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COLLEGIATE ARTICLE I - NAME AND ORGANIZATION The Organization shall be known as the North Carolina Collegiate Division of the

Music Educators National Conference. ARTICLE II - AFFILIATION The organization shall be affiliated on the state level with the North Carolina Music Educators Association and on the national level with the Music Educators National Conference. ARTICLE III - PURPOSE The purpose of the Collegiate Member Division shall be: A. To provide an opportunity for persons interested in music education in the colleges ad universities of North Carolina to participate in all activities of the North Carolina Music Educators Association and Music Educators National Conference. B. To provide opportunities for student members to become better acquainted; to discuss mutual problems; to develop professional attitudes and work in a professional manner, and to enhance the quality of the preparation of music educators. ARTICLE IV - MEMBERSHIP AND DUES Section 1. Collegiate membership shall be open to persons interested in music education enrolled at a college or university having a Collegiate MENC chapter, and who are not employed full time as teachers upon payment of required dues. Section 2. Current national dues will be set by The National Executive Board of MENC. Local dues may be set in excess of the above. Section 3. Members are entitled to all rights and privileges as presented in the NCMEA constitution with the exception of holding office and voting. ARTICLE V - OFFICERS AND DUTIES Section 1. President: It shall be the duty of the State President to preside at all state collegiate and executive council meetings; to maintain and oversee communication with all local chapters; to appoint committees as needed (in consultation with the executive council); to represent the collegiate membership as a member of the NCMEA Board of Directors; appoint the Corresponding Secretary; serve as program co-chair with the Vice President; collect annual chapter reports and distribute to the evaluation committees; to solicit nominations for state level collegiate officers; and to serve as Immediate Past President the following year. The President must have one year of membership in CMENC and may not be graduating during the term of office.

Section 2. Vice-President: It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to assist the President; conduct meetings in the absence of the President; serve as program co- chairperson with the President; to assume other responsibilities as assigned by the President; and to be responsible for enlisting and supervising the Galleria Concerts at the Annual NCMEA In-Service Conference. Section 3. Immediate Past President: It shall be the duty of the Immediate Past-President to serve as ex-officio in an advisory capacity to the President and the Executive Committee. In the event the President is unable to fulfill the responsibilities of office, the Immediate Past President would assume the office of President. Section 4. Recording Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to record all minutes of state meetings and to send copies of same to each local chapter, the President of NCMEA and the State Advisor, to serve as reporter of student activities to state and national music publications and news media; to keep a roster of state chapters, enrollment, officers, and advisors; to secure a roster of other states officers; and to chair and have overall responsibility for the CMENC State Reception at the NCMEA Annual In-Service Conference. The Recording Secretary must have one years membership in MENC. Section 5. Corresponding Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Corresponding Secretary to assist the President in regular correspondence to all local chapters and to assume other responsibilities as assigned by the President. The Corresponding Secretary must be a member of a Collegiate MENC and will be appointed by the President. ARTICLE VI - ELECTION OF OFFICERS Section 1. Officers shall be elected annually at the general business meeting during the annual In-Service Conference of the North Carolina Music Educators Association. Section 2. The Executive Council, serving as a nominating committee, shall present all nominees submitted from local chapters for the offices of President, Vice-President and Recording Secretary. All nominations shall be submitted to the President and must be postmarked no later than October 1. Should no nominations be received for a particular office by the deadline, it will be the responsibility of the nominating committee to prepare a ballot for that office. Section 3. Each Chapter may nominate a maximum of one person for each office (President, Vice-President, Recording Secretary). Each nomination must be attached to a resume of the candidate and a letter of nomination/support signed by a local chapter officer and the chapter advisor. All nomination materials (nomination, resume and letter of support/endorsement signed by a local chapter officer and the local chapter advisor) must be postmarked no later than October 1. Section 4. The Nominating Committee shall mail the final slate of candidates and their qualification to each local chapter no later than two weeks prior to the annual NCMEA InService Conference.

Section 5. Candidates for each office shall address the student members at the Collegiate MENC business meeting at the annual NCMEA In-Service Conference. Any candidate not present at the meeting for elections will automatically be disqualified. Section 6. Each chapter will be allotted one vote per chapter member in attendance to a maximum of 10 votes per chapter. All votes must be cast in whole numbers, but all votes need not be cast for the same candidate. Section 7. Voting will be done by secret ballot and will be tabulated by the Nominating Committee at the conference. A plurality of the votes cast will be required for election. Section 8. In the event of a tie, which cannot be broken by a run off election, the Executive Committee of NCMEA will break the tie based on a blind review of the resumes of the two candidates. Section 9. Results of the election will be announced at the conference. ARTICLE VII - STATE COLLEGIATE ADVISOR The State Collegiate Advisor will be the person appointed by the State President of NCMEA and shall serve in an ex-officio capacity on all collegiate MENC committees. ARTICLE VIII - EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Section 1. The Executive Council shall be composed of the following persons: President, VicePresident, Immediate Past President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and Collegiate State Advisor. Section 2. The Executive Council shall be responsible for all matters of policy and programs. Section 3. The Executive Council shall meet two times annually: one annual meeting will be held during the NCMEA In-Service Conference and the second meeting will be held during the spring semester. Section 4. Other meetings may be called as needed by the President. ARTICLE IX MEETINGS One annual business meeting will be held during the annual In-Service Conference of the North Carolina Music Educators Association. Other meetings may be called by the President with approval of the Executive Council. ARTICLE X AMENDMENTS

Section 1. Constitutional changes or amendments will be ratified or rejected by each local chapter by a simple majority of those in attendance at the chapter meeting. The vote will be reported by the Chapter President. Section 2. The Constitution may be amended by simple majority of those chapters voting by mail. Section 3. Amendments may be initiated by (a) the Executive Council or (b) by petition, signed by a minimum of ten members representing at least three individual chapters. Section 4. An amendment must be presented to the membership by the Executive Council at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of voting. ARTICLE XI - CONDUCT OF MEETINGS Roberts Rules of Order shall be used in all business meetings.

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