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Feed back to the student What a terrific curriculum idea and method to get students excited about learning.

Great job.! Exp. Record #: 11079 Date submitted: 08/14/2012

Elizabeth Hogan wrote on 08/15/2012

Elizabeth Hogan approved on 08/15/2012 Cohort: UEN 2011

Student Name: Velasquez, Loren Christopher (392205)

Field-Based Internship Reflection Form For Internship Experience Standard 1: Visionary Leadership; Standard 2: Instructional Leadership; Standard 3: Organizational Leadership; Standard 4: Collaborative Leadership; Standard 5: Ethical Leadership; Standard 6: Political Leadership Standard and Criteria 1.d Aligns educational programs w/ District Vision and Goals Level Elementary Time Spent 10 hour(s) Note

Briefly describe this field-based internship experience, including your specific role (1/2 page). My role in this experience was advising teacher on the implementation of a STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) courses into the lower grades of the Middle School. I taught the Forensics class for three years and had a lot experience teaching it, it was also one of the most requested STEM classes by the students. I met with the early grade teachers about how they could implement into their science classes small pieces of forensics. We also collaborated on how they younger grade teachers could bring more exciting relevant uses of science equipment into the classroom. The goal was to teach and train the younger grade students about forensics in small chunks before they got to 8th grade Forensics, which was overwhelming to some students who did not know how to properly use the equipment. What we walked away with was a strong plan that would spark the interests of the sciences in the younger students and give them something to look forward to when they moved onto 8th grade. Reflect on what you have learned from this experience, from mentor discussions, and how you will use this learning in future administrative leadership roles (no more than 1/2 page). Collaboration is a powerful tool in the school. I underestimated the openness of the younger grade teachers when I brought the idea to them. The key to getting them on board was helping them engage the students a little more with some exciting science experiments. We ended up helping each other in the long run. I recall quite a few 8th grade students saying they remember practicing "this" when they were in 6th grade and could not wait to get to 8th grade to actually be in Forensics. My takeaway as a future administrator is to be able to sense these moments where collaboration could lead to better teaching practices and more engagement in the classroom. The plan will be to switch the data team meetings so the teachers do not have to meet with the same teachers every time for planning. There will be planning times when the 7th grade teachers all meet, then next week all the "math" (subject) teachers will meet across grade levels. The best tool for better teaching in my opinion is highly effective teachers collaborating with all teachers. Mentor(s) Brad Schweppe The date approved by his/her lead mentor: 08/14/0012

03/10/2013 04:53:37 PM


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