the Permit Approver (OS, OIM, DSM, WSM, or the Designee) signs the Permit to Work as:

accepting responsibility that the worksite has been inspected and, all conditions have been met and, that work can commence after the persons doing the work have been fully briefed by the Operations Representative and/or the Person Leading Work.

Individuals cannot self-issue a permit; that is, the same person cannot act as Area Controller (Ops Rep) or Permit Approver (OS, OIM, DSM, WSM, or the Designee), and Work Team Leader (PLW)/Permit User (Person(s) performing Work), at the same time. The preferred method for authorization is written (signatures), however if a verbal sign-off is needed due to specific operational limitation(s) of an area/location, it needs to be clearly identified on the permit DOC ID

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

(Permit Approver (OS, OIM, DSM, WSM, or the Designee), Area Controller (Ops Rep)) shall be specifically identified, trained and authorized by management for this responsibility. The SBU/facility management shall maintain documentation of authorized Permit Approvers (OS, OIM, DSM, WSM, or the Designee), and Area Controllers (Ops Rep) Operations Rep and OS, OIM, DSM, WSM or the designee shall sign the permit authorizing the start of work after:

Verifying release and condition of equipment related to scope of job Confirming that HES control measures are identified and/or in place (permit may include installation of controls) Reviewing the JSA

The Work Team Leader (PLW), (who is in charge of the people who are doing the work) does not authorize work but shall sign the Permit to Work, confirming understanding of work to be done, hazards involved and precautions required. The Permit User (people doing the work) does not authorize work but confirms that the Permit to Work scope and conditions are understood by workers who shall be directly involved.

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.


Duration & Display of Permits

Permit to Work approval shall be issued for a single shift, typically a 12-hour period. If necessary, the Permit Approver (OS, OIM, DSM, WSM, or the Designee), can issue a Permit to Work for a longer period of time but not to exceed 18 hours. An acceptable means for the display of permits shall be available:

At the work site or in a recognized location near to the work site


In the central or main control or permit coordination room, with additional copies at any local control rooms (if applicable) or in another centralized location.

Copies of Permits

Copies of the PTW shall be consistent in content and actively maintained to ensure they do not contain contradictory information.

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.


Monitoring and Verification

Person leading Work (PLW) shall monitor and verify that work is being performed safely and consistent with the permit conditions If changes in operating conditions occur that may require modifying permits or stopping work, the PLW shall notify the Permit Approver (OS, OIM, DSM, WSM, or the Designee). The PLW is a competent individual who is assigned responsibility to verify work-site activities are in compliance with permit conditions and is responsible for the safe execution of work The PLW must be on location to perform the Behaviors to support Managing Safe Work

Set Expectations Plan the work with the team Collaborate and coach throughout the job Provide Performer feedback

NOTE: A person is considered "on location" if that person can physically get to the work site under his or her own power without the aid of a vehicle such as a boat, helicopter, truck or car.
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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.


Interruption of Work
All Permits to Work will be suspended:

if there is a General Alarm/Emergency for operational reasons as necessary (i.e. use of Stop Work Authority, etc) an "essential" signatory departs the field unless a delegated/designated person is assigned

In the event of suspended work, check the appropriate box at the top of the permit to work form. When an emergency alarm sounds, work in the affected area must stop and everyone must follow the required emergency action for the area. The Permit to Work shall not be reactivated until the Permit Approver (OS, OIM, DSM, WSM, or the Designee), and/or Area Controller (Ops Rep) has verified that it is safe for work to resume and the permit conditions have been revalidated. In the event of work stoppage due to an emergency drill, authorized work may resume upon official notification by the Operations Representative and/or Person Leading Work that the drill has ended. If the job site is left unattended for more than 30 minutes, the permit conditions must be revalidated before work can be restarted.
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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.

Work Complete & Update/Feedback

The Work Team Leader (PLW) shall sign the permit and inform the Area Controller (Ops Rep) and Permit Approver (OS, OIM, DSM, WSM, or the Designee), when work is complete, control devices specific to the permit are removed, and proper housekeeping has been verified. The Permit Approver (OS, OIM, DSM, WSM, or the Designee), shall verify that work is complete and sign the Permit to Work and specialized work permit as appropriate to close out the permit. The preferred method for close-out is written (signatures): however if a verbal sign-off is necessary because of specific operational limitation(s) of an area/location, it needs to be clearly identified on the permit The Permit Approver (OS, OIM, DSM, WSM, or the Designee), or designee is responsible for communicating potential hazard situations encountered during work (i.e., isolation incomplete, procedure confusing/incorrect, access was inadequate) to the responsible facility management, his or her Supervisor. Any documentation (e.g. procedures, tools, training materials, JSA) gaps identified are communicated to the SBU/facility responsible person(s)/department for update

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.


Close and File the Records

The documents associated with the Permit to Work Process are considered critical documents All required Safe Work Practice documents associated with the Permit to Work form shall be attached to the PTW document. The completed and signed Permit to Work document along with all associated safe work practice documents for each job shall be retained at the field office either in hard copy or readily available electronic storage. The PTW and all associated critical documents and records are retained for a period of 3 years after completion Permit to Work forms not associated with another SWP (see list below) need only be retained for 6 months unless an injury has occurred, then the 3 year requirement would take effect.

Isolation of Hazardous Energy Confined Space Working at Heights Hot Work Simultaneous Operations Electrical

Chevron 2005


2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 1
The purpose of the permit to work is to provide for the effective identification, mitigation, control and communication of Health, Environment and Safety (HES) hazards for work.

True False

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 1
The purpose of the permit to work is to provide for the effective identification, mitigation, control and communication of Health, Environment and Safety (HES) hazards for work.

True False

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 2
In the 2011 Permit to Work global upstream process, the Gulf of Mexico role of OS, OIM, DSM, WSM or Designee is equal to the __________.
a) Permit User b) Permit Approver c) Work Team Leader d) Site Checker

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 2
In the 2011 Permit to Work global upstream process, the Gulf of Mexico role of OS, OIM, DSM, WSM or Designee is equal to the __________.
a) Permit User b) Permit Approver c) Work Team Leader d) Site Checker

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 3
A Permit to Work is required when boats are

transferring diesel fuel, synthetic base mud, or other hazardous materials to the facility.

True False

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 3
A Permit to Work is required when boats are

transferring diesel fuel, synthetic base mud, or other hazardous materials to the facility.

True False

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 4
It is not important to make sure that an activity under a Permit to Work does not create danger for another activity elsewhere.

True False

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 4
It is not important to make sure that an activity under a Permit to Work does not create danger for another activity elsewhere.

True False

There shall be means to ensure that clear communication and coordination of work is ongoing to address possible permit conflicts and/or simultaneous operations (SimOps) situations.

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 5
A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) shall be performed onsite prior to the initiation of work. The purpose of the onsite JSA is to:
a) Involve the work team to make sure that the

people doing the work understand the tasks, hazards and mitigations
b) Address on-site conditions on the day of the work c) Verify that the work team has proper skill level and

d) All of the above

Chevron 2005


2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 5
A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) shall be performed onsite prior to the initiation of work. The purpose of the onsite JSA is to:
a) Involve the work team to make sure that the

people doing the work understand the tasks, hazards and mitigations
b) Address on-site conditions on the day of the work c) Verify that the work team has proper skill level and

d) All of the above

Chevron 2005


2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 6
At no time can a PLW simultaneously lead the work for more than ___ active permits to work.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) Unlimited

Chevron 2005


2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 6
At no time can a PLW simultaneously lead the work for more than ___ active permits to work.
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) Unlimited

Chevron 2005


2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 7
The Permit User (people doing the work) authorizes work to begin after confirming that the Permit to Work scope and conditions are understood by workers who shall be directly involved.
a) True b) False

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 7
The Permit User (people doing the work) authorizes work to begin after confirming that the Permit to Work scope and conditions are understood by workers who shall be directly involved.
a) True b) False

Chevron 2005


2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 8
Permit to Work approval shall be issued for a single shift, typically a 12-hour period. If necessary, the Permit Approver can issue a Permit to Work for a longer period of time but not to exceed ___ hours.
a) 14 b) 16 c) 18 d) 24

Chevron 2005


2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 8
Permit to Work approval shall be issued for a single shift, typically a 12-hour period. If necessary, the Permit Approver can issue a Permit to Work for a longer period of time but not to exceed ___ hours.
a) 14 b) 16 c) 18 d) 24

Chevron 2005


2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 9
When an emergency alarm sounds, work in the affected area must stop and everyone must follow the required emergency action for the area. The Permit to Work shall not be reactivated until the Permit Approver and/or Area Controller has verified that it is safe for work to resume and the permit conditions have been revalidated.

True False

Chevron 2005


2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 9
When an emergency alarm sounds, work in the affected area must stop and everyone must follow the required emergency action for the area. The Permit to Work shall not be reactivated until the Permit Approver and/or Area Controller has verified that it is safe for work to resume and the permit conditions have been revalidated.

True False

Chevron 2005


2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 10
All Permits to Work will be suspended:
a) if there is a General Alarm/Emergency b) for operational reasons as necessary (i.e. use of

Stop Work Authority, etc)

c) an "essential" signatory departs the field unless a

delegated/designated person is assigned

d) Any of the above

Chevron 2005


2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc .



Question 10
All Permits to Work will be suspended:
a) if there is a General Alarm/Emergency b) for operational reasons as necessary (i.e. use of

Stop Work Authority, etc)

c) an "essential" signatory departs the field unless a

delegated/designated person is assigned

d) Any of the above

Chevron 2005


2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc .



Question 11
A person is considered "on location" if that person can physically get to the work site under his or her own power, even with the aid of a vehicle such as a boat, helicopter, truck or car.

True False

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc .



Question 11
A person is considered "on location" if that person can physically get to the work site under his or her own power, even with the aid of a vehicle such as a boat, helicopter, truck or car.

True False

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc .



Question 12
The Person Leading Work shall sign the permit and inform the Operations Rep and Permit Approver when work is complete, control devices specific to the permit are removed, and proper housekeeping has been verified.

True False

Chevron 2005


2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 12
The Person Leading Work shall sign the permit and inform the Operations Rep and Permit Approver when work is complete, control devices specific to the permit are removed, and proper housekeeping has been verified.

True False

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 13
If the job site is left unattended for more than ____ minutes, the permit conditions must be revalidated before work can be restarted.
a) 10 minutes b) 30 minutes c) 60 minutes d) A job site can not be left unattended

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc .



Question 13
If the job site is left unattended for more than ____ minutes, the permit conditions must be revalidated before work can be restarted.
a) 10 minutes b) 30 minutes c) 60 minutes d) A job site can not be left unattended

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc .



Question 14
The Permit Approver shall verify that work is complete and sign the Permit to Work and specialized work permit as appropriate to close out the permit.

True False

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 14
The Permit Approver shall verify that work is complete and sign the Permit to Work and specialized work permit as appropriate to close out the permit.

True False

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2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 15
The completed and signed Permit to Work document along with all associated safe work practice documents for each job shall be retained at the field office, either in hard copy or readily available electronic storage for a period of ______ after completion.
a) 6 months b) 1 year c) 3 years d) indefinitely
Chevron 2005 DOC ID

2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.



Question 15
The completed and signed Permit to Work document along with all associated safe work practice documents for each job shall be retained at the field office, either in hard copy or readily available electronic storage for a period of ______ after completion.
a) 6 months b) 1 year c) 3 years d) indefinitely
Chevron 2005 DOC ID

2012 Chevron U.S.A. Inc.


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