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Foundation Doctors Surgical Essay Prize 2012

The Surgeon Who Has Most Inspired Me

ASiT are pleased to announce that we are now accepting entries for this years ASiT PLG Foundation Doctors Surgical Essay Prize. Essays of no more than 1,500 words are invited on the above title making particular reference to how the individuals influence on you has impacted on patient care and training in your career so far. The strongest entries for this prestigious award will be presented to the Patient Liaison Group of the Royal College of Surgeons of England who will determine the winner. The winner will receive one complimentary 2013 ASiT Conference registration, including standard travel costs and accommodation, and two runners up will receive 50 book vouchers. All three essays will be published in the ASiT Yearbook. Essays must be emailed to no later than midnight Thursday 18th of October 2012.
Entrants must be ASiT members and employed in a UK Foundation Programme approved post at the time of application. Essays should be written in Arial size 12 font, double spaced, and referenced in the Vancouver style where necessary. Applicants should provide their full name, ASiT membership number, Foundation Year, Deanery, email and postal address alongside their submission.

ASiT the pursuit of excellence in training 35-43 Lincolns Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE Telephone 020 7973 0302 Registered Charity Number 274841

ASiT the pursuit of excellence in training

35-43 Lincolns Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3PE Telephone 020 7973 0302 Registered Charity Number 274841

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