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CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS JUNE 2002 GCE Advanced Subsidiary Level MARK SCHEME MAXIMUM MARK : 25 SYLLABUS/COMPONENT :9700 /3 BIOLOGY (PRACTICAL (AS)) Universrry of Campnipcr Local Examinations Syudieate Page 1 Mark Scheme ‘Syllabus | Paper ‘AS Level Examinations — June 2002 ‘9700 a Expected Answers Marks Additional Guidance Tai jell taili saw tay 1b dings; All five averages in correct relative onder ie W2 Wa WS W1 WS ‘tongest fo shortest, Units in ran ia ceils of tot colar; ‘Bou 5 mean lengins calculated correctly: 3 out OF 5 mean change in tengths correct Wea toleft of W2 > WS tole of Ws} max 3 marks WI tole of WS} WS tole of Wi} 1 mark for each error (max3) Any three from: ‘Axis comect orientation, ‘scale and labels correct, Plotting correct, Line of best file straight line close to plots (Correct reading from graph & units correct, ‘Water entering equals water saving / ro net movement. ‘Any three from: Engure widths of strips aro ali same / SA; Use bigger cange of solutions (between O-t Untess all + then allow >1), Larger number of strips / repeat expl, ‘Temperature control, Even drying with paper towel All staps from seme potato; Leave > 20 min, Leave for same time: Increase lenoth of each stip: Cover Petr dish; Weigh. Total max 4 max3 max 3 max 3 15 y } Based on candidates results ) ‘Allow extvapolauen. owrTe Za 2b 2e ‘Git of diagram ie 3 concentte eipses. (Outer only can be broken. No cells, shading OF stiples. Allow fat ine. ignore blood contents: 2 layars of comparable thickness, ‘wall wieth : overall width 1:4 — 1: Tunica media / elastic, labelled, Tunica adventia / connective, labelled, Diameter of aorta 1 — 5 mmm divided into diagram size: Calculation correct, Four from Wallis thick, “To withstand pressure; Wall crinkled / elastic tissue in wall, To stretch f recoil Inner fining crinkled; Total max 4 Max 4 10 Allow fat label Accept em if used for both. ‘Accept writtan explanation of methed. Bold answer allowed if within parameters. ‘Accept prevents bursting OwTTE:

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