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Group of Witches Child 1 : Child 2: Child 3: Child 4: All : Child 1: Child 2: Child 4: Child 4: All: Group of Children All Children : STOP IT! (cast a magic spell... zim zum zam zamba) Child 5 & 6: Child 7 & 8: Child 9 & 10: All: Child 5 & 6: Child 7 & 8: Child 9 & 10: Child 5 & 6: Pooooo! Pooooo! Pooooo! Witches are worse than dogs droppings! Dogs droppings smells better than witches! Yes, Yes! Talking about children is making me sick! Lets get rid of all the witches here We are having a giganticus plan! Tell us now! (all gather and pretend to conspire) All : Yes, Yes! (Children cast a spell.... and all witches lie flat on the floor) Children are revolting! We will wipe them all away! We will scrub their face! We will flush them down the drain! Yes, Yes! Wipe them away! Flush them down the drain! Children are foul and filthy! Dirty and stinky! Yes, Yes!


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