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1. Min Heap 2. Deaps 3. Leftist Heap 4. AVL Tree 5. B-Tree 6. Tries 7. Quick Sort 8. Convex hull 9. 0/1 Knapsack using Dynamic Programming 10. Graph coloring using backtracking

1Page 2 of 58

To implement the MIN HEAP structure with insert and delete minimum operating using C++ program. PROGRAM: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class minheap { int size; int arr[50]; public: void createheap(); void insert(); void removemin(); void heap(int); void display(); }; void minheap::createheap() { cout<<"\n Enter size of heap:"; cin>>size; for(int i=1;i<=size;i++) { cout<<"Enter element"<<i<<":"; cin>>arr[i]; } for(int j=(size/2);j>0;j--) heap(j); } void minheap::heap(int t) { int l=2*t; int r=2*t+1; int minidx=t; if(l<=size&&arr[l]<arr[minidx]) minidx=l; if(r<=size&&arr[r]<arr[minidx]) minidx=r; if(minidx!=t) {

1Page 3 of 58 int temp=arr[minidx]; arr[minidx]=arr[t]; arr[t]=temp; heap(minidx); } } void minheap::display() { cout<<"\nmin heap:"; for(int i=1;i<=size;i++) cout<<arr[i]<<" "; } void minheap::insert() { cout<<"enter the element to be insert:"; cin>>arr[++size]; int node=size; while(node>0) { if(arr[node/2]<arr[node]) break; else { int temp=arr[node/2]; arr[node/2]=arr[node]; arr[node]=temp; } node=node/2; } } void minheap::removemin() { cout<<"Element deleted is:"<<arr[1]; arr[1]=arr[size--]; heap(1); }

void main() { minheap h; int ch; clrscr();

1Page 4 of 58 cout<<"minheap:"; h.createheap(); cout<<"\n choice:"; cout<<"\n 1.insert"<<"\n2.remove minimun"<<"\n 3.display"<<"\n4.exit"; do { cout<<"\n\n Enter your choice:"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: h.insert(); break; case 2: h.removemin(); break; case 3: h.display(); break; } } while(ch<4); getch(); }

1Page 5 of 58

Enter size of heap:5 Enter Element 1 :25 Enter Element 2:63 Enter Element 3:54 Enter Element 4:39 Enter Element 5:47 CHOICE: 1. INSERT 2. REMOVE MINIMUM 3. DISPLAY 4. EXIT Enter your choice:3 Min heap: 25 39 54 63 47 Enter your choice:1 Enter the element to be insert:70 Enter your choice:3 Min heap:25 39 54 63 47 70 Enter your choice:2 Element deleted is:25 Enter your choice:3 Min heap:39 63 54 70 47 Enter your choice:4

Thus the program for MIN HEAP was written successfully.

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To implement the DEAP structure with insert and delete minimum operating using C++ program PROGRAM: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> class deaps { public: int size; int arr[100]; public: void createdeap(); void deap(int); void swap(int,int); void mininsert(int); void maxinsert(int); void insert(); void removemin(int); void removemax(int); void display(); }; void deaps::createdeap() { cout<<"\nEnter the no.of elements to be inserted:"; cin>>size; cout<<"Enter "<<size<<" element(s):"; size++; for(int i=2;i<=size;i++) cin>>arr[i]; for(int j=3;j<=size;j++) deap(j); } void deaps::deap(int i) { int power=0,key=i,partner,p=i; while(i>1) { key=i; power++;

1Page 7 of 58 i/=2; } if(key==2) { partner=p+(pow(2,power-1)); partner/=2; if(arr[p]<arr[partner]) mininsert(p); else { swap(p,partner); maxinsert(partner); } } if(key==3) { partner=p-(pow(2,power-1)); if(arr[p]>arr[partner]) maxinsert(p); else { swap(p,partner); mininsert(partner); } } } void deaps::swap(int t1,int t2) { int temp=arr[t1]; arr[t1]=arr[t2]; arr[t2]=temp; } void deaps::mininsert(int p) { while(p/2>1) { if(arr[p/2]>arr[p]) swap(p,p/2); else break; p/=2; } } void deaps::maxinsert(int p) { while(p/2>1)

1Page 8 of 58 { if(arr[p/2]<arr[p]) swap(p,p/2); else break; p/=2; } } void deaps::display() { cout<<"\n\nDeap Elements: null"; for(int i=2;i<=size;i++) cout<<" "<<arr[i]; } void deaps::insert() { cout<<"\nEnter the element to be insert:"; cin>>arr[++size]; deap(size); } void deaps::removemin(int i) { int minidx=i; int lchild=2*i; int rchild=2*i+1; if(lchild<=size && arr[lchild]<arr[minidx]) minidx=lchild; if(rchild<=size && arr[rchild]<arr[minidx]) minidx=rchild; if(minidx!=i) { swap(minidx,i); removemin(minidx); } } void deaps::removemax(int i) { int maxidx=i; int lchild=2*i; int rchild=2*i+1; if(lchild<=size && arr[lchild]>arr[maxidx]) maxidx=lchild; if(rchild<=size && arr[rchild]>arr[maxidx]) maxidx=rchild;

1Page 9 of 58 if(maxidx!=i) { swap(maxidx,i); removemin(maxidx); } } void main() { deaps d; int ch; clrscr(); cout<<"\n\t\tDEAPS"<<"\nCREATE DEAP"; d.createdeap(); cout<<"\n\nOPERATIONS:"; cout<<"\n1.INSERT\n2.REMOVE MIN\n3.REMOVE MAX\n4.DISPLAY\n5.EXIT"; do { cout<<"\nEnter your choice:"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: d.insert(); break; case 2: cout<<"\nRemoved Minimum Element:"<<d.arr[2]; d.arr[2]=d.arr[d.size--]; d.removemin(2); break; case 3: cout<<"\nRemoved Maximum Element:"<<d.arr[3]; d.arr[3]=d.arr[d.size--]; d.removemax(3); break; case 4: d.display(); break; } }while(ch<5); getch(); }

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CREATE DEAP Enter the no.of elements to be inserted:6 Enter 6 element(s):25 45 10 8 5 40 OPERATIONS: 1.INSERT 2.REMOVE MIN 3.REMOVE MAX 4.DISPLAY 5.EXIT Enter your choice:4 Deap Elements: null 5 45 8 10 25 40 Enter your choice:1 Enter the element to be insert:15 Enter your choice:4 Deap Elements: null 5 45 8 10 25 40 15 Enter your choice:2 Removed Minimum Element:5 Enter your choice:4 Deap Elements: null 8 45 15 10 25 40 Enter your choice:3 Removed Maximum Element:45

Thus the program for DEAP was written successfully.

1Page 11 of 58

To implement the Leftist Heap using C++ program. PROGRAM: #include<iostream.h > #include<conio.h> struct node { int data; int npl; struct node*left; struct node*right; }; class leftist { public: struct node*root; void insertheap(); void insert(int); node* merge(node*&,node*&); void display(node*&); }; void leftist::insertheap() { int val; cout<<"(Enter 0 to stop insertion)\n\n"; do{ cout<<"Enter value:"; cin>>val; if(val!=0) insert(val); }while(val); } void leftist::insert(int val) { node*newnode=new node; newnode->data=val; newnode->left=NULL; newnode->right=NULL; newnode->npl=0; if(root==NULL) root=newnode; else root=merge(root,newnode);

1Page 12 of 58 } node* leftist::merge(node*&l,node*&r) { node*temp; if(r!=NULL) { if(l->data>r->data) { temp=l; l=r; r=temp; } if(l->right==NULL) l->right=r; else l->right=merge(l->right,r); if(l->left==NULL||l->left->npl<l->right->npl) { temp=l->left; l->left=l->right; l->right=temp; } if(l->right==NULL) l->npl=0; else { if(l->left->npl<l->right->npl) l->npl=l->left->npl+1; else l->npl=l->right->npl+1; } } return l; } void leftist::display(node *&t) { if(t!=NULL) { cout<<t->data<<" "; display(t->left); display(t->right); } } void main() { clrscr();

1Page 13 of 58 leftist l; l.root=NULL; int val,ch=0; cout<<"\n\t\tLEFTIST HEAP"; cout<<"\n1.CREATE MINLEFTIST HEAP"; cout<<"\n2.INSERT\n3.DELETEMIN\n4.MERGE\n5.DISPLAY\n6.EXIT"; do { cout<<"\n\nENTER YOUR CHOICE:"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: l.insertheap(); break; case 2: cout<<"\nEnter an element to be insert:"; cin>>val; l.insert(val); break; case 3: cout<<"\nDeleted element is:"<<l.root->data; l.root=l.merge(l.root->left,l.root->right); break; case 4: cout<<"\nEnter heap to merge:"; leftist l1; l1.root=NULL; l1.insertheap(); l.root=l.merge(l.root,l1.root); break; case 5: cout<<"\nThe leftist heap is:"; l.display(l.root); break; case 6: cout<<"\nEXIT"; break; default: cout<<"\nInvalid choice:"; break; } }while(ch!=6); getch();}

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1.CREATE MINLEFTIST HEAP 2.INSERT 3.DELETEMIN 4.MERGE 5.DISPLAY 6.EXIT ENTER YOUR CHOICE:1 (Enter 0 to stop insertion) Enter value:2 Enter value:7 Enter value:50 Enter value:11 Enter value:13 Enter value:80 Enter value:0 ENTER YOUR CHOICE:5 The leftist heap is:2 11 50 13 7 80 ENTER YOUR CHOICE:2 Enter an element to be insert:15 ENTER YOUR CHOICE:5 The leftist heap is:2 11 50 13 7 80 15 ENTER YOUR CHOICE:3 Deleted element is:2 ENTER YOUR CHOICE:5 The leftist heap is:7 11 50 13 15 80 ENTER YOUR CHOICE:4 Enter heap to merge:(Enter 0 to stop insertion) Enter value:5 Enter value:9 Enter value:8 Enter value:12 Enter value:10 Enter value:20 Enter value:0

1Page 15 of 58 ENTER YOUR CHOICE:5 The leftist heap is:5 7 11 50 13 15 9 20 80 8 12 10 ENTER YOUR CHOICE:6

Thus the program for Leftist Heap was written successfully.

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To implement the AVL structure with insert and delete operating using C++ program. PROGRAM: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> template<class T1> class AVLnode { public: T1 element; AVLnode *left; AVLnode *right; int ht; friend class AVL<T1>; }; template<class T1> class AVL { public: int height(AVLnode<T1>*&); void insert(T1 x,AVLnode<T1>*&); void build(); void rotatewithleftchild(AVLnode<T1>*&); void rotatewithrightchild(AVLnode<T1>*&); T1 max(T1,T1); void traversal(AVLnode<T1>*&); void preorder(AVLnode<T1>*&); void doublerotationwithleft(AVLnode<T1>*&k3); void doublerotationwithright(AVLnode<T1>*&k3); }; template<class T1> void AVL<T1>::build() { AVLnode<T1>*Root=NULL; int n,i; cout<<"\nEnter the no of elements to be inserted:"; cin>>n; T1 x; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { cout<<"\nEnter the element to insert:"; cin>>x;

1Page 17 of 58 insert(x,Root); } cout<<"\n\nAVL TREE(PREORDER):"; preorder(Root); } template<class T1> int AVL<T1>::height(AVLnode<T1>*&Root) { return(Root==NULL?-1:Root->ht); } template<class T1> void AVL<T1>::insert(T1 x,AVLnode<T1>*&Root) { if(Root==NULL) { Root=new AVLnode<T1>; Root->element=x; Root->left=NULL; Root->right=NULL; Root->ht=0; } else if(x<(Root)->element) { insert(x,Root->left); if(height(Root->left)-height(Root->right)==2) { if(x<Root->left->element) { cout<<"\nUnbalanced occur at "<<Root->element; cout<<"\nPerforming Left-Left rotation\n"; rotatewithleftchild(Root); } else { cout<<"\nUnbalanced occur at "<<Root->element; cout<<"\nPerforming Double rotation(Left-Right)\n"; doublerotationwithleft(Root); } } } else if(x>Root->element) { insert(x,Root->right); if(height(Root->right)-height(Root->left)==2) { if(x>Root->right->element)

1Page 18 of 58 { cout<<"\nUnbalanced occur at "<<Root->element; cout<<"\nPerforming Right-Right rotation\n"; rotatewithrightchild(Root); } else { cout<<"\nUnbalanced occur at "<<Root->element; cout<<"\nPerforming Double rotation(Right-Left)\n"; doublerotationwithright(Root); } } } Root->ht=max(height(Root->left),height(Root->right))+1; } template<class T1> void AVL<T1>::rotatewithleftchild(AVLnode<T1>*&k2) { AVLnode<T1>*k1=k2->left; k2->left=k1->right; k1->right=k2; k2->ht= max(height(k2->left),height(k2->right))+1; k1->ht= max(height(k1->left),height(k1->right))+1; k2=k1; } template<class T1> void AVL<T1>::doublerotationwithleft(AVLnode<T1>*&k3) { rotatewithrightchild(k3->left); rotatewithleftchild(k3); } template<class T1> void AVL<T1>::doublerotationwithright(AVLnode<T1>*&k3) { rotatewithleftchild(k3->right); rotatewithrightchild(k3); } template<class T1> void AVL<T1>::rotatewithrightchild(AVLnode<T1>*&k2) { AVLnode<T1>*k1=k2->right; k2->right =k1-> left; k1-> left=k2; k2->ht= max(height(k2->left),height(k2->right))+1; k1->ht= max(height(k1->left),height(k1->right))+1; k2=k1;

1Page 19 of 58 } template<class T1> T1 AVL<T1>::max(T1 t1,T1 t2) { return((t1>t2)?t1:t2); } template<class T1> void AVL<T1>::preorder(AVLnode<T1>*&Root) { if(Root==NULL) return; else { cout<<Root->element<<" "; preorder(Root->left); preorder(Root->right); } } void main() { AVL <int> a; clrscr(); cout<<"AVL TREE\n"; cout<<"**********\n";; getch();}

1Page 20 of 58

AVL TREE ********** Enter the no of elements to be inserted:8 Enter the element to insert:10 Enter the element to insert:2 Enter the element to insert:8 Unbalanced occur at 10 Performing Double rotation(Left-Right) Enter the element to insert:12 Enter the element to insert:11 Unbalanced occur at 10 Performing Double rotation(Right-Left) Enter the element to insert:15 Unbalanced occur at 8 Performing Right-Right rotation Enter the element to insert:7 Enter the element to insert:9 AVL TREE(PREORDER):11 8 2 7 10 9 12 15

Thus the program for AVL structure with insert and delete was written successfully.

1Page 21 of 58

To implement the B TREE with insert and delete minimum operating using C++ program. PROGRAM: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<alloc.h> #include<process.h> const int MAX=4; const int MIN=2; struct btnode { int count; int value[MAX+1]; btnode *child[MAX+1]; }; class btree { private: btnode *root; public: btree(); void insert(int val); int setval(int val,btnode *n,int *p,btnode **c); static btnode *search(int val,btnode *root,int *pos); static int searchnode(int val,btnode *n,int *pos); void fillnode(int val,btnode *c,btnode *n,int k); void split(int val,btnode *c,btnode *n,int k,int *y,btnode **newnode); void del(int val); int delhelp(int val,btnode *root); void clear(btnode *root,int k); void copysucc(btnode *root,int i); void restore(btnode *root,int i); void rightshift(int k); void leftshift(int k); void merge(int k); void show(); void get(); void input(); static void display(btnode *root); static void deltree(btnode *root); ~btree();

1Page 22 of 58 }; btree::btree() { root=NULL; } void btree::input() { int arr[100],n1; cout<<"Enter the no. of values to be inserted"; cin>>n1; cout<<"Enter the values"; for(int i=0;i<n1;i++) { cin>>arr[i]; insert(arr[i]); } } void btree::insert(int val) { int i; btnode *c,*n; int flag; flag=setval(val,root,&i,&c); if(flag) { n=new btnode; n->count=1; n->value[1]=i; n->child[0]=root; n->child[1]=c; root=n; } } int btree::setval(int val,btnode *n,int *p,btnode **c) { int k; if(n==NULL) { *p=val; *c=NULL; return 1;

1Page 23 of 58 } else { if(searchnode(val,n,&k)) cout<<endl<<"key value already exists"<<endl; if(setval(val,n->child[k],p,c)) { if(n->count<MAX) { fillnode(*p,*c,n,k); return 0; } else { split(*p,*c,n,k,p,c); return 1; } } return 0; } } btnode *btree::search(int val,btnode *root,int *pos) { if(root==NULL) return NULL; else { if(searchnode(val,root,pos)) return root; else return search(val,root->child[*pos],pos); } } int btree::searchnode(int val,btnode *n,int *pos) { if(val<n->value[1]) { *pos=0; return 0; } else { *pos=n->count; while((val<n->value[*pos])&&*pos>1)

1Page 24 of 58 (*pos)--; if(val==n->value[*pos]) return 1; else return 0; } } void btree::fillnode(int val,btnode *c,btnode *n,int k) { int i; for(i=n->count;i>k;i--) { n->value[i+1]=n->value[i]; n->child[i+1]=n->child[i]; } n->value[k+1]=val; n->child[k+1]=c; n->count++; } void btree::split(int val,btnode *c,btnode *n,int k,int *y,btnode **newnode) { int i,mid; if(k<=MIN) mid=MIN; else mid=MIN+1; *newnode=new btnode; for(i=mid+1;i<=MAX;i++) { (*newnode)->value[i-mid]=n->value[i]; (*newnode)->child[i-mid]=n->child[i]; } (*newnode)->count=MAX-mid; n->count=mid; if(k<=MIN) fillnode(val,c,n,k); else fillnode(val,c,*newnode,k-mid); *y=n->value[n->count]; (*newnode)->child[0]=n->child[n->count]; n->count--; } void btree::get() {

1Page 25 of 58 int ch,ch1; cout<<"\n\t\t Btree \n \n 1:insertion \n 2:deletion \n 3:exit"; while(1) { cout<<"\n enter the operation:"; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case 1: input(); cout<<"\n Elements in the Btree:"; show(); break; case 2: cout<<"\n Enter the value to be deleted:"; cin>>ch1; del(ch1); cout<<"\n Elements in the Btree:"; show(); break; case 3: exit(1); break; default: break; } } } void btree::del(int val) { btnode *temp; if(!delhelp(val,root)) cout<<endl<<"\n value"<<val<<"not found"; else { if(root->count==0) { temp=root; root=root->child[0]; delete temp; } } } int btree::delhelp(int val,btnode *root) { int i;

1Page 26 of 58 int flag; if(root==NULL) return 0; else { flag=searchnode(val,root,&i); if(flag) { if(root->child[i-1]) { copysucc(root,i); flag=delhelp(root->value[i],root->child[i]); if(!flag) cout<<endl<<"value"<<val<<"not found"; } else clear(root,i); } else flag=delhelp(val,root->child[i]); if(root->child[i]!=NULL) { if(root->child[i]->count<MIN) restore(root,i); } return flag; } } void btree::clear(btnode *root,int k) { int i; for(i=k+1;i<=root->count;i++) { root->value[i-1]=root->value[i]; root->child[i-1]=root->child[i]; } root->count--; } void btree::copysucc(btnode *root,int i) { btnode *temp=root->child[i]; while(temp->child[0]) temp=temp->child[0]; root->value[i]=temp->value[1];

1Page 27 of 58 } void btree::restore(btnode *root,int i) { if(i==0) { if(root->child[1]->count>MIN) leftshift(1); else merge(1); } else { if(i==root->count) { if(root->child[i-1]->count>MIN) rightshift(i); else merge(i); } else { if(root->child[i+1]->count>MIN) rightshift(i); else { if(root->child[i+1]->count>MIN) leftshift(i+1); else merge(i); }}}} void btree::rightshift(int k) { int i; btnode *temp; temp=root->child[k]; for(i=temp->count;i>0;i--) { temp->value[i+1]=temp->value[i]; temp->child[i+1]=temp->child[i]; } temp->child[1]=temp->child[0]; temp->count++; temp->value[1]=root->value[k]; temp=root->child[k-1]; root->value[k]=temp->value[temp->count];

1Page 28 of 58 root->child[k]->child[0]=temp->child[temp->count]; temp->count--; } void btree::leftshift(int k) { btnode *temp; temp=root->child[k-1]; temp->count++; temp->value[temp->count]=root->value[k]; temp->child[temp->count]=root->child[k]->child[0]; temp=root->child[k]; root->value[k]=temp->value[1]; temp->child[0]=temp->child[1]; temp->count--; for(int i=1;i<=temp->count;i++) { temp->value[i]=temp->value[i+1]; temp->child[i]=temp->child[i+1]; } } void btree::merge(int k) { btnode *temp1,*temp2; temp1=root->child[k]; temp2=root->child[k+1]; temp2->count++; temp2->value[temp2->count]=root->value[k]; temp2->child[temp2->count]=root->child[0]; for(int i;i<=temp1->count;i++) { temp2->count++; temp2->value[temp2->count]=temp1->value[i]; temp2->child[temp2->count]=temp1->child[i]; } for(i=k;i<root->count;i++) { root->value[i]=root->value[i+1]; root->child[i]=root->child[i+1]; } root->count--; delete temp1; }

1Page 29 of 58 void btree::show() { display(root); } void btree::display(btnode *root) { if(root!=NULL) { for(int i=0;i<root->count;i++) { display(root->child[i]); cout<<root->value[i+1]<<"\t"; } display(root->child[i]); } } void btree::deltree(btnode *root) { if(root!=NULL) { for(int i=0;i<root->count;i++) { deltree(root->child[i]); deltree(root->child[i]); } deltree(root->child[i]); delete(root->child[i]); } } btree::~btree() { deltree(root); } void main() { clrscr(); btree b; /*int sz=sizeof(arr)/sizeof(int); for(int i=0;i<sz;i++) b.insert(arr[i]); cout<<"B-tree of order 5:"<<endl;; cout<<"\n\n B-tree after deletion of values:"<<endl;

1Page 30 of 58;*/ b.get(); cout<<"\n \n B-tree after deletion of values:"<<endl;; getch(); }

1Page 31 of 58

1:insertion 2:deletion 3:exit enter the operation:1 Enter the no. of values to be inserted4 Enter the values3 6 1 9 Elements in the Btree:1 Enter the operation:2 3 6 9

Enter the value to be deleted:3 Elements in the Btree:1 6 9

Enter the operation:1 Enter the no. of values to be inserted1 Enter the values7 Elements in the Btree:1 Enter the operation:3 6 7 9

Thus the program for B TREE was written successfully.

1Page 32 of 58

To implement the Tries using C++ program. PROGRAM: #include<iostream.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<dos.h> #include<alloc.h> #include<conio.h> struct data { char word[20]; char meaning[50]; }; struct trie { struct trie *child[26]; struct data *ptr; }; struct trie *insert(struct trie*node,char *val,int len,int count) { if(node==NULL) { node=(struct trie*)malloc(sizeof(struct trie)); for(int i=0;i<26;i++) { node->child[i]=NULL; } } if(count<len) { int temp=(int)(*(val+count))-65; node->child[temp]=insert(node->child[temp],val,len,(count+1)); node->ptr=NULL; } else { node->ptr=(struct data*)malloc(sizeof(struct data)); strcpy(node->ptr->word,val);

1Page 33 of 58 cout<<"Enter Meaning:"; cin>>node->ptr->meaning; } return node; } struct trie *search(struct trie *node,char *val,int len,int count) { if(node==NULL) { cout<<"\n!!Word does not exist!!"; } else if(count<len) { int temp=(int)(*(val+count))-65; node->child[temp]=search(node->child[temp],val,len,(count+1)); } else if(node->ptr==NULL) { cout<<"\n!!Word does not exist!!"; } else { cout<<"\n\!!Word Exists!!"; cout<<"\nWord:"<<node->ptr->word; cout<<"\nMeaning:"<<node->ptr->meaning; }getch(); return node; } struct trie *del(struct trie *node,char *val,int len,int count) { if(node==NULL) { cout<<"\n!!Word does not exist!!"; } else if(count<len) { int temp=(int)(*(val+count))-65; node->child[temp]=del(node->child[temp],val,len,(count+1)); } else if(node->ptr==NULL) { cout<<"\n!!Word does not exist!!"; } else { delete node->ptr;

1Page 34 of 58 node->ptr=NULL; cout<<"\n!!Word Deleted!!"; } getch(); return node; } /*struct trie *display(struct trie *node) { if(node->ptr!=NULL) { cout<<"\nWord:"<<node->ptr->word; cout<<"\n Meaning:"<<node->ptr->meaning; return node; } else { clrscr(); gotoxy(23,16); cout<<"DICTIONARY EMPTY"; return node; } for(int i=0;i<26;i++) { if(node->child[i]!=NULL) display(node->child[i]); else { clrscr(); gotoxy(23,16); cout<<"DICTIONARY EMPTY"; return node; } } return node; } */ void prog() { char val[26],ch; int i; struct trie *root=NULL; do { clrscr(); textmode(C80); gotoxy(30,5); textcolor(12);

1Page 35 of 58 cout<<"THE COMPUTER DICTIONARY"; gotoxy(23,8); textcolor(15); cout<<"1.Insert an Element"; gotoxy(23,10); cout<<"2.Search a Node"; gotoxy(23,12); cout<<"3.Delete a Node"; gotoxy(23,14); cout<<"4.Exit"; gotoxy(23,18); cout<<"Enter your Choice:" ; cin>>ch; switch(ch) { case'1': clrscr(); cout<<"\n\nEnter Word:"; cin>>val; i=strlen(val); root=insert(root,val,i-1,0); break; case'2': clrscr(); cout<<"\n\nEnter the Word to Search:"; cin>>val; i=strlen(val); root=search(root,val,i-1,0); break; case'3': clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n Enter the Wordto Delete:"; cin>>val; i=strlen(val); root=del(root,val,i-1,0); break; /*case'4': clrscr(); cout<<"THE WORDS IN DICTIONARY ARE"; root=display(root); break;*/ case'4': clrscr(); textcolor(2); gotoxy(26,10); cout<<"QUITING THE DICTIONARY";

1Page 36 of 58 for(int i=0;i<=3;i++) { cout<<"."; delay(250); } return; default: clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n!!WRONG CHOICE!!\n"; } } while(1); } void intro() { textmode(C80); int i; clrscr(); for(i=0;i<=50;i++) { if((15+i)%2==0) { textcolor(4); gotoxy(30,5); cout<<"DICTIONARY LOADING"; } else { gotoxy(30,5); cout<<"."; } gotoxy(15+i,13); textcolor(5); cout<<"**>"; gotoxy(32,22); cout<<2*i<<"%completed"; delay(100); } delay(1000); clrscr(); gotoxy(26,10); cout<<"DICTIONARY LOADING COMPLETED"; delay(450); clrscr(); } void main()

1Page 37 of 58 { clrscr(); intro(); prog(); }

1Page 38 of 58


1.Insert an Element 2.Search a Node 3.Delete a Node 4.Exit Enter your Choice:1 Enter Word:exultant Enter Meaning:rejoicing

THE COMPUTER DICTIONARY 1.Insert an Element 2.Search a Node 3.Delete a Node 4.Exit

Enter your Choice:2

Enter the Word to Search:exultant !!Word Exists!! Word:exultant Meaning:rejoicing

1Page 39 of 58

Enter the Word to Delete:exultant !!Word Deleted!!

THE COMPUTER DICTIONARY 1.Insert an Element 2.Search a Node 3.Delete a Node 4.Exit

Enter your Choice:4


Thus the program for Tries was written successfully.

1Page 40 of 58

To implement the Quick Sort using C++ program. PROGRAM: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class sort { int arr[100]; int num; public: void get_data(); void quick(int x[],int p,int q); int partition(int x[],int lb,int ub); void display(); }; void sort::get_data() { clrscr(); cout<<"number of elements"; cin>>num; cout<<endl<<"elements"; for(int i=0;i<num;i++) cin>>arr[i]; quick(arr,0,num); } void sort::quick(int x[],int lb,int ub) { int j; if(lb>=ub) return; j=partition(x,lb,ub); quick(x,lb,j-1); quick(x,j+1,ub); } int sort::partition(int x[],int lb,int ub) { int a,down,up,temp; a=x[lb]; up=ub; down=lb; while(down<up) { while(x[down]<=a&&down<ub)

1Page 41 of 58 down++; while(x[up]>a) up--; if(down<up) { temp=x[down]; x[down]=x[up]; x[up]=temp; } } x[lb]=x[up]; x[up]=a; return up; } void sort::display() { cout<<endl<<"sorted array"; for(int i=0;i<num;i++) cout<<arr[i]<<" "; } void main() { sort s; s.get_data(); s.display(); getch(); }

1Page 42 of 58

OUTPUT: Number of elements7 elements44 88 12 01 52 64 76 Sorted array01 12 44 52 64 76 88

Thus the program for Quick Sort was written successfully.

1Page 43 of 58

To implement the using C++ program. PROGRAM: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> class convexhull { int x[50],y[50],n,status[50]; public: void insert(); void sort(); void swap(int,int); void check(int,char); void display(); }; void convexhull::insert() { cout<<"\nEnter number of points:"; cin>>n; cout<<"\nEnter x and y coordinates for "; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { cout<<"Point "<<i+1<<"\n"; cin>>x[i]; cin>>y[i]; status[i]=0; } sort(); check(0,'L'); check(0,'H'); display(); } void convexhull::sort() { for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++) { for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++) if((x[i]>x[j]) || ((x[i]==x[j]) && (y[i]>y[j]))) swap(i, j); }

1Page 44 of 58 } void convexhull::swap(int i,int j) { int temp=x[i]; x[i]=x[j]; x[j]=temp; temp=y[i]; y[i]=y[j]; y[j]=temp; } void convexhull::display() { cout<<"Boundary points are"; for(int i=0;i<n;i++) if(status[i]==1) cout<<"("<<x[i]<<", "<<y[i]<<")"; } void convexhull::check(int p,char c) { double slope=0,degree=0,deg=0; int next=0; status[p]=1; for(int i=p+1;i<n;i++) { if(y[i]-y[p]) { slope=(double)(x[i]-x[p])/(double)(y[i]-y[p]); degree=atan(slope); if(degree < 0) degree+=180; } else degree=90; if(i==p+1) { deg=degree; next=i; } else { if((c=='L' && deg>degree)||(c!='L' && deg<degree)||(degree==deg && x[i]<x[next])) { deg=degree; next=i; } }

1Page 45 of 58 } if(next!=0) check(next,c); } void main() { clrscr(); convexhull c; cout<<"\nCOVEX HULL"; cout<<"\n**********\n"; c.insert(); getch(); }

1Page 46 of 58


Enter number of points:7 Enter x and y coordinates for Point 1 3 6 Point 2 2 3 Point 3 3 4 Point 4 3 3 Point 5 2 2 Point 6 6 1 Point 7 3 1 Boundary points are(2, 2)(2, 3)(3, 1)(3, 6)(6, 1)

Thus the program for Covex Hull hs written successfully.

1Page 47 of 58


To implement the 0/1 knapsack using dynamic programming using C++ program. PROGRAM: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class knapsack { public: int weight; int profit; }; void main() { clrscr(); int n,w,i,j; int p[10][100]={0}; knapsack *k=new knapsack[n+1]; cout<<"\n\tKNAPSACK USING DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING"; cout<<"\n\t**********************************"; cout<<"\nEnter the number of objects:"; cin>>n; cout<<"\nEnter the maximum weight sack can take:"; cin>>w; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { cout<<"\nFor object "<<i; cout<<":\nEnter profit: "; cin>>k[i].profit; cout<<"Enter Weight: "; cin>>k[i].weight; } for(i=1;i<=n;i++) for(j=1;j<=w;j++) { int option1=p[i-1][j]; int option2=-1; if(k[i].weight<=j) option2=k[i].profit+p[i-1][j-k[i].weight]; if(option1>option2)

1Page 48 of 58 p[i][j]=option1; else p[i][j]=option2; } cout<<"\n\nProfit table:"; cout<<"\n*************"; cout<<"\n\t\tCapacity\n"; for(i=1;i<=w;i++) cout<<"\t"<<i; cout<<"\nItem"; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { cout<<"\n"<<i; for(j=1;j<=w;j++) cout<<"\t"<<p[i][j]; cout<<"\n"; } i=n; cout<<"\n\nprofit="<<p[n][w]; cout<<"\n\nItem\tWeight\tProfit"; while(w>0) { while(p[i][w]==p[i][w-1]) w--; while(p[i][w]==p[i-1][w]) i--; cout<<"\n"<<i<<"\t"<<k[i].weight<<"\t"<<k[i].profit; w=w-k[i].weight; i--; } getch();}

1Page 49 of 58

KNAPSACK USING DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING ********************************** Enter the number of objects:4 Enter the maximum weight sack can take:16 For object 1: Enter profit: 40 Enter Weight: 2 For object 2: Enter profit: 30 Enter Weight: 5 For object 3: Enter profit: 50 Enter Weight: 10 For object 4: Enter profit: 10 Enter Weight: 5 Profit table: ************* Capacity 1 2 Iitem 1 0 40 2 0 40 3 0 40 4 0 40 profit=90 Item 3 1 Weight 10 2 Profit 50 40

3 40 40 40 40

4 40 40 40 40

5 40 40 40 40

6 40 40 40 40

7 40 70 70 70

8 40 70 70 70

9 40 70 70 70

10 40 70 70 70

11 40 70 70 70

12 40 70 90 90

13 40 70 90 90

14 40 70 90 90

15 40 70 90 90

16 40 70 90 90

Thus the program for 0/1 knapsack using dynamic programmingwas written successfully.

1Page 50 of 58


To implement the Graph Coloring using Backtracking with C++ program. PROGRAM: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> #define N 5 #define M 3 int G[N][N]; int x[N]; void NextValue(int k) { do { x[k]=(x[k]+1)%(M+1); if(x[k]==0) return; for(int j=0;j<N;j++) { if((G[k][j]!=0)&&(x[k]==x[j])) { break; } } if(j==N) return; }while(!0); } void display() { for(int i=0;i<N;i++) cout<<x[i]<<"\t"; cout<<"\n"; } void M_coloring(int k) { do { NextValue(k); if(x[k]==0) return;

1Page 51 of 58 if(k==N-1) display(); else M_coloring(k+1); }while(!0); } void main() { clrscr(); cout<<"\nEnter the Graph(if edge exists|\n"; for(int i=0;i<N;i++) for(int j=0;j<N;j++) { if((i!=j)&&(i<j)) { cout<<i+1<<"and"<<j+1<<":"; cin>>G[i][j]; G[j][i]=G[i][j]; } if(i==j) { G[i][j]=0; } } cout<<"\n **********************************\n"; cout<<"\n\n Various possibilities of graph coloring"; cout<<"\n\nc(v1)\tc(v2)\tc(v3)\tc(v4)\tc(v5)\n"; M_coloring(0); cout<<"\n ***********************************\n"; getch(); }

1Page 52 of 58

Enter the Graph(if edge exists| 1and2:1 1and3:1 1and4:1 1and5:0 2and3:0 2and4:1 2and5:1 3and4:1 3and5:1 4and5:0 ********************************** Various possibilities of graph coloring c(v1) c(v2) c(v3) c(v4) c(v5) 1 2 2 3 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 2 1 1 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 2 1 1 3 3

Thus the program for Graph Coloring using Backtracking was written successfully.

1Page 53 of 58


To implement the 8 Queens problem using Backtracking with C++ program. PROGRAM : #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<math.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<stdlib.h> int *x; int place(int k,int i) { for(int j=1;j<k;j++) { if((x[j]==i)||((abs(x[j]-i))==abs(j-k))) return 0; } return 1; } void nqueens(int k,int n) { for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(place(k,i)) { x[k]=i; if(k==n) { clrscr(); int j,k,m,s,u[20][20],v[20][20]; m=100; s=100; cout<<n<<" QUEEN'S PROBLEM"; for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { for(k=1;k<=n;k++) { m=m+40; rectangle(m,s,m+40,s+40); u[k][j]=m+20; v[k][j]=s+20; }

1Page 54 of 58 m=100; s=s+40; } for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { for(k=1;k<=n;k++) { if(x[j]==k) outtextxy(u[j][k],v[j][k],"Q"); //To display text } } getch(); } else { nqueens(k+1,n); } } } } void main() { int k,n; clrscr(); int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode; int xmax, ymax; initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, ""); errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) { printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("Press any key to halt:"); getch(); exit(1); } cout<<"Enter the no. of queens :"; cin>>n; k=1; nqueens(k,n); getch(); }

1Page 55 of 58 OUTPUT : Enter the no. of queens: 4 4 QUEENS PROBLEM


Thus the program for 8 Queens problem using Backtracking was written successfully.

1Page 56 of 58


AIM: To implement the Binary Search Tree using C++ program. PROGRAM : #include <iostream.h> class btree { private : struct node { node *left ; char data ; node *right ; } *root ; char *arr ; int *lc ; int *rc ; public : btree ( char *a, int *l, int *r, int size ) ; void insert ( int index ) ; static node* buildtree ( char *a, int *l, int *r, int index ) ; void display( ) ; static void inorder ( node *sr ) ; ~btree( ) ; static void del ( node *sr ) ; }; btree :: btree ( char *a, int *l, int *r, int size ) { root = NULL ; arr = new char[size] ; lc = new int[size] ; rc = new int[size] ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++ ) { * ( arr + i ) = * ( a + i ) ; * ( lc + i ) = * ( l + i ) ; * ( rc + i ) = * ( r + i ) ; } } void btree :: insert ( int index ) { root = buildtree ( arr, lc, rc, index ) ;

1Page 57 of 58 } node* btree :: buildtree ( char *a, int *l, int *r, int index ) { node *temp = NULL ; if ( index != -1 ) { temp = new node ; temp -> left = buildtree ( a, l, r, * ( l + index ) ) ; temp -> data = * ( a + index ) ; temp -> right = buildtree ( a, l, r, * ( r + index ) ) ; } return temp ; } void btree :: display( ) { inorder(root) ; } void btree :: inorder(node *sr) { if ( sr != NULL ) { inorder ( sr -> left ) ; cout << sr -> data << "\t" ; inorder ( sr -> right ) ; } } btree :: ~btree( ) { delete arr ; delete lc ; delete rc ; del ( root ) ; } void btree :: del ( node *sr ) { if ( sr != NULL ) { del ( sr -> left ) ; del ( sr -> right ) ; } delete sr ; } void main( ) { char a[ ] = { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', '\0', '\0', 'H' } ; int l[ ] = { 1, 3, 5, -1, 9, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 } ;

1Page 58 of 58 int r[ ] = { 2, 4, 6, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 } ; int sz = sizeof ( a ) ; btree bt ( a, l, r, sz ) ; bt.insert( 0 ) ; cout << "\nIn-order Traversal: " << endl ; bt.display( ) ; }

In Order Traversal D B H E A F C G

Result :
Thus the program for binary search tree was written successfully.

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