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Manufacturing and Production

Pro Engineer Manufacturing is a great place to start if you are planning on using Pro ENGINEER geometry to create CNC code. The main objective of this training guide is to teach the user how to properly setup their Pro Engineer

Manufacturing assemblies for post processing. Important terms covered include Workpieces, Design Models, Workcells, Fixtures and

Tooling design, development, and analysis Tool path creation NC simulation, verification, optimization, and post-processing

ISDX Surfacing Introduction

ProE ISDX (Interactive Surface Design Extension) is a new level of functionality brought directly into the ProE environment. It allows for quick creation of organic surfaces and geometry. Because this is all done within ProE, updates made to features referenced by ProE ISDX geometry will happen automatically.

The ProE ISDX Tutorial lays out the foundation for you to become familiar with the ISDX environment. In addition to general surface creation, we also cover surface analysis techniques.

Importing 3D IGES Geometry

All CAD systems operate in a different way. As a result, often times when importing a 3D CAD file into ProEngineer you will end up with unexpected results. Sometimes it works well while other times it does not. This ProEngineer Import lesson will show you how to take problem 3D imported files and utilize the geometry to recreate the model in ProEngineer.

Piping Basics

In this Pro E Piping lesson we add another pipe to the balloon pump assembly that you created in the first Piping tutorial. We will again use the Pipe Extend command to route the pipe, and we will also introduce another important tool, EZ-Router. In this Pro E Piping lesson we assume that the user now has a basic understanding of the piping system.

From this few page,it solving about PRO ENGINEER manufacturing , surfacing , function , importing 3D/2D , and more. We know that Pro Engineer helping us done what does our possible actions.

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