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Basic JSP Sample : Database Access - JDBC


Purpose Remarks Code from CountriesJdbc.jsp Code from CitiesJdbc.jsp Source Code Listings

Connect to the database and perform database operations using JDBC.

This sample uses Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) within a JSP to connect to the database and perform a dynamic query against an Oracle database. A JavaBean, implemented in, provides the application logic. The JSPs use HTML to define the presentation format, invoking the JavaBean to generate dynamic data.

Code from CountriesJdbc.jsp

<%-- Declare the java bean for the countries to be queried --%> <jsp:useBean id="JdbcQueryBean" class="JdbcQueryBean" scope="page" /> <%-- Bean property searchCondition is not set to query countries --%> <jsp:setProperty name="JdbcQueryBean" property="searchCondition" /> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>OC4J JSP Sample - Database Access Using Java Bean </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="white"> <CENTER> <%= JdbcQueryBean.getResult() %> <BR> </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML>

Code from CitiesJdbc.jsp

<% // Store the input parameter in a local variable String searchCondition=request.getParameter("searchCondition"); if (searchCondition!=null) {

session.putValue("searchCondition",searchCondition); } else { searchCondition=(String)session.getValue("searchCondition"); } %> <%-- Declare the java bean for the cities to be queried --%> <jsp:useBean id="JdbcQueryBean" class="JdbcQueryBean" scope="page" /> <%-- Set the bean property searchCondition equal to the input parameter. --%> <jsp:setProperty name="JdbcQueryBean" property="searchCondition" value="<%= searchCondition %>" /> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>OC4J JSP Sample - Database Access Using Java Bean</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="white"> <SCRIPT language="javascript"> function back() { } </SCRIPT> <FORM> <CENTER> <%= JdbcQueryBean.getResult() %> <BR> </CENTER> </FORM> </BODY> </HTML>

Source Code Listings

CitiesJdbc.jsp CountriesJdbc.jsp

<Resource name=jdbc/Test DBauth=Containertype=javax.sql.Data source maxActive=100maxIdle=30maxwait

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