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<3964> Hermanos Sunohara // title
<3965> \{Voz} "Si, Si..."
// \{}
<3966> Me levant hacia una voz distante.
<3967> \{Voz} "ya s..."
// \{}
<3968> Era Mei-chan.mantena un tono muy bajo, como si estuviera hablando en secre
<3969> \{Mei} "Solo un poco ms...Esta bien?"
// \{}
<3970> Una expresin conocida. Sin embargo parecia un gesto de disculpa.
<3971> \{Mei} "Si, lo siento..."
// \{}
<3972> Esto continu un momento, y al final me di cuenta que ella estaba hablando
por telefono.
<3973> \{Mei} "Voy a pensarlo un poco..."
// \{}
<3974> A quien le estar hablando?
<3975> \{Mei} "Entiendo. Regresar pronto."
// \{}
<3976> Podria ser ...
<3977> \{Mei} "Ah... Tengo que colgar pronto, por el costo de la llamada."
// \{}
<3978> \{Mei} "Dile a papi que lo siento. Si, Llamar de nuevo!"
// \{}
<3979> ... Parece que realmente quiere a sus padres.
<3980> Voy a la cocina a comprobar, Parece que ella acaba de terminar su llamada
<3981> \{Mei} "Ahhh..."
// \{}
<3982> Ella suspir, manteniendo su mano en el auricular del telefono.
<3983> Parece que no le queda mucho tiempo.
<3984> Camino por el corredor durante el almuerzo.
<3985> Sunohara aun no habia llegado. Normalmete esta es la hora en la que l lleg
a, sin embargo.
<3986> No quiero ver su cara ahora mismo. Probablemente el tampoco quiera ver la
<3987> \{\m{B}} (Supongo que l tambien compr pan y encontr un buen lugar para comer
// \{\m{B}}
<3988> \{Voz} "Eh, Que no eres t, \m{A}?"
// \{}\m{A}
<3989> Justo como lo pens, alguien me llam.

<3990> Era un grupo de tres.En ese estaba una persona, quien creo que fu alguien
que conoc en primer ao.
<3991> \{\m{B}} "Oh... cuanto tiempo sin vernos."
// \{\m{B}}
<3992> Aparte del uniforme un poco gastado, El no ha cambiado de como era antes.
<3993> pero, de ninguna manera era un delincuente.
<3994> El estudiaba como era debido y se portaba bien enfrente del profesor.
<3995> El punto es, que era una persona bien educada.
<3996> Recuerdo que seguia platicando con otros de vez en cuando cuando los cono
<3997> \{Estudiante} "No estas con Sunohara hoy, O si?"
// \{}
<3998> \{\m{B}} "De vez en cuando."
// \{\m{B}}
<3999> \{Estudiante} "Quieres venir a comer?"
// \{}
<4000> \{\m{B}} "No me importa..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4001> Supongo que esta bien hacer este tipo de cosas de vez en cuando.
<4002> \{Estudiante} "Por lo tanto, consegu acercarme a Hara-boy..."
// \{}
<4003> \{Estudiante 2} "Eso es imposible, he dicho."
// \{}
<4004> \{Estudiante 3} "Sabes, presentanos la chica del otro dia~"
// \{}
<4005> \{\m{B}} "Jaja..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4006> ... Pero, Me gustaria pensar que fracasaria bastante rapido.
<4007> Sin entrar en la platica, me sent muy incomodo.
<4008> Algunas veces respondia con una sonrisa falsa,me sentia ofendido.
<4009> Me lavante con una buena excusa como dormir hasta el mediodia, y rapidame
nte me march.
<4010> Mire afuera, sentado en la banca del patio.
<4011> Estaba algo cansado de todo esto.
<4012> \{\m{B}} (Aunque ese tipo de personas les gusta solamente perder el tiem
// \{\m{B}}
<4013> \{\m{B}} "... Maldicion."
// \{\m{B}}
<4014> Aunque estoy haciendo esta farsa por el bien de Sunohara...
<4015> Tambien deberia hacer algo por el bien de Mei-chan.
<4016> Que es eso en lo cual debo de estar concentrado, Pensar?
<4017> \{\m{B}} (Piensa, Que deberia hacer...?)

// \{\m{B}}
<4018> Cmo fue que l acab as?
<4019> Por supuesto, desde que se enamor de Sanae-san, despues de todo, el desapa
<4020> Pero, el problema debe de ser algo mas bsico que esto...
<4021> Empezar desde cero. **
<4022> \{\m{B}} (Sunohara entr a esta escuela por una recomendacin deportiva...) /
/seria beca deportiva tambien
// \{\m{B}}
<4023> Y las actividades del club, finalmente termin dejandolas...
<4024> Sus calificaciones permanecieron por los suelos, y tambien empez por no as
istir a clases...
<4025> Y finalmente, el continu llegando tarde, tirando a la basura la universida
d... // podria ser, renunciar a la idea de asisitir a la universidad?
<4026> Y los dias continuaron, Uno tras otro.
<4027> \{\m{B}} (Tristemente, Lo mismo me sucedio a mi...)
// \{\m{B}}
<4028> Cmo si lo conociera, agarr mi cabeza de nuevo.
<4029> \{\m{B}} (l realmente es un tipo muy odioso...)
// \{\m{B}}
<4030> Finalmente, me d cuenta que teniamos el mismo problema.
<4031> Al haber dicho eso, mirando sobre de mi, deben de haber pistas que pueda
<4032> Armandome con el valor de estos debiles sentimientos, Comenz a pensar.
<4033> \{\m{B}} (Para empezar, Solo he pensado en todo lo que es molesto...)
// \{\m{B}}
<4034> \{\m{B}} (Probablemente es por eso que me detuve en las actividades del c
// \{\m{B}}
<4035> \{\m{B}} (En ese caso, Sunohara tambin podria...)
// \{\m{B}}
<4036> ... Pero, Solo hay una pequea diferencia.
<4037> Yo no puedo regresar a hacerlo.
<4038> Desde la pelea con mi padre, lesionandome el hombro.
<4039> Ya no puedo jugar basquetbol nunca ms.
<4040> Pero, en su caso es diferente.
<4041> \{\m{B}} (Si el vuelve a jugar soccer otra vez, Quizs podria cambiar algo..
// \{\m{B}}
<4042> Con esa idea llegandome a la mente, inmediatamente me quit esa sonrisa ama
rga del rostro.
<4043> El no se presentara al club de soccer de ninguna manera.

<4044> El prometi nunca ms hacerlo.
<4045> Para empezar, El club de soccer no lo aceptara...
<4046> ... Pero, no importa cuanto me proecupe por eso, Aquello es todo en lo qu
e he estado pensando.
<4047> \{Mei} "Pienso que onii-chan deberia volver a jugar soccer."
// \{}
<4048> Mei-chan Tambien ha llegado a la misma conclusion.
<4049> \{Mei} "Esa es la razn por la que onii-chan se ha vuelto as..."
// \{}
<4050> \{Mei} "Estoy segura de que todo se trata por que l abandon el soccer."
// \{}
<4051> \{Mei} "Eso es por que el se volvi incapaz de jugar lo que ms le gustaba...
// \{}
<4052> \{\m{B}} "Pero tu sabes que, eso es..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4053> Algo con lo que no puedes ayudar si lo dices hasta ahora.
<4054> \{Mei} "... Ya s."
// \{}
<4055> \{Mei} "Bueno supongo, Pero aun as."
// \{}
<4056> \{Mei} "No me gusta como onii-chan se encuentra ahora mismo."
// \{}
<4057> \{Mei} "Mi Onii-chan como est ahora... no esta bien del todo."
// \{}
<4058> \{Mei} "Yo quiero que el vuelva a ser el mismo de antes."
// \{}
<4059> \{\m{B}} "Ya veo..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4060> \{Mei} "Como esta mi hermano hoy?"
// \{}
<4061> \{Mei} "Creo que, umm..."
// \{}
<4062> \{\m{B}} "... S,"
// \{\m{B}}
<4063> \{\m{B}} "No creo que el est en la escuela ya."
// \{\m{B}}
<4064> \{\m{B}} "Mientras vagaba por ah, escuch de los otros chicos acerca de que
el estaba muy apegado a Sanae-san..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4065> \{Mei} "El viene directo a casa otra vez..?"
// \{}
<4066> \{\m{B}} "Eso parece."
// \{\m{B}}
<4067> \{Mei} "... Yo creo que onii-chan debera jugar soccer."
// \{}
<4068> \{Mei} "El est perdido en si mismo."
// \{}
<4069> \{Mei} "Realmente quiero que el vuelva a jugar."
// \{}
<4070> \{Mei} "Incluso si eso significa que lo acepten y no lo juegue..."
// \{}
<4071> \{\m{B}} "Pero sabes, Mei-chan,"
// \{\m{B}}

<4072> \{\m{B}} "El problema es que ellos lo acepten.Que tienes pensado hacer?."
// \{\m{B}}
<4073> \{Mei} "Supongo que... Preguntarle al club de soccer de esta escuela."
// \{}
<4074> \{\m{B}} "Oye, Ests hablando en serio?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4075> \{\m{B}} "Todos en el club Realmente que odian a Sunohara."
// \{\m{B}}
<4076> \{\m{B}} "Debido a que se meti en una pelea con otras escuelas, El se volv
i incapaz de asistir a los torneos."
// \{\m{B}}
<4077> \{Mei} "Incluso as, Yo quiero preguntarles."
// \{}
<4078> \{Mei} "Ya han pasado dos aos... si yo hablo con ellos, seguramente entend
// \{}
<4079> ... Ella si que s bastante obstinada.
<4080> Diciendo que va a ir a negociar con ellos con ese cuerpecillo y ese tono
de voz tan suave.
<4081> Ella esta dispuesta a hacerlo por su hermano. //Lo siento muy confusa a l
inea inglesa -.-'
<4082> Si ese es el caso, de ninguna manera debera permitirle ir sola.
<4083> \{\m{B}} "Voy contigo."
// \{\m{B}}
<4084> \{Mei} "\m{A}-san..."
// \{}\m{A}
<4085> \{\m{B}} "Si quieres hacer algo, voy a apoyarte hasta el final."
// \{\m{B}}
<4086> \{\m{B}} "Vamos, Mei-chan."
// \{\m{B}}
<4087> \{Mei} "S... S!"
// \{}
<4088> La primera persona que visitamos fue al entrenador.
<4089> Mei-chan No tienen ninguna conexin personal con los estudiantes, por eso n
o quiero que vaya pero...
<4090> Pero, esa no era una razn para detenerla.
<4091> Nos acercamos al seor de mediana edad que llevaba puesta una camiseta y es
taba fumando un cigarrillo en el patio.
<4092> \{Entrenador} "Oigan, A que han venido aqu?"
// \{}
<4093> Cuando se acercaba, El olor a nicotina y sudor asaltaban a cualquier narz
<4094> Mei-chan se aterr cuando el tipo levant su voz, y ella hizo lo mismo.
<4095> \{Mei} "Yo no soy ninguna intrusa!"
// \{}
<4096> \{Mei} "U-umm... Usted es el entrenador del equipo de soccer?"
// \{}
<4097> \{Entrenador} "... Eh?"
// \{}
<4098> \{Mei} "Soy la hermana menor de Sunohara Youhei, Mei."

// \{}
<4099> \{Entrenador} "Sunohara... Sunohara?"
// \{}
<4100> \{Entrenador} "Sunohara?, El de tercer ao?"
// \{}
<4101> \{Mei} "S, ese Sunohara."
// \{}
<4102> \{Entrenador} "Jajajaja!"
// \{}
<4103> Dej salir una risa seca sin gracia alguna.
<4104> Actu como si le estuvieran haciendo cosquillas en alguna parte.
<4105> \{Entrenador} "La familia de Sunohara est en Touhoku, No es as? Lo s."
// \{}
<4106> \{Mei} "As es, Pero es la verdad."
// \{}
<4107> \{Entrenador} "Como vas en la escuela?"
// \{}
<4108> \{Mei} "... Estoy tomando un descanso por un tiempo."
// \{}
<4109> \{Entrenador} "Ahh... estas faltando."//***No se si quiere dar a entender
con saltandose las clases ** D:
// \{}
<4110> \{Entrenador} "Bueno pues de tal hermano, tal hermanita."
// Alt - "Like brother, like sister, I guess." - Kinny Riddle
// \{}
<4111> \{Entrenador} "O fuiste t el que la incit a hacerlo, \m{A}?"
// \{}\m{A}
<4112> \{Mei} "\m{A}-san no es ese tipo de persona!"
// \{}\m{A}
<4113> \{Mei} "Umm, Por favor escucheme!"
// \{}
<4114> \{Entrenador} "........."
// \{}
<4115> \{Mei} "Es acerca de mi hermano..."
// \{}
<4116> \{Mei} "Me disculpo en su lugar por haber causado tantos problemas en el
// \{}
<4117> \{Mei} "P-pero, el ha reflexionado sobre si mismo lo suficiente..."
// \{}
<4118> \{Mei} "Si es posible me gustaria que aprobara su regreso al club de socc
// \{}
<4119> \{Entrenador} "Regreso?"
// \{}
<4120> \{Mei} "Si... Eso es."
// \{}
<4121> \{Mei} "U-umm... Es eso posible?"
// \{}
<4122> \{Entrenador} "Has venido hasta ac solo para eso?"
// \{}
<4123> \{Mei} "Eso es!"
// \{}
<4124> \{Entrenador} "Acaso eres estupida?" // I want to kick this coach in the s
ack //si tambien yo >:| nadie se mete con mi Mei-chan
// \{}
<4125> \{Mei} "Eh...?"
// \{}

<4126> \{\m{B}} ".........!"

// \{\m{B}}
<4127> He eschuchado algo de la inmunda boca del entrenador.
<4128> Yo saba que l tena la costumbre de llamar idiota a la gente muy rpido.
<4129> Aun as, Yo me sent gravemente ofendido.
<4130> \{Entrenador} "De verdad ests hablando enserio?"
// \{}
<4131> \{Mei} "Si, lo estoy."
// \{}
<4132> \{Mei} "Es por eso que vine a preguntarle a usted!"
// \{}
<4133> \{Entrenador} "Sunohara, Ahh..."
// \{}
<4134> Cruzando sus brazos, el suspir un momento.
<4135> Mei-chan tosi un poco por el humo del tabaco que yaca encima de ella.
<4136> \{Entrenador} "Bien, Eso va a ser dificil."
// \{}
<4137> \{Entrenador} "Gracias a sus estupideces, los de tercer ao no han tenido n
ingun partido de novatos."
// \{}
<4138> \{Mei} "Pero, umm..."
// \{}
<4139> \{Entrenador} "Para empezar, Que es lo que vas a lograr, diciendo esto?"
// \{}
<4140> \{Entrenador} "Acaso tu causaste todos esos problemas para decir algo as?! Ahh
// \{}
<4141> \{Mei} "Yo voy a traerlo conmigo, Definitivamente lo har!"
// \{}
<4142> \{Mei} "El tambin va a pedir disculpas...y prometer no causar ningn tipo de p
reblema otra vez!"
// \{}
<4143> \{Mei} "As que... Por favor!"
// \{}
<4144> \{Mei} "El no tiene que entrar oficialmente al club. Por lo menos vean com
o est!"
// \{}
<4145> \{Entrenador} "Idiota... Habas dicho lo que sea, No?"
// \{}
<4146> \{Entrenador} "As que el se disculpa en serio de vez en cuando?"
// \{}
<4147> \{Entrenador} "Para empezar, Aunque el sea aceptado en el club de soccer
en este momento, No podra ponerse al da, O s?"
// \{}
<4148> \{Mei} "Claro que puede..."
// \{}
<4149> \{Entrenador} "No sera nadamas que una molestia si se presenta."
// \{}
<4150> \{Entrenador} "El no ha juagado durante dos aos, Seguir siendo util?"
// \{}
<4151> \{Entrenador} "Bueno... al menos podra ser el recoge pelotas." //balonero=
recoje pelotas pero no se si sea espaol neutro la palabra balonero
// \{}
<4152> \{Mei} "En-Entonces... S hay un lugar en el que pueda jugar mi hermano, Pod
ra mostrarnoslo?"

// \{}
<4153> \{Entrenador} "Oh, Claro que hay un buen lugar."
// \{}
<4154> \{Entrenador} "Que tal con los chicos exploradores? Jajajaja!"
// \{}
<4155> \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}}
<4156> \{Entrenador} "... Por qu esa mirada, \m{A}?"
// \{}\m{A}
<4157> Aquellas palabras tan insensibles realmente me hicieron enojar.
<4158> El se di cuenta de de que estaba mirando su peluda cara frunciendo el entr
ecejo. //unshaven face =Trd.lit cara sin afeitar
<4159> Pero... si digo algo aqu, habr sido todo en vano.
<4160> \{\m{B}} "... No es nada."
// \{\m{B}}
<4161> Contuve todo mi coraje, girando mi rostro en sentido opuesto.
<4162> \{Mei} "Puede que Onii-chan haya estado flojeando todo este tiempo..."
// \{}
<4163> \{Mei} "Pero, el es realmente bueno en el soccer."
// \{}
<4164> \{Mei} "Tiene que haber un lugar donde l pueda demostrarselo."
// \{}
<4165> \{Entrenador} "Y Que tan lejos vas a llegar con esto?"
// \{}
<4166> \{Mei} "No... No se trata de eso."*
// \{}
<4167> \{Entrenador} "Sabes cuantos jugadores he visto hasta ahora?"
// \{}
<4168> \{Entrenador} "El solo es un mediocre."
// \{}
<4169> \{Entrenador} "Y ser mediocre est bien. Pero el no es cooperativo, adems de
que es violento..."
// \{}
<4170> \{Entrenador} "Solamente es un deshauciado."
// \{}
<4171> \{Mei} "P... Pero... Si el logra demostraselo, es posible que entienda."
// \{}
<4172> \{Mei} "Solo por un ratito."
// \{}
<4173> \{Mei} "Podra darle a onii-chan una oportunidad ms...?"
// \{}
<4174> \{Entrenador} "Incluso has inclinado tu cabeza para esto, Eh?"
// \{}
<4175> \{Entrenador} "Bien entonces, vayan primero a conseguir que los otros chi
cos del club lo aprueben."
// \{}
<4176> \{Entrenador} "Ellos odian jugar con Sunohara, No es as?"
// \{}
<4177> \{Mei} "........."
// \{}
<4178> \{Entrenador} "Lo ves? si te has quedado callada, quiere decir que tengo r
// \{}
<4179> \{Mei} "Esto... Bien, Pero..."
// \{}
<4180> \{Mei} "... Si nosotros conseguimos, la aprobacion de los otros miembros

del club..."
// \{}
<4181> \{Entrenador} "Eh?"
// \{}
<4182> \{Mei} "Si los dems miembros del club lo acepatan, Usted podra aceptarlo tam
// \{}
<4183> \{Entrenador} "... Qu?"
// \{}
<4184> \{Mei} "Ahora mismo voy a ir a pedirselo a los dems miembros."
// \{}
<4185> \{Mei} "Si, todos lo aceptan de nuevo..."
// \{}
<4186> \{Entrenador} "Aceptan... Eh?"
// \{}
<4187> \{Entrenador} "Bueno, realmente eso si que es algo que se tiene que pensa
// \{}
<4188> \{Mei} "... Enserio?"
// \{}
<4189> \{Entrenador} "Acaso dudas de mi?" // I do --velocity7 //La verdad es que
yo tambin velocity--sasori
// \{}
<4190> \{Mei} "Ah, B-bien... umm..."
// \{}
<4191> \{Mei} "... Entonces por favor, permitame hacerlo."
// \{}
<4192> \{\m{B}} "Mei-chan..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4193> Ella se inclin.
<4194> Y suavemente me entreg su mirada, despes se fu caminando.
<4195> Probablemente ella va a ir a los campos ahora, As que la segu.
<4196> \{Entrenador} "Espera, \m{A}."
// \{}\m{A}
<4197> \{\m{B}} "... Qu sucede?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4198> \{Entrenador} "Esa chica es capaz de presentarse ella misma."
// \{}
<4199> \{Entrenador} "No es algo que tu puedas hacer."
// \{}
<4200> \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}}
<4201> \{\m{B}} "... Con su permiso."
// \{\m{B}}
<4202> Sin hacer reverencia, Slo dije eso, y segu Mei-chan.
<4203> Mei-chan was silent, hurrying through the hallway.
<4204> Her eyes were a little red. She tightly clenched her fist.
<4205> Seems like she's putting up with all this.
<4206> \{\m{B}} "... Mei-chan."
// \{\m{B}}
<4207> I softly hold her small, clenched fist with my hand.
<4208> I wanted to give her encouragement, even if it's just a little bit.

<4209> \{\m{B}} "We're going to where the members are, right?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4210> \{Mei} "... Yes!"
// \{}
<4211> \{Mei} "I'm going to go talk to them!"
// \{}
<4212> \{Mei} "To talk to them about onii-chan so that they would accept him..."
// \{}
<4213> She tightened her grip on my hand.
<4214> ... I'm not going to do anything.
<4215> At the very least, I want to be by her side.
<4216> The clubroom door with the sign, "Soccer Club", hung on it.
<4217> Mei-chan stood in front of that with a tense face.
<4218> \{\m{B}} "Are you okay?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4219> \{Mei} "Yes, I'm fine now."
// \{}
<4220> Taking a couple of breaths for a while, she nods.
<4221> As if to encourage herself, she tightens up her hand, and then releases.
<4222> \{Mei} "Here we go..."
// \{}
<4223> She puts her hand on the doorknob.
<4224> \{Mei} "... Ah!"
// \{}
<4225> The glances of the half-naked guys all focus on her.
<4226> A sour, dusty atmosphere was about.
<4227> \{Mei} "U-umm...!"
// \{}
<4228> Being blown away by their intimidation, she musters up her voice.
<4229> \{Mei} "Is the captain around here?"
// \{}
<4230> A stir from within the room.
<4231> Within the slight bantering, a spiking noise echoed.
<4232> A man with slightly bleached hair and a large build walked up.
<4233> \{Captain} "That would be me."
// \{}
<4234> \{Captain} "... You're not a student from here, are you?"
// \{}
<4235> \{Mei} "I'm, umm..."
// \{}
<4236> \{Mei} "Sunohara Youhei's younger sister."
// \{}
<4237> \{Captain} "What?"
// \{}
<4238> He raises his eyebrow. The rest of the club does the same.

<4239> \{Mei} "T-that's right... I'm his sister, Mei."
// \{}
<4240> The room becomes noisy again. Scratching his head, the guy who called him
self captain raised his voice.
<4241> \{Captain} "And... what do you want, sister?"
// \{}
<4242> \{Mei} "I came to ask a favor."
// \{}
<4243> \{Mei} "It's... about my brother..."
// \{}
<4244> \{Captain} "I cann't hear you!"
// \{}
<4245> \{Mei} "It's about my brother!"
// \{}
<4246> \{Captain} "What about Sunohara?"
// \{}
<4247> \{Mei} "He was in this club before, wasn't he?"
// \{}
<4248> \{Mei} "And, if it's possible..."
// \{}
<4249> \{Mei} "I would like for you to have him come back in!"
// \{}
<4250> \{Captain} "Eh?"
// \{}
<4251> \{Captain} "W... wait a second."
// \{}
<4252> \{Captain} "You want him to come back in?"
// \{}
<4253> \{Mei} "Yes, that's right!"
// \{}
<4254> \{Captain} "... Are you serious?"
// \{}
<4255> \{Mei} "I'm serious!"
// \{}
<4256> \{Soccer Player} "... Pfft!"
// \{}
<4257> A somewhat sarcastic laugh.
<4258> \{Soccer Player} "Really now..."
// \{}
<4259> \{Soccer Player} "This is a gag, isn't it?"
// \{}
<4260> Smiling, they all whisper amongst each other.
<4261> \{Captain} "And, Sunohara said this?"
// \{}
<4262> \{Mei} "No, he didn't but..."
// \{}
<4263> \{Mei} "Onii-chan... ah, I mean, my brother...!"
// \{}
<4264> \{Soccer Player} "She said onii-chan."
// \{}
<4265> \{Soccer Player} "A brother complex?"
// \{}
<4266> \{Soccer Player} "Onii-chaaan~"
// \{}
<4267> \{Mei} "Ugh..."
// \{}

<4268> A teasing voice came.

<4269> Glaring at them, I remained silent.
<4270> \{Captain} "Umm... \m{A}? You think the same too?"
// \{}\m{A}
<4271> \{\m{B}} "I'm only accompanying her."
// \{\m{B}}
<4272> \{\m{B}} "But... I would like for you to listen to her clearly."
// \{\m{B}}
<4273> \{\m{B}} "Please."
// \{\m{B}}
<4274> \{Mei} "Please...!"
// \{}
<4275> In haste, Mei-chan bows her head beside me.
<4276> \{Soccer Player} "Doesn't look like you're putting effort into that bow."
// \{}
<4277> \{Soccer Player} "Bow a lot lower."
// \{}
<4278> \{Mei} "Sorry, like this?"
// \{}
<4279> \{Soccer Player} "Not you, I meant \m{A}."
// \{}\m{A}
<4280> \{Mei} "Ah... uh..."
// \{}
<4281> A laughter going back and forth as if directed towards a fool.
<4282> Mei-chan glanced down with regret and embarrassment.
<4283> \{\m{B}} "... Let's go, Mei-chan."
// \{\m{B}}
<4284> \{Mei} "Eh, but..."
// \{}
<4285> \{\m{B}} "Sunohara would never think of being together with these guys."
// \{\m{B}}
<4286> \{Mei} "Ah, but..."
// \{}
<4287> \{Mei} "Even so, I still...!"
// \{}
<4288> She again faces the clubroom, and bows deeply.
<4289> \{Mei} "Please...!"
// \{}
<4290> \{Mei} "Just for... a single day, is that fine?"
// \{}
<4291> \{Mei} "Let onii-chan play soccer again!"
// \{}
<4292> \{Mei} "I believe it'll be a new start!"
// \{}
<4293> \{Mei} "Please...!"
// \{}
<4294> \{\m{B}} "Mei-chan..."
// to be honest, Tomoya already knew this was a failed attempt from the beginnin
g, and based on these guys' attitude I would agree as well
// in addition, I would never be in a soccer club with these asshats --velocity7
// \{\m{B}}
<4295> \{Mei} "Please......!"
// \{}
<4296> A bitter voice echoed.

<4297> But... that too, seemed nothing more than fruitless.
<4298> \{Soccer Player} "How brave of you."
// \{}
<4299> \{Soccer Player} "Captain, she's begging on her knees~"
// \{}
<4300> \{Captain} "Hmm, what shall I do..."
// \{}
<4301> Each of them laughed...
<4302> \{Captain} "Nah, I guess not."
// \{}
<4303> \{Mei} "Ah..."
// \{}
<4304> Seeing the dumbfounded Mei-chan, they had a particularly louder laugh.
<4305> \{Mei} "P... please, I beg you!"
// \{}
<4306> \{Mei} "Give my brother a chance...!"
// \{}
<4307> \{Captain} "I told you no."
// \{}
<4308> \{Soccer Player} "Captain, you're cruel~"
// \{}
<4309> \{Soccer Player} "Hey, hey, you're gonna make her cry~"
// \{}
<4310> \{Mei} "Please..."
// \{}
<4311> \{Mei} "P... please...!"
// \{}
<4312> Being humiliated in front of many people in the club...
<4313> Even so, Mei-chan continued to raise her voice.
<4314> \{Mei} "It... didn't go well, did it?"
// \{}
<4315> But, Mei-chan was firm.
<4316> Her reddened eyes, and trembling shoulder.
<4317> But, by no means was she going to cry.
<4318> She went to the end with a smile.
<4319> \{Mei} "But... they didn't approve."
// \{}
<4320> \{Mei} "I'm definitely sure they'll understand!"
// \{}
<4321> \{\m{B}} "... You're still going to continue?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4322> \{Mei} "I'll ask them, no matter how many times."
// \{}
<4323> \{Mei} "I'll continue until onii-chan is accepted."
// \{}
<4324> \{Mei} "I feel something like that is the best."
// \{}
<4325> \{Mei} "If that happens, I'm sure onii-chan will also..."
// \{}
<4326> \{\m{B}} "........."

// \{\m{B}}
<4327> She was not afraid being in front of the soccer club members.
<4328> Desperately appealing to them...
<4329> Not once crying, only lowering her head.
<4330> Besides, how far was her courage going to go?
<4331> Even though Mei-chan was working this hard...
<4332> \{\m{B}} (Sunohara...)
// \{\m{B}}
<4333> \{\m{B}} (What the hell are you doing...?)
// \{\m{B}}
<4334> \{\m{B}} "... Sunohara."
// \{\m{B}}
<4335> Attending at the same time, I called him.
<4336> \{Sunohara} "Ah... it's you, \m{A}."
// \{}\m{A}
<4337> \{Sunohara} "You need something?"
// \{}
<4338> Is he out of it? It's like he's putting effort to acting normal.
<4339> Even so, he never made eye contact.
<4340> \{\m{B}} "You never met Mei-chan after that, did you?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4341> \{Sunohara} "No I didn't!"
// \{}
<4342> \{\m{B}} "... Don't you care?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4343> \{Sunohara} "Why do you have to say something like that..."
// \{}
<4344> \{Sunohara} "Actually, why should I even be worried about Mei?!"
// \{}
<4345> \{Sunohara} "I've been busy with Sanae-san..."
// \{}
<4346> \{\m{B}} "Are you still seriously saying that?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4347> \{Sunohara} "Yeah, I'm serious!"
// \{}
<4348> \{Sunohara} "I'm going to be a lot more busy from now on!"
// \{}
<4349> \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}}
<4350> \{Sunohara} "I told you before I'm confessing to her."
// \{}
<4351> \{Sunohara} "April's already over... I plan to do that today."
// \{}
<4352> \{Sunohara} "When that happens, I'll slowly lose more and more of my time
// \{}
<4353> \{Sunohara} "Oh crap, I might hold her body, hahaha..."
// \{}
<4354> \{\m{B}} "You..."

// \{\m{B}}
<4355> \{Sunohara} "That's how it is, so I really don't care what happens with M
// \{}
<4356> \{\m{B}} "Why are you still acting so tough..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4357> \{Sunohara} "I'm not acting tough."
// \{}
<4358> \{\m{B}} "Aren't you worried?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4359> \{Sunohara} "I don't know what's happening to Mei."
// \{}
<4360> \{\m{B}} "... Get ahold of yourself, man!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4361> \{Sunohara} "What are you so angry about..."
// \{}
<4362> \{Sunohara} "Well... she doesn't care about me either anyway!"
// \{}
<4363> \{\m{B}} "... Sunohara!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4364> Being driven by anger, I grab his chest.
<4365> The chair falls over, and a loud voice echoes in the classroom.
<4366> \{Sunohara} "W-what is it, man...?"
// \{}
<4367> \{Sunohara} "I don't get you one bit..."
// \{}
<4368> \{\m{B}} "Do you know what the hell Mei-chan's doing right now?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4369> \{Sunohara} "I dunno anything about that."
// \{}
<4370> \{Sunohara} "Besides, she's getting along with you, isn't she?"
// \{}
<4371> \{Sunohara} "... It's nothing to do with me."
// \{}
<4372> \{\m{B}} "Go grab someone from the soccer club and ask them!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4373> \{\m{B}} "What do you think Mei-chan is doing...?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4374> \{\m{B}} "You should know... how much she believes in you!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4375> \{Sunohara} "I told you I don't know, didn't I?"
// \{}
<4376> \{Sunohara} "... Let go."
// \{}
<4377> \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}}
<4378> \{Sunohara} "What...?"
// \{}
<4379> \{Sunohara} "You want to fight, \m{A}...?"
// \{}\m{A}
<4380> \{\m{B}} "... Tch!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4381> Glaring at each other, I can tell the onlookers are gradually beginning t
o gather round.
<4382> The room went from completely silent to bustling with noise, as if hit by

<4383> Hearing the voice of the teacher coming, I let go.

<4384> \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}}
<4385> I walk in the direction of the door, through the commotion of people. The
students clear out in haste.
<4386> The class representative from somewhere tried to hold me back, going, "Wa
it a second!"
<4387> Ignoring her, I left the school.
<4388> I left during afternoon classes.
<4389> I come around to the park where the date was being held before.
<4390> To meet Sanae-san.
<4391> Looking around, I recognize a figure behind the bench.
<4392> \{\m{B}} "... Sanae-san."
// \{\m{B}}
<4393> Getting close, I called her.
<4394> \{Sanae} "Oh my, \m{A}-san."
// \{}\m{A}
<4395> Turning around, she gave a smile.
<4396> \{\m{B}} "Is now okay?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4397> \{Sanae} "Ah... I'm sorry, could you wait a second?"
// \{}
<4398> She had a slightly apologetic face.
<4399> I dunno what happened just now, but there was a number of young boys in a
circle around Sanae-san.
<4400> Seems she was making a speech to them.
<4401> \{Sanae} "... Having said that, bullying a young girl is no good."
// \{}
<4402> \{Sanae} "But, if you're kind, it'll definitely be great."
// \{}
<4403> The boys listened to her quietly, face-up.
<4404> \{Sanae} "Of course, doing that so soon is quite difficult."
// \{}
<4405> \{Sanae} "Just a little in the beginning is fine so... tell her this then
// \{}
<4406> \{Sanae} "First off, begin by apologizing, shall we?"
// \{}
<4407> They all nodded to that.
<4408> \{Sanae} "You understand, don't you?"
// \{}
<4409> They all responded with a large voice...
<4410> And then, while swaying her knapsack, she gave parting words.

<4411> \{Sanae} "Now then..."

// \{}
<4412> \{Sanae} "I apologize, \m{A}-san."
// \{}\m{A}
<4413> \{\m{B}} "Oh, not at all..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4414> \{\m{B}} "What was with the kids?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4415> \{Sanae} "You don't remember them?"
// \{}
<4416> \{\m{B}} "No. Or rather, I've met them?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4417> \{Sanae} "It's that time when Youhei-kun and Mei-chan went together."
// \{}
<4418> \{Sanae} "A girl was being bullied, right?"
// \{}
<4419> \{\m{B}} "I remember that."
// \{\m{B}}
<4420> \{Sanae} "These boys are the ones that bullied her."
// \{}
<4421> \{\m{B}} "Eh?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4422> \{\m{B}} "Well, why are you talking to the bullies?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4423> \{Sanae} "I thought that would be proper."
// \{}
<4424> \{Sanae} "If they don't, they won't get the fundamentals down."
// \{}
<4425> \{\m{B}} "Then, just now..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4426> \{Sanae} "Just a bit of a lecture."
// \{}
<4427> \{Sanae} "But, everyone's a good kid."
// \{}
<4428> \{Sanae} "If you talk to them, you'll understand them well."
// \{}
<4429> \{\m{B}} "Is that how it was...?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4430> As always, this person is...
<4431> Admirable and amazing.
<4432> \{Sanae} "And, what happened today? It's kind of rare at this time!"
// \{}
<4433> \{Sanae} "Eh... but, right now should be fifth period."
// \{}
<4434> \{Sanae} "What happened to classes?"
// \{}
<4435> \{\m{B}} "Skipping."
// \{\m{B}}
<4436> \{Sanae} "That's not something you should do."
// \{}
<4437> \{Sanae} "You have to study properly."
// \{}
<4438> \{\m{B}} "Sanae-san,"
// \{\m{B}}
<4439> To cut her off, I pile my words on top.
<4440> \{\m{B}} "I have something important to talk about. It's about Sunohara a
nd Mei-chan."

// \{\m{B}}
<4441> \{\m{B}} "... Please listen."
// \{\m{B}}
<4442> \{Sanae} "Okay."
// \{}
<4443> I suppose she can guess how serious I am?
<4444> She nods with a stern expression.
<4445> I tell Sanae-san everything that's happened.
<4446> The reason for Mei-chan coming to this town.
<4447> And seeing her brother.
<4448> The gap of time with the once reliant person.
<4449> And, Mei-chan's wish and actions.
<4450> I explain everything, leaving nothing out.
<4451> \{Sanae} "... I see."
// \{}
<4452> \{Sanae} "I understand."
// \{}
<4453> \{\m{B}} "I have something to ask of you, Sanae-san."
// \{\m{B}}
<4454> \{Sanae} "... What might it be?"
// \{}
<4455> \{\m{B}} "You're on a date with Sunohara today, right?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4456> \{Sanae} "That's what was arranged."
// \{}
<4457> \{\m{B}} "If he has become lost with that..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4458> \{\m{B}} "If there's something that will make him realize..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4459> \{Sanae} "........."
// \{}
<4460> \{\m{B}} "Somehow, make him think of Mei-chan."
// \{\m{B}}
<4461> \{\m{B}} "If he doesn't, Mei-chan will..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4462> \{Sanae} "... Yes,"
// \{}
<4463> \{Sanae} "I suppose that's not something that should be done."
// \{}
<4464> \{\m{B}} "Eh, but..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4465> \{Sanae} "You know, \m{A}-san."
// \{}\m{A}
<4466> \{Sanae} "That's... not something you have to worry about."
// \{}
<4467> \{\m{B}} "Eh?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4468> \{Sanae} "Recently, I've somehow noticed."
// \{}
<4469> \{Sanae} "Youhei-kun seems to have been always worried about something."
// \{}
<4470> \{Sanae} "Truth is, he should understand."

// \{}
<4471> \{Sanae} "That... there is something that he must do."
// \{}
<4472> \{Sanae} "If you look, he's capable."
// \{}
<4473> \{\m{B}} "Sanae-san..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4474> ... I see.
<4475> Now I understand.
<4476> Why it was that we have been working so hard.
<4477> I remember the kids that were listening to Sanae-san's speech up until no
<4478> They're surely the same as him.
<4479> On the day they met, where Sunohara didn't care and made such reckless re
<4480> She though that there was something that had to be done.
<4481> That's why she's giving him this much support...
<4482> \{Sanae} "I believe in him."
// \{}
<4483> \{Sanae} "That he'll definitely realize it."
// \{}
<4484> \{Sanae} "All that I can do..."
// \{}
<4485> \{Sanae} "Is just push him forward, even if it's just a little."
// \{}
<4486> \{Sanae} "So, \m{A}-san..."
// \{}\m{A}
<4487> \{Sanae} "You should also wait a little, and believe in him."
// \{}
<4488> \{\m{B}} "... All right."
// \{\m{B}}
<4489> All I did was nod to those words just now.
<4490> Sunohara... really is thinking about Mei-chan, isn't he?
<4491> As Mei-chan puts it, will he become that reliable person?
<4492> A gloomy feeling. As if speaking for another, the day darkens.
<4493> \{Mei} "It'll be fine."
// \{}
<4494> That day, Mei-chan waited at the gates again.
<4495> Seeing my face, we exchanged words, and she put on a smile.
<4496> \{Mei} "Onii-chan will understand."
// \{}
<4497> \{Mei} "He'll definitely, definitely understand."
// \{}
<4498> \{Mei} "That's why, I want to try hard."
// \{}
<4499> \{Mei} "So that onii-chan will become the same old onii-chan..."

// \{}
<4500> \{\m{B}} "... Yeah, I suppose."
// \{\m{B}}
<4501> Though she understood... we went to the soccer club again.
<4502> I also want to work hard.
<4503> I want to grant Mei-chan's wish.
<4504> But, at the same time, I didn't want to stain my eyes with any more conte
<4505> I don't want to feel any more sorrow than this...
<4506> If today's result is the same as yesterday,
<4507> No, if that continues on from back then...
<4508> \{\m{B}} (Sanae-san... in that case, I'll...)
// \{\m{B}}
<4509> \{\m{B}} (Definitely, no longer be able to...)
// \{\m{B}}
<4510> \{Entrenador} "You guys again?!"
// \{}
<4511> Seeing us, he gave a very obvious and annoyed face.
<4512> The members were all stretching around us. Were they about to practice?
<4513> \{Mei} "Sorry for bothering you during this busy time..."
// \{}
<4514> \{Mei} "I came again to ask!"
// \{}
<4515> \{Entrenador} "Ask, you mean yesterday?"
// \{}
<4516> \{Entrenador} "And, do the members approve of this?"
// \{}
<4517> \{Mei} "T-that's..."
// \{}
<4518> \{Entrenador} "Hey, did any of you said it was okay?"
// \{}
<4519> \{Captain} "No one said anything."
// \{}
<4520> The captain's bitter voice echoed. There was a crowd of laughter.
<4521> \{Entrenador} "I told you to go and get permission. Did you lie?"
// \{}
<4522> \{Mei} "I didn't lie!"
// \{}
<4523> \{Mei} "I came to ask you to have the members understand!"
// \{}
<4524> \{Entrenador} "You're in the way of practice, go home."
// \{}
<4525> \{Mei} "I'm not trying to be in the way!"
// \{}
<4526> \{Entrenador} "I told you that you are!"
// \{}
<4527> \{Mei} "T-then... let me help!"
// \{}
<4528> \{Entrenador} "Help?"
// \{}

<4529> \{Mei} "Yes, since I'm bothering you as such!"

// \{}
<4530> \{Mei} "I'll do whatever!"
// \{}
<4531> \{Entrenador} "Whatever...?"
// \{}
<4532> \{Mei} "W-whatever..."
// \{}
<4533> \{Soccer Player} "In that case, be my opponent, Mei-chan!"
// \{}
<4534> \{Mei} "E-eh...?"
// \{}
<4535> A vulgar voice from the members.
<4536> \{Soccer Player} "Or rather, strip."
// \{}
<4537> \{Soccer Player} "Strip, strip!"
// \{}
<4538> \{Mei} "........."
// \{}
<4539> A small voice, finally becoming loud.
<4540> Mei-chan flushed red, hanging her head alone.
<4541> \{\m{B}} (These guys...)
// \{\m{B}}
<4542> \{Entrenador} "Stop it, you people."
// \{}
<4543> \{Entrenador} "You shouldn't do that either. You an idiot?"
// \{}
<4544> \{Mei} "... I'm sorry."
// \{}
<4545> \{Mei} "But, I'm serious about wanting to helping out."
// \{}
<4546> \{Mei} "if there's anything I can do... please let me!"
// \{}
<4547> \{Entrenador} "Tch..."
// \{}
<4548> \{Mei} "Please..."
// \{}
<4549> \{Entrenador} "Go pick up the balls."
// \{}
<4550> \{Mei} "Eh, ah..."
// \{}
<4551> \{Entrenador} "You understand, don't you?"
// \{}
<4552> \{Mei} "O-okay...!"
// \{}
<4553> A whistle echoed through the campus.
<4554> Light jogging, followed by practicing passes, and then finally the member
s gather round the goal.
<4555> \{Entrenador} "Shooting practice!"
// \{}
<4556> Kicking the ball, they all lined up towards the coach's loud voice.
<4557> Seems the plan was to have one person become warmup catcher, and do shoot
passes back and forth...

<4558> The ball tumbles by the edge of the goal.

<4559> \{Mei} "I'm sorry \m{A}-san..."
// \{}\m{A}
<4560> \{Mei} "For having you come with me."
// \{}
<4561> \{\m{B}} "I don't care about that at all."
// \{\m{B}}
<4562> \{\m{B}} "I told you I'd be around to the end, didn't I?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4563> \{Mei} "... Thank you so much."
// \{}
<4564> Mei-chan came this far, being prepared.
<4565> Feeling that she should do something.
<4566> I could really hear the strong voice of the goalkeeper from the grounds.
<4567> Seems like things are starting up.
<4568> One by one, each of the members shoots out.
<4569> The lone, kicked ball, flies up into the air, not caught by the edge.
<4570> It flew to the fence on one end of the grounds.
<4571> \{Soccer Player} "Pass it over!"
// \{}
<4572> At once, they called for us.
<4573> \{Mei} "O-okay!"
// \{}
<4574> \{\m{B}} "It's fine, I'll go and get it."
// \{\m{B}}
<4575> I gently command Mei-chan just as she starts running.
<4576> The distance to the fence was quite large, and when I finally struggled t
here, I was a little short of breath.
<4577> Holding it in my arms, I pass it right back.
<4578> At that time, as if timed just right, the ball was kicked up again.
<4579> Making a large arc, it flew from where I was to another lone spot.
<4580> When that happened, Mei-chan hastily rushed over to take it.
<4581> \{\m{B}} (Are they aiming for that...?)
// \{\m{B}}
<4582> With her small body, Mei-chan desperately chased after it.
<4583> When she returned, she was panting heavily.
<4584> \{Soccer Player} "You're damn late!"
// \{}
<4585> \{Mei} "I'm sorry!"
// \{}
<4586> Rolling over, it returns to the members.
<4587> At almost the same time, another ball flew near the fence.

<4588> \{Soccer Player} "Stop being so stupid, and pass it back!"
// \{}
<4589> \{Mei} "O-okay!"
// \{}
<4590> \{\m{B}} "Wait, Mei-chan, let's take a quick break!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4591> \{Mei} "B-but..."
// \{}
<4592> \{\m{B}} "I'll go over there and get it."
// \{\m{B}}
<4593> \{\m{B}} "Until then, catch your breath..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4594> Saying that much, another ball flew straight into the day after tomorrow.
<4595> It fell in a direction completely different from the last shot.
<4596> \{Soccer Player} "What are you doing, hurry up and get it!"
// \{}
<4597> \{\m{B}} "Kuh..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4598> \{Mei} "I-I'm okay!"
// \{}
<4599> \{Mei} "I'll go!"
// \{}
<4600> Forming a smile, Mei-chan charged ahead.
<4601> Gritting my back teeth, I also ran.
<4602> Running round at full speed, we finally return to the goal post.
<4603> \{Mei} "Pant... pant...!"
// \{}
<4604> Mei-chan's face was pale, her chest frequently moving up and down.
<4605> \{Soccer Player} "Be a bit quicker!"
// \{}
<4606> \{Mei} "I... I'm sorry!"
// \{}
<4607> After that, everyone made shots.
<4608> This time, they didn't fly off too far.
<4609> That was a relief.
<4610> I was relieved that they let Mei-chan rest a little bit.
<4611> ... But, that was also brief.
<4612> \{Mei} "Ah...!"
// \{}
<4613> A small shriek.
<4614> The sound of a thick wind came towards us.
<4615> \{Soccer Player} "Close!"
// \{}
<4616> I couldn't tell whether it came from the kicker or his teammates.
<4617> But, could it be their doing...?

<4618> \{Mei} "H-haha... I guess there are times like this!"
// \{}
<4619> \{Mei} "I'll go get the ball!"
// \{}
<4620> \{\m{B}} "Wait, Mei-chan!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4621> Saying so, they flew over my head again.
<4622> \{Soccer Player} "\m{A}, don't slack off!"
// \{}\m{A}
<4623> \{\m{B}} "Damn it...!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4624> I ran with all my might.
<4625> I was uneasy about leaving Mei-chan alone, so I returned as quickly as I
<4626> But the ball flew towards where the trees were planted, so finding them t
ook a bit of time.
<4627> Finally finding it, I passed it back.
<4628> \{\m{B}} "... Mei-chan?!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4629> When I returned, I saw her with the ball in her stomach.
<4630> \{Mei} "Ugh..."
// \{}
<4631> \{\m{B}} "W-what's wrong?!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4632> \{Mei} "Ah... haha..."
// \{}
<4633> \{Mei} "The ball... hit me a little bit..."
// \{}
<4634> \{\m{B}} "Hit? Are you okay?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4635> \{\m{B}} "Or not, that's hitting you isn't it...?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4636> \{Mei} "That's wrong."
// \{}
<4637> \{Mei} "I was just daydreaming a little bit, and then I got hit."
// \{}
<4638> \{Mei} "I'm slow... aren't I?"
// \{}
<4639> \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}}
<4640> \{Mei} "You don't have to be that worried."
// \{}
<4641> \{Mei} "Ah, it's coming again! I'll go and get it!"
// \{}
<4642> She slowly comes up to the rolling ball.
<4643> In haste, I chased after her.
<4644> \{\m{B}} "Owaah!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4645> Another strong shot flew right by as if to cut the space between the two
of us off.

<4646> At that moment, even though she was close, she hesitated. When Mei-chan w
ent to pick it up, she crouched down.
<4647> Clunk, the sound.
<4648> The sound of hitting one's skin.
<4649> The shot that flew hit her thigh.
<4650> \{\m{B}} "Mei-chan!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4651> In haste, I went over to her fallen figure.
<4652> \{Mei} "I'm, fine!"
// \{}
<4653> \{Mei} "I'm okay!"
// \{}
<4654> \{Mei} "Ah, ball, ball..."
// \{}
<4655> The ball rolled around and around.
<4656> Picking it up, her legs were limp.
<4657> Staggering two, three steps, and then...
<4658> \{Mei} "A-ah...!"
// \{}
<4659> Her body falls over.
<4660> I rushed to reach my hand out to catch her, but it didn't make it in time
<4661> Mei-chan dropped on top of the ball like that.
<4662> The members had a burst of laughter.
<4663> \{Mei} "...!"
// \{}
<4664> But, Mei-chan had decided not to cry.
<4665> Biting her lips, she got up and threw the ball back.
<4666> \{Soccer Player} "Here it comes again, don't slack off!"
// \{}
<4667> \{Mei} "Okay!"
// \{}
<4668> Her legs were limp, but she tried her best to chase after it.
<4669> No matter how far the ball flew, she chased after it with all her might..
<4670> And when she got close, the ball would hit her. Even at times they'd atta
ck her...
<4671> And every time she got up, she'd continue getting balls.
<4672> \{\m{B}} (Why are you going so far...?)
// \{\m{B}}
<4673> That's not what I should be thinking.

<4674> \{\m{B}} (Why is it... that you can do this much?)

// \{\m{B}}
<4675> \{\m{B}} (Sunohara, even though your sister's suffering this much...)
// \{\m{B}}
<4676> \{\m{B}} (What the hell are you doing...?)
// \{\m{B}}
<4677> When it had become completely dark, the practice finally ended.
<4678> Mei-chan frequently held her stomach.
<4679> \{\m{B}} "... Does it hurt?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4680> \{Mei} "I-it's fine!"
// \{}
<4681> \{Mei} "It's nothing..."
// \{}
<4682> She's trying her best to hide it...
<4683> But, her delicate body has a number of bruises, doesn't it?
<4684> \{Captain} "Good work."
// \{}
<4685> In contrast, the captain wore a cheerful mood.
<4686> \{Captain} "Ah, sorry for the trouble."
// \{}
<4687> \{Mei} "No, its' nothing at all!"
// \{}
<4688> \{Mei} "A-and... about my brother!"
// \{}
<4689> \{Captain} "Ah, before that..."
// \{}
<4690> \{Captain} "Could you take the field rake and level the grounds?"
// \{}
<4691> \{Mei} "Eh...?"
// \{}
<4692> \{Captain} "I'm counting on you!"
// \{}
<4693> Waving one hand, he quickly returned to the clubroom.
<4694> Mei-chan lowered her head at the start for a while.
<4695> \{\m{B}} (That asshole...)
// \{\m{B}}
<4696> \{Mei} "... Okay!"
// \{}
<4697> Even so, she lifted her head instantly.
<4698> \{Mei} "Let's do it!"
// \{}
<4699> And then, she quickly took the rake and headed out.
<4700> Her body's at her limit now...
<4701> It was very pitiful, seeing Mei-chan face forward no matter what.
<4702> Carefully leveling the grounds, we then opened the clubroom door.

<4703> Already six or seven club members were left, changing into their school u
<4704> \{Mei} "Ah... we're done."
// \{}
<4705> \{Captain} "Oh, good work."
// \{}
<4706> \{Mei} "Umm, where's everyone else..."
// \{}
<4707> \{Captain} "Went home."
// \{}
<4708> \{Mei} "Eh...?"
// \{}
<4709> \{Captain} "Because club activities are already over."
// \{}
<4710> \{Mei} "B-but... about... what we talked about..."
// \{}
<4711> \{Captain} "Now, now, you'll hear it from us."
// \{}
<4712> \{Captain} "Well, I dunno about the other guys agreeing with what we say.
// \{}
<4713> \{Mei} "No way..."
// \{}
<4714> \{Captain} "So, what was it?"
// \{}
<4715> \{Mei} "About my brother... Sunohara Youhei!"
// \{}
<4716> \{Mei} "I thought that I'd like for him to return to the club."
// \{}
<4717> \{Mei} "If that can't be done, just let him play for a little bit."
// \{}
<4718> \{Mei} "That's all I want..."
// \{}
<4719> \{Captain} "Oh, was that it?"
// \{}
<4720> \{Captain} "Nah, sorry."
// \{}
<4721> \{Mei} "........."
// \{}
<4722> \{Mei} "... Eh?"
// \{}
<4723> \{\m{B}} (... These assholes...)
// \{\m{B}}
<4724> ... Certainly there was nothing to be hopeful about.
<4725> Mei-chan had worked so hard.
<4726> They didn't feel anything seeing her like this?
<4727> They didn't even think the least bit, taking any of her feelings...?
<4728> \{Captain} "Having said that, give it up."
// \{}
<4729> \{Mei} "P-please, somehow, anything!"
// \{}
<4730> \{Mei} "Please, let my brother play soccer once again!"
// \{}
<4731> \{Captain} "No."

// \{}
<4732> \{Mei} "Why... not?"
// \{}
<4733> \{Captain} "Because I hate him."
// \{}
<4734> \{Mei} "Hate...?"
// \{}
<4735> \{Captain} "Is there anyone here who likes him?"
// \{}
<4736> \{Soccer Player} "Of course not."
// \{}
<4737> \{Soccer Player} "He's cheeky and annoying."
// \{}
<4738> \{Soccer Player} "He's crappy, I don't want to be with him."
// \{}
<4739> Each one of them put him down.
<4740> \{Captain} "Well, that's how it is."
// \{}
<4741> \{Captain} "Want me to make it easy on you? They hate your brother."
// \{}
<4742> \{Mei} "That's why, you can't...?"
// \{}
<4743> \{Mei} "... Why..."
// \{}
<4744> \{Mei} "Does... everyone hate my brother?"
// \{}
<4745> \{Soccer Player} "Because, he's incompetent."
// \{}
<4746> \{Mei} ".........?"
// \{}
<4747> \{Soccer Player} "He's got no guts."
// \{}
<4748> \{Soccer Player} "He's weak and cries."
// \{}
<4749> \{Soccer Player} "Guess he's a loser?"
// \{}
<4750> \{Mei} "Loser...?"
// \{}
<4751> \{Captain} "He quit soccer, and can't keep up with studies."
// \{}
<4752> \{Captain} "That's a loser, isn't it?"
// \{}
<4753> \{Mei} "Onii-chan is a loser...?"
// \{}
<4754> \{Captain} "However you think it."
// \{}
<4755> \{Soccer Player} "Speaking of which, he got any reason to live?"
// \{}
<4756> \{Soccer Player} "None."
// \{}
<4757> \{Mei} "........."
// \{}
<4758> \{Captain} "Well, little sister?"
// \{}
<4759> \{Captain} "Is there any reason to be working hard for crap such as him?"
// \{}
<4760> \{Mei} "Onii-chan... isn't crap..."
// \{}
<4761> \{Captain} "Garbage is fine."

// \{}
<4762> \{Mei} "...!"
// \{}
<4763> \{Captain} "You knew from the start, didn't you?"
// \{}
<4764> \{Captain} "Sunohara knows that this stuff is happening to you, you know?
// \{}
<4765> \{Mei} "Eh...?"
// \{}
<4766> \{Captain} "Seems he came to our club."
// \{}
<4767> \{Captain} "Looks like he heard about you."
// \{}
<4768> ... He probably investigated after I told him about Mei-chan.
<4769> About where she was, and about what she was doing.
<4770> Sunohara knew.
<4771> Knowing that, he...
<4772> \{Captain} "So, how's that?"
// \{}
<4773> \{Captain} "Your big brother ain't coming."
// \{}
<4774> \{Mei} "T... that's..."
// \{}
<4775> \{Captain} "He's abandoned you."
// \{}
<4776> \{Captain} "He's afraid of fighting with us, and ran off."
// \{}
<4777> \{Soccer Player} "He can't save a single person."
// \{}
<4778> \{Soccer Player} "He's probably shaking in his boots at home right now."
// \{}
<4779> \{Soccer Player} "Actually, will he even come to school starting tomorrow
// \{}
<4780> \{Soccer Player} "Maybe he'll give up?"
// \{}
<4781> \{Soccer Player} "Sunohara being scared and dropping out is just like him
// \{}
<4782> \{Soccer Player} "Since that suits crap like him!"
// \{}
<4783> \{Mei} "... Uh..."
// \{}
<4784> Mei-chan only closed her eyes, bearing those words.
<4785> She had decided not to cry... no matter what treatment or pain she felt.
<4786> Her shoulders began to faintly tremble.
<4787> \{Soccer Player} "Ahh, you made her cry."
// \{}
<4788> \{Captain} "Is that my fault?"
// \{}
<4789> \{Soccer Player} "Come on, don't be sad, Mei-chan!"
// \{}

<4790> \{Mei} "Uh... uh..."

// \{}
<4791> \{Soccer Player} "Rather, get ahold of yourself."
// \{}
<4792> \{Soccer Player} "You can, go home now, you know?"
// \{}
<4793> \{Soccer Player} "Even if you cry, onii-chan ain't coming."
// \{}
<4794> \{Mei} "... Wrong......"
// \{}
<4795> \{Captain} "... Huh?"
// \{}
<4796> \{Mei} "You're wrong..."
// \{}
<4797> \{Mei} "You're... wrong...!"
// \{}
<4798> \{Mei} "Onii-chan will come...!"
// \{}
<4799> \{\m{B}} "Mei-chan..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4800> \{Mei} "He'll definitely come..."
// \{}
<4801> \{Soccer Player} "What's with that?"
// \{}
<4802> \{Soccer Player} "He ain't coming, he ain't..."
// \{}
<4803> \{Mei} "He will...!"
// \{}
<4804> \{Mei} "Onii-chan will come to save me...!"
// \{}
<4805> \{Mei} "He'll definitely, definitely come...!"
// \{}
<4806> \{Soccer Player} "... What's with her?"
// \{}
<4807> \{Soccer Player} "She an idiot?"
// \{}
<4808> \{Soccer Player} "She's Sunohara's sister after all."
// \{}
<4809> \{Soccer Player} "Cry a lot louder, onii-chan can't hear you~"
// \{}
<4810> \{Mei} "U-uu...!"
// \{}
<4811> They grab her arm and swing it.
<4812> \{Mei} "Fuuuu... it hurts...!"
// \{}
<4813> \{Mei} "It hurts... it hurts...!"
// \{}
<4814> \{Captain} "Come on, say onii-chan!"
// \{}
<4815> \{Mei} "Uuu... onii-chan...!"
// \{}
<4816> \{Captain} "Like that, onii-chan ain't coming."
// \{}
<4817> \{Mei} "Onii-chan, onii-chan...!"
// \{}
<4818> \{Mei} "Onii-chan...!!"
// \{}
<4819> \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}}

<4820> ... There was nothing more to wait for.

<4821> We had gone past the point of no return.
<4822> I'll give Mei a lot of respect for being so patient for what she wanted..
<4823> That somewhere, she might have believed in him.
<4824> But, that was also over.
<4825> \{\m{B}} (Sorry, Mei-chan...)
// \{\m{B}}
<4826> Watching only to the end...
<4827> But, I couldn't just watch anymore.
<4828> It's several guys against me.
<4829> It feels bad, but this is the only thing left.
<4830> \{\m{B}} (... Sunohara...)
// \{\m{B}}
<4831> Cursing him, I remember his face at the end.
<4832> But, I shook that off quickly.
<4833> I formed a tight fist.
<4834> Taking a breath, I looked straight ahead.
<4835> I take one step forward.
<4836> I swing my arm, and then...
<4837> \{Sunohara} "Don't make Mei cry-----!"\shake{4}
// \{}\shake{4}
<4838> I see someone come sprinting right in, jumping with a kick.
<4839> \{Mei} "... Ah..."
// \{}
<4840> \{Sunohara} "Are you bullying Mei?!"
// \{}
<4841> \{Sunohara} "People who bully Mei, people who bully Mei...!"
// Alt - "Anyone who dares makes Mei cry, anyone..." - Kinny Riddle
// \{}
<4842> \{Sunohara} "I definitely won't forgive that!!!"
// Alt - "Don't think I'll let them get away with it!!!" - Kinny Riddle
// \{}
<4843> \{Captain} "You bastard..."
// \{}
<4844> \{Sunohara} "Uraagggghhhhh---!"
// \{}
<4845> Bringing up his fist, he hits them.
<4846> It became anarchy all at once.
<4847> \{Mei} "Onii... chan..."
// \{}
<4848> \{Mei} "Onii-chan...!"

// \{}
<4849> \{\m{B}} "Step back, Mei-chan."
// \{\m{B}}
<4850> \{\m{B}} "It'll be fine, onii-chan definitely won't lose."
// \{\m{B}}
<4851> \{Mei} "O-okay..."
// \{}
<4852> \{\m{B}} "All right..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4853> I take a step back slowly and make sure, and then looked ahead again..
<4854> I saw the club members had grabbed ahold of Sunohara.
<4855> \{\m{B}} "Don't forget me!!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4856> Raising my fist, I rush right in.
<4857> Hitting them, a thick sound echoed.
<4858> The tall night sky spread out across my view.
<4859> It was terribly suffocating. I breathed hard, grabbing air.
<4860> Every time I did, everywhere around my chest hurt.
<4861> I had lied down with my body spread out across the dirt.
// literally, means that he spread out his body like the character .
<4862> I didn't care that my hair or my clothes had all been dirtied.
<4863> My lips were beginning to dry with the sand and blood, and just that felt
<4864> \{Sunohara} "\m{A}..."
// \{}\m{A}
<4865> Sunohara said, his body laid out in the same way.
<4866> \{Sunohara} "Did we win...?"
// \{}
<4867> \{\m{B}} "Who knows."
// \{\m{B}}
<4868> \{Sunohara} "Then, did we lose?"
// \{}
<4869> \{\m{B}} "I'm pretty sure we didn't lose..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4870> I didn't know what the reality was.
<4871> At the time we jumped at the soccer club, my memories were all jumbled.
<4872> There was only one faint scene I remembered.
<4873> But, for my fists to hurt this much was probably because of that.
<4874> I had only been hit as much so that the blood in my mouth went into my th
<4875> I'm not exactly sure how it all ended.
<4876> "You guys have lost." Those lines were said, with the figure of the club
members stepping back.

// this is way too vague, can't tell whether Tomoya & Sunohara or the club membe
rs said this --velocity7
// Alt - All I heard was someone saying "You guys are crazy" as the club members
retreated. // Does really mean lose? The closest I could get for in a dictionary
re all related to squid. - Kinny Riddle
<4877> Though we made chase after them, our legs wouldn't move.
<4878> With a staggering way of walking they left. The only thing I remember abo
ut that was continuing our glare at them.
<4879> \{Mei} "F... fueee..."
// \{}
<4880> Mei-chan remained sitting there, sobbing.
<4881> The voice of her crying came through.
<4882> \{\m{B}} "You idiot."
// \{\m{B}}
<4883> \{Sunohara} "Who's an idiot...?"
// \{}
<4884> \{\m{B}} "Who else would it be other than you?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4885> I struggle to move my painful body.
<4886> \{\m{B}} "You're a really big idiot."
// \{\m{B}}
<4887> \{\m{B}} "Apologize."
// \{\m{B}}
<4888> \{\m{B}} "Apologize to Mei-chan!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4889> \{Sunohara} "Why do I have to apologize...?"
// \{}
<4890> \{\m{B}} "You're still saying that?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4891> \{\m{B}} "You're a failure as a brother."
// \{\m{B}}
<4892> \{Sunohara} "What'd you say?"
// \{}
<4893> \{\m{B}} "Mei-chan also waited, suffering for this older brother."
// \{\m{B}}
<4894> \{\m{B}} "If you had done things properly, something like this wouldn't h
ave happened."
// \{\m{B}}
<4895> \{\m{B}} "You really are a hopeless brother."
// \{\m{B}}
<4896> \{Sunohara} "You picking a fight?"
// \{}
<4897> \{\m{B}} "Guess so."
// \{\m{B}}
<4898> With an infuriated face, Sunohara also got up, facing me with a sharp gla
<4899> Yet staggering, I got close to his chest. We both stared each other down.
<4900> \{Mei} "Please... stop..."
// \{}
<4901> Mei-chan's thin voice could no longer reach us.
<4902> \{\m{B}} "You damn asshole!"\shake{4}

// \{\m{B}}\shake{4}
<4903> I catch Sunohara's head, butting it.
<4904> Holding his nose, he staggered backward, and fell like that.
<4905> \{\m{B}} "Don't screw around, Sunohara!" // I am very tempted to translat
e this as "Don't fuck around!" --velocity7
// \{\m{B}}
<4906> I get on top of him and grab his blonde hair.
<4907> \{\m{B}} "How do you think Mei-chan feels thanks to you?!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4908> I beat him with all my might.
<4909> \{\m{B}} "How... miserable do you think she feels?!"\shake{4}\wait{300}\s
// \{\m{B}}\shake{4}\wait{300}\shake{4}\wait{3
<4910> I hit him in the cheek two, three times.
<4911> \{\m{B}} "It's all your fault!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4912> \{\m{B}} "What are you going to do with you being unreliable?!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4913> \{\m{B}} "Are you a damn brother?!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4914> Blood spilled from the spilled tissue around his forehead. Did I wound hi
<4915> \{\m{B}} "Apologize...!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4916> \{\m{B}} "Apologize to Mei-chan...!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4917> The flowing blood fell to the ground, creating a dark blot.
<4918> \{Sunohara} "Damn you..."
// \{}
<4919> \{\m{B}} "Huh?"
// \{\m{B}}
<4920> The bottom of his eyelids were swollen black.
<4921> Glancing at me, I could tell he was scowling.
<4922> \{Sunohara} "\m{A}...!"
// \{}\m{A}
<4923> His hand stretches out, and also grabs my hair.
<4924> \{\m{B}} "You got no excuses, do you?!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4925> \{\m{B}} "You never thought of Mei-chan, did you?!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4926> \{Sunohara} "I have...!"
// \{}
<4927> \{\m{B}} "You liar!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4928> \{\m{B}} "Even though your sister was tricked by weird guys..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4929> \{\m{B}} "You didn't do anything! You weren't worried, were you?!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4930> \{Sunohara} "I was! I was worried!"
// \{}

<4931> \{\m{B}} "Then, why'd you do nothing?!"

// \{\m{B}}
<4932> \{\m{B}} "Why'd you leave it be?!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4933> \{Sunohara} "Isn't that obvious?!"
// \{}
<4934> \{\m{B}} "Then, tell me!!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4935> \{\m{B}} "If you got any excuses, spill it!!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4936> \{Sunohara} "Because I thought it'd be fine if it were you!"
// Dry! This is Tomoya's fault, by the way. --velocity7
// \{}
<4937> I stopped my hand at those words.
<4938> At that moment, my vision went blank. // As he got knocked the living day
lights by Sunohara. - Kinny Riddle
<4939> Sunohara got in a punch in that space of time.
<4940> Right between the eyebrows, the light blurs.
<4941> It continued with a thick pain at the nose bridge.
<4942> \{\m{B}} "... Gah!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4943> I could tell the blood was running.
<4944> Taking the opportunity, he pushed me off him.
<4945> \{Sunohara} "You apologize as well!"
// \{}
<4946> \{Sunohara} "Apologize to Mei!"
// \{}
<4947> I stood up, leaned over pretty badly.
<4948> There was a gap in my guard, where he hit me many times.
<4949> \{Sunohara} "Why'd you bring Mei this far?!"
// \{}
<4950> \{Sunohara} "You should protect Mei!!"
// \{}
<4951> \{Sunohara} "That's your damn responsibility!!"
// \{}
<4952> \{\m{B}} "Sunohara, you asshole!"
// \{\m{B}}
<4953> \{Sunohara} "\m{A}--!"
// \{}\m{A}
<4954> Grappling each other, a cloud of dust builds up.
<4955> Pulling off each others' hair, we continued our fist fight, blood-stained
<4956> \{Mei} "Please... stop..."
// \{}
<4957> \{Mei} "Please stop!!"
// \{}
<4958> Mei-chan's voice echoed.
<4959> Our breathing was wild. Scowling at each other, we realized what we were

doing upon hearing that shout.

<4960> \{Mei} "Hic, uu... uuu..."
// \{}
<4961> \{Mei} "Please... don't fight..."
// \{}
<4962> \{Mei} "I'm, fine!"
// \{}
<4963> \{Mei} "I'm not sad at all!"
// \{}
<4964> \{Mei} "Because, because...!"
// \{}
<4965> \{Sunohara} "Mei..."
// \{}
<4966> \{\m{B}} "Mei-chan..."
// \{\m{B}}
<4967> \{Mei} "Uu... uuu..."
// \{}
<4968> A lot of tears streamed as she groggily stood up.
<4969> She wipes her cheek, frequently rubbing her eyes, and then...
<4970> \{Mei} "Onii-chan...!"
// \{}
<4971> She jumped into her brother's arms.
<4972> \{Mei} "Onii-chan... onii-chan...!"
// \{}
<4973> \{Mei} "U-uuu...!"
// \{}
<4974> \{Mei} "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry...!"
// \{}
<4975> Mei-chan cried like a child.
<4976> Sunohara watched that look of hers for a while, dumbfounded.
<4977> But, that was also fleeting.
<4978> \{Sunohara} "Mei..."
// \{}
<4979> He softly hugs her.
<4980> And gently brushes her head.
<4981> \{\m{B}} "........."
// \{\m{B}}
<4982> I watch them for a while.
<4983> And then finally get up.
<4984> Being covered in mud and blood stains here and there, it looked pretty ba
d, even for me.
<4985> I fix up my hair, which is in disarray and mixed with sand.
<4986> I'll have to take a shower when I get back.
<4987> I'll also have to get a change of my school uniform from the closet.
<4988> What should I eat for dinner...?

<4989> I absent-mindedly thought about it.
<4990> Putting my hands in my pockets, I turn around.
<4991> I walk for a while, then take a look around.
<4992> I see the figure of a brother hugging his younger sister.
<4993> Taking a breath of awe...
<4994> I begin walking again.

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