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September 4 Universe o is 13.7 billion yrs old o flat o 4.

.6% of energy is ordinary matter (what makes up everything we are aware of) 6 quarks and 6 Leptons They interact with 4 forces: Gravity, Electromagnetic, Strong nuclear force, Weak nuclear force o 23% cold dark matter (doesnt interact like usual particles, so we cant see) o 72% dark energy October 11 a= F/m Force proportional to q Dalton Burn Hydrogen and Oxygen to get water; always needed 8 grams of O for each gram of H this is wrong, should be 2H, so O should weigh 16 times a single H Matter is made of atoms; atoms are indivisible, cannot be created/destroyed; all atoms of a particular element are identical Gay LussacGases combine in definite volumes (ex. 2 volumes of H and 1 volume of O gives 2 volumes of H2O) Avogadro Equal volumes of gases at the same temp and pressure contain the same # of particles Ex. 2 volumes of H and 1 volume of O gives 2 volumes of H2O o Same # H atoms as H2O you end up with o 1 mole= 6.02E23 particles o Weights of elements: gram/mole Silver (Ag) .0342 mol of Ag. How many grams? 107.9 grams/mole Mass= 107.9 g/mol*.342 mol o How many iron atoms present in 95.8 gram of Fe? Massmole atom 55.85 gram/mole; # mol = 95.8 grams* (1 mol/55.85 gram)= 1.72 mole 1 Mole= 6.02E23 particles Millikan drops of oil fell due to gravity but affected by air resistance o Drops of oil= small spheres o Allows size and mass of oil drops o Density = Mass/Volume; density of the oil used by Millikan is known Mass of oil drop= density * Volume; V= (4/3)(pi)(r^3) Air resistance depends on: drop size (r); speed the drop falls Net force= mg- Air resistance= ma o Speed of falling drop increases R of falling drop o Electrically charges the drop and applies an electric field which exerts a force F= charge on drop(electric field), so drop moves up at constant speed m/q~ 1.3E-11 kg/C Millikan Oil drop experiment- study Electrolysis: Q/Mole Avagadros #; Size of an atom~10E-10 m Waves- transfer of energy by a disturbance in a medium o Longitudinal vs Transverse wave (using this because is simplest) o Frequency/Time determined by whatever is causing the wave o F= 1/T = in Hertz Velocity depends on the medium; Wavelength is determined by velocity and frequency; C= 3E8 m/s

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