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EDL 768

Budget Review Proposal

A long with Program Budget Proposal

Dan Perry & Kirby Weaver 5/8/2012

As monies available become less and less due to funding cuts it is important to be evaluating current programs and exploring new programs as cost affective alternatives. In doing so, criteria must be established for evaluation of proposed programs. Also these evaluations must not be done by just one person. A committee should be created in order to assess the proposed programs based on certain suggested criteria. Most proposals will fit into two categories. Education Academics which relates to math, history, English, science, etc. and Social Academics which relates to health & wellness, learning to socially relate, effective communication, resume building, etc Once a program is declared for one of the two categories a committee can begin looking at it. However, depending on what category a proposal is placed into will determine the committee members to a point. The committee itself should consist of at least one student possibly two for either the Education or Social categories because the proposals are for students. A person who handles budgetary responsibilities would be a good person to have on either committee. Next a person or two from Student Affairs specifically like an Assistant or Associate Director type. Lastly the committee should consider having an Academic Affairs person as a member. If the proposed program is academically based then an Academic Affairs person may have specific knowledge the other members may not. Now that the committee has been formed and has the proposal in hand the criteria should be addressed. The criteria should have five categories and each category should have a number system with it. For example, if each category for the criteria is five points (1 being low & 5 being high) each then every proposal can receive up to 25 points total. The closest three programs to total near or at 25 get pushed through to the Cabinet.

The five categories should be in question format and address certain objectives. First and these are in no particular order, does the mission or objective(s) of the proposed program relate to the mission of the university? Second, what is the specific population the program will serve? When scoring this marking a one will mean the program serves a very specific population and when scoring a five this will mean the program serves a very broad population. Third, how will the project outcomes be measured? Fourth, assuming all budgets as part of all programs proposed come in under budget, how close to the budget allocation does a proposed budget come to? Finally, based on a committee members experience how will the program do if put into action? Proposals are open to anyone and can be from a single unit or a group of units. The main objective of these proposals should be for students. The good thing with these proposals being on a yearly basis is if one program is passed through but does not do well a new program can be put in its place the following year.

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