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Portfolio Proposal

Student Information Maryjo Comparan APU San Diego Regional Center|Mission Valley Course: EDUC 526 Capstone Experience in Digital Teaching and Learning Professor: Dr. Joanne Gilbreath Title of Portfolio: Health and Fitness Unit Date proposal submitted: February 14, 2013 Type of Project This unit allows students to learn and apply physical fitness knowledge as they develop fitness goals, plans, and understand how to improve their overall health and performance over the course of 4 weeks. Students will also understand the relationship between nutrition, exercises, and the benefits of healthy lifestyle. Goal(s) of the Portfolio This portfolio project will provide students with the opportunity to discuss, recall, analyze, and apply their understanding of health and fitness on a personal level. Students will be able to use digital media and well as traditional approaches to understanding and improve their overall physical fitness knowledge and performance over the course of four weeks. Students will also be able to appreciate the importance of their fitness knowledge and apply the various exercises and concepts to their lives in and outside of the classroom. Student will be able to discuss the importance of healthy food choices. Objectives of the Portfolio Students will be to design a fitness plan using the 5 Health Related Components for maintaining health and performance. Students will compare personal fitness results with the Fitnessgram Performance Standards and determine whether they fall into the Healthy Fitness Zone. Students will be able to develop fitness goals allowing students to monitor their personal fitness improvement overtime. Student will design a fitness workout or dance video to demonstrate their knowledge of the different components of a complete workout. Student will access various web resources and apply their knowledge of nutrition and healthy food choices in the form of a restaurant menu. EDUC 522 Unit Plan [or substitute unit plan] Week 1: Health Week Day 1-Cardio, Endurance, Strength and More

This lesson begins with overview of 5 health Related Fitness Components. A short introduction form the teacher, followed by group work. Each group will read an article about one of components and create a mind map (Mind Meister) based on the important points of the article. Student may also access other websites for information. Groups will share their results of their map using Apple TV. Assessment: Determine if students were able to identify the important main ideas using the mind map. Activities: (EDUC 522, Mind Meister), (EDUC 512, Apple TV) Day 2: Fleetly Fitness Students setup a Fleetly Fitness account on mobile devices and learn how to log exercises. (EDUC 522 during app searches) Day 3: Trading Cards Student use READ, WRITE, THINK card creator using information form the 5 Health related components and related exercises. Student can also access Fit Deck Junior app on mobile device and choose different exercises to do with a partner (EDUC 522) Day 4: Study Buddy Students will use A+ Flashcard Helper App on the iPad to create quiz questions from the week. Student will work in partners. Day 5: Light, Camera, Action, or Sing Along Students will create a short song/skit/cheer with the assigned Health component and include information that describes the fitness component. Students may use Garage Band, Camera App, or iMovie to record and edit the project. Week 2: Fitness Week Day 1: Kids Fitness Go over the FITT Principle. Students will upload document into Notability and take additional notes and complete fill-ins. Day 2: Heart Rate Fun Student will watch a video on how to take their pulse. We will practice before exercise and after. Students will also access Cardiograph Heart Rate Meter App for students with mobile devices. Day 3Vacation Fun Students will design an online comic using the Comic Life app on iPad to illustrate a conversation between friends and their Spring Break plans. (EDUC522) Day 4:Word Puzzle Students will invent word puzzles using sentences frames involving information from 5 Health Fitness components and fitness goals. Student will create two different Wordles and compare the puzzles. (EDUC 511, 522)

Day 5: Fitness Log Students will use the Fleetly Fitness app or website on their mobile devices and reflect on their goals for the week. Week 3: Food Week Day 1: Learn Your Foods Student will watch a You Tube video from called Choose My Plate: A Lyrical Rendition Students will use Choose My to access food information. Day 2: Beginning to Recognize a Healthy Meal Plan Student will access Zisboomball app or website to play a food knowledge game. Day 3: Food Plans Examples Students begin with a Health Food game: Click on games and select Flash Game: Mission Nutrition. Students can begin looking up a favorite athlete or sports person and takes notes of their food/meal plans using Notability. (EDUC 514) Day 4: Restaurant Menu Project Teacher will discuss the Health Food Restaurant Menu Food Project. Students will then have an opportunity to partner up and begin brain storming together. Restaurant Menu will be presented on an online Globster Poster or iDraw. Day 5: Restaurant Menu Continued Week 4: Get Up and Move Day 1 Stay Cool We will begin discussing the project for the week. A workout video or dance routine to be completed be Friday. Written version using Postermaker App, video recorded on camera App and edited with music on iMovie, etc. or a dance routine recorded on Just Dance for XBox Kinect. Day 2 What Not To Do Teacher will begin by discussing contraindicated exercises. Student will quickly research using Google and/or Students need to submit three examples of contraindicated exercise and the health conditions they are associated with. Day 3 Step It Up Students will learn the Electric Slide as a cool down exercise. Teacher will use the Country/Line App from iPad to demonstrate the Electric Slide Line Dance and then walk the student through the dance. Day 4 Food and Exercise Relationships

Begin lesson with a 20 min. Boot Camp Calorie Burn Video Students will use, click on Physical Activity, click on How Much is Needed. Then create a table using Word and identify the different amounts of exercise that is recommended for the different age groups and life stages for people. Day 5 Workout Mania Each group will share and present their workout plan and video to the class. All students will get up and follow along. Student may use the Apple T.V., YouTube, or Vimeo to share their video. (EDUC512,514,522)

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