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B.Sc., Nautical Science, Semester I

Unit test 1- January 2013- Max marks 6 Question nos 1 to 50 carries 1 mark and above 50 carries 2 marks Answer all the Questions with suitable sketches 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

What is Angle of loll? What are the remedial measures? Prepare a table of hydrostatic particulars for a vessel with appropriate dimensions (DOB)

Explain how each of the parameter in a hydrostatic table are calculated. What is the purpose of providing these d Explain procedure of using simpson's rules for calculating areas under a curve

Explain what are (a) KN curves and (b) cross curves Explain why reduction of GZ is calculated when vsl is listed. From wall sided formula, deduce a formula for list when GM=zero
From wall sided formula, deduce a formula for list when GM is less than zero

urpose of providing these data to vessel.

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