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Right Reverend Donald C, Barrie, M.8.EB.,D.D,,Th.D. BIBLE OF THE UNDEAD by Right Kev. Donald C. Barrie, M.R.E.,D.D.,Th.D. VITAM IMPENDERE VERO THE INTIMATE EXPERIENCES OF AN ADVANCED ADEPT WHO REVEALS THAT THERE ARE SOME WHO NEED NOT DIE, TELLS IN DETAIL THE SIMPLE TECHNIQUE USED TO ACCOMPLISH THIS. "Verily I say unto you, that there shall be some of them that stand here whioh shall not faate of death, t111 they have seen tha king- dom of God come with power" Wark 9:1 THIS BIBLE IS DEVOTED TO FACTUAL TRUTH, AN- SWERS ALL QUESTIONS OF LIFE, DEATH, AND AFTER- LIFE, PROVES THE EXISTENCE OF GOD, EVERYONE'S RELATIONSHIP TO THE DIVINE BEING, HOW TO USE THE IMMENSE POWERS WHICH ARE AVAILABLE NOW. A PRACTICAL “How to do it," PROVE IT RIGHT NOW OR LEAVE TT APPROACH TO THE MYSTERTES WHICH HAVE CONFOUNDED MAN SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME. A SIMPLE SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO TOTAL FULFILLMENT. BIBLE OF THE UNDEAD by Right Rev, Donaki C, Barrie, M.R.E.,D.D,,Th.D, (Author of PHOEBE AND THE MACPAIRLIE MYSTERY pub- Hghed by Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, Inc. N.¥.C., 1963) Copyright @ Donald Conway Barrie L471-L972 ALi right’ reserved. Yo part of thie book say be feproducad or transmitted in any formor by any means, electronic or eechanical, including pho- tocopying, recording or by any information stor- age and retrieval system, without permission in writing frome the author. The right of transla= tion into foreign dangueges is atrictly reserved Public readings of any pert are forbiddan with= ut writren permiasion from the author. Pretect- ed under tha copyright laws of the United States of America, the United Kiagdom, including the dosinion of Canada, and all other countries of the doiversal Copyright Conventions. (ISBN 0-918090-01-8) Manufactured in the United Sintea of America Libracy of Corgress Catalog Card No. 75-152369 Distributed by CHEMUNG BOOKS Box 3081, Elmira, N.¥, 14906 Pirst Printing March 1971 (1) V0 x XI TABLE OF CONTENTS PO eeneaseraserreneteeenenee The Hidden Half sissssssccsectseneseeanneer Factual Proof That God Existt ssecssessssaees What Life is, What the Spirit Is, What Faith Is, plus the question Do We Have Any Reason To Fear God? ..secccescsasanae What A Ghost Ie, including What The Soul 13 seseveesessessseeerersntaeeessaeas What The Peltorgelst le and The Source (Gf Ite Power ces eeseceneereseerensneesenes How to Exorcist Chott! seessesceeerenersenen Efficacious Prayer» Calling The Doad, including A Note Of WArting sscsecncsunersesscesceerneseenes The Present Usclesancas Of ESP ..cee ADOUL UFOS cessepeeneneeeeecsecnennerenan Bome ESP Experiencas . Vtbeeerenernenae An Exporionce After | Died ssssesssseeesesen Vv 41 aT SL ST 71 5 xIV xV aVi xVO VO xxuT sorry ‘Tha Restless Dead At Mill House . ‘The Ghost of the Irishwoman vererecseser--o8 The Munifeetation of Beethovert wisssessceeses The Honged Man and The Black Dog . The Derk Woods and the Brutal Man Caliing ... The White Goat Ghoot of Miga Pink ssreecenses The Dead Acmy On The March .. The Ghost of the Crusader sessseseuseureses The French-Canadian Who Saved My Life Three Mouths Altor Hit Death ..esaseasasee Tha Puzsio of the Concert Artist . The Choice of Either Earthly Agelessmcss Or Mormal Death .4s0cceccesereneeeneranae NOTE; Peyehic phenomena experiences above are not in a5 107 109 ma 118 121 1a 173 136 138 “3 Plegec note that thie La an original concept based upon expuricnce and should be of particular value to those interested in progressing the Infaat science of para— psychology. chroncloyicul order, DEDICATION fo the mart poresful apirit and father in this world LEO GRORGE WELLVANA with respect, Jow, admiration and eodiass amizoment PREFACE 1 have hesitated for many years to write this particular and exceedingly personal book because I have folt quite certain that after it wos published, professional people from the near- est ingane asylum would come and take me away in spite of all my protestniions that | have beenproven by competent authori- Hes to be quite eane and normal. A confidant has persuaded me that I must, that even if some cannot accopt it as whole truth, that there will be others who can and will, and who neod te share what I have learned and experienced, and who will profit greatly therefrom. Yet, I tremble in speculation as to the reception these most intimate revelations and occult practices of a side of my Ife which I have kept concealed from the conventional half, will receive, well aware of the sometimes violent bigotry of so many, and the fear which can be aroused in people when ex- posed to something which is beyond their ken, People cherish thelr ignorance and wee to him who tries to dispell it? Howovor, I have made the decision and am ready to ac- ‘cept the consequences whatever they my be because | fool a duty to the general public who should be allowed to share in this concealed, ridiculously called “forbidden, * knowledge of a privileged fow, Also, this present generationof Spoilers, the Bewlidered, the Lost, need this imowledge to find the WAY again onto the PATH, to became able to tige up inte the joyful swarences they now geek through the use of drugs. All of us want to be fulfilled, and 1, therefore, bring the meane to do thie fm a healthy, normal fashion, asking for no blind belief, nor acceptance of 2 fog of ponderous confusion,or superstitious nonsense, but FACTS with which you can reason, Or prove oul for yourself, Take my lid, Friend, and let us learn the ways to the wonders hidden fram you for ao long, DC, B, PREFACE TWO TALK DIRECTLY TO GOD SCIENTIFICALLY This book could heve been a thousand pages long, taken in lessons in meditation, astral projection, etc. but these sub= jects have been treated thoroughly elsewhere by others and the whole intention of the HISLE OF THE UNDEAD, which could well be called the BIBLE OF THE UNDYING, waa to SIMPLIFY THE MOST POWERFUL TECHNIQUES POSSIBLE TO MAN, in such away so that even the teast educated oould yao them NOW, Uhave not wished to halp you become a warlock orwiteh, help you summon any of the endless numbor of apirita both good and bad, perform cerie cantrips, What good would it be to you to be able to fly around a room, lay your body down in one place and appear in another, couse burata of fire and thun- der, summon and show toothers the earth-bound dead, demons, for entortainment's sake, to amaze and horrily? But to extend your life-span, to rid yourself of dimenae, to give you financial security, to help others brenk bad habits, to beal and inspire and bring happiness not only to yourself but to many, Len't THAT infinitely better than acting like a "show= ol" > Being fulfilled in the ABSOLUTE POWER OF GOD, "Re- lating," Becoming, Demonstrating, freeing yourself of all fears is what I have tried to accomplish by simplifying the vitel techniques eo that the veriest child could practice and benefit, To enable you to bocome aa GREAT A HUMAN as is pos- sible is what BIBLE OF THE UNDEAD is all about, Blessings, Dc.B. One of the mest comforting charseterlation of the human brain is its ability to seperate truth from fantasy no matter whetthe pressure to the gontrary and to "home In" silently on a perfect vourse toward God's sanity, beauty, reality and redemption, D,C, By “weither shall they say, Lo, here! or lo there: for, behold, the Lingdas of God is ¥ITHTN you, buke 175, I THE HIDDEN HALF Later in this book I am going totell you how it is possible fo Ilve in the same body for thousands of years but unless you Imow me to be a relicble person and can believe what I tell you, the {nyaluable Information throughout this book will be value- leas, And the main reason the book has been written la to get that valuable information to us many as possible, to awaken everyone to his natural heritage. In the past and even the present only a few have availed themselves of the infinite powers possible to them, and others who haven't, have looked upon the few whe have overything they want with envy end have commented, “How LUCKY they are!‘ How Ignorant oan you ba! ANYONE can be "LUCICY"— ANYONE! "Lack" if only blind applianos of & RELATIONSHIP of which you Wil] bo taught later on. To prove thie very thing, [ have played dice with gamblers and taken thelr money untl) they wouldn't piny with ms unymore figuring I hed an "angle" they couldn't unearth. 1 DID. I RELATED and they were help- losd. tf one of them or othor of thom had used this "relation- ship," then It would have bean a battle Indeed and tha curious thing here is kaleidoscople in the possibilities of which "relat= ed!" would win that it would tnke an Einstein to unravel, But the FACT (# that thay lost becauae they belleved in their individual egos whilat 1 RELATED, KNOWING that of my= self 1 coukl possibly win, possibly not. But having related, I COULD NOT LOSE! lam golng to ask agaln at this juncture that you have In- finite patience with my slowness in unfolding thoeo secrets to you, To put it mildly, it Ie » big subject and not easy, at all, ‘to simplify, You will learn the science, and learn how to apply it—THAT—I do promise you! But let mo introduce my bona Hdes, 1, Donald Conway Barrle, do swear upon my honor that everything in thia book ia true, not exaggerated,not in any way @ product of my imagination. 1 was born in Buffalo, New York, May 24th, 1905, Ihave had limited coreers in the theatrical arts as puppeteer, on Radio, cast and west coasts, in silent plotures, the first "Talk= tes," the legitimate theatre playing Shakespearian and modern roles, in Grand Guignol, private clubs, with the German theatre af Dr. Reinhardt, ond Dr. Hoch, the thentre of Morris Gest, minor non-singing rolas on the stage of the cld Metropolitan Opera, und with Itnlian opara companies, in vaudeville as Mind Reader ani Crystal Gazer, was vice-president of a Texas cor- poration, producer and play director, play and scenario writer, air conditioner, fireman, prognostigator, Also as newsboy, bellboy, mail clerk, farmer, iceman, factory worker, sules- man, promoter, artist in sculpture, ol), pastel, batik, water- color, ceramic, and objet trouver, seaman, poet, brakeman, detective, special agent for the United States Government, H- censed Raal Eatate Broker, builder, ehipfitter, burner, weld- er, supervisor, instrument mechanic, model maker, hobo, newepaper publisher, pantomimist, delivery boy, contractor, plumber, carpenter, artist's model, inventor, drama critic, article writer, editor, manufacturer of cosmetics, rejavena— don expert (skin peeler), owner of anartgullory, restaurateur, Notary Public, President of my cen North Carolina Corpora- ton, published novelist, laundry and dry cleaning establishment owner, landlord, plus o few minor appearances in other Elelda. ‘Now [ am happy and contented as an ordained Minister, Doctor of Divinity, book publisher with a mail order business.and novel writing for children 2a a hobby, Also a great part of my life haa been spent as a Union olectrician which I think 1 enjoyed more than any of the othera, This array of coreers fs absolutely true, legitimate and con be proven, They are not listed in chronological order ex=- capt for the last, The reason I have listed these experiments dn “ving was to prove that anyone can do and accomplish in any field of endeavor he wishes without using but oaly the simplest powers of the novice adept, Tha RELATIONSHIF necessary to BECOME and be FUL= FILLED is explained in detail in the following twenty-three chaptera and | suggest that you don't skip about but read con secutlvely, There is an important reagon for this. Without meaning to imply that I know more than you, still what J have te doin thie book ia to EASE o profundity {nto your mind ao that evaryone of you Will be equal in having the ability to be- come what you should be. I don't pretend that you can be "equal" as such a thing bebreen anything or any person is impossible bat in the sense of using an alchemist's “stone,” so [ am going to try to relate my mind with yours, Tam going to take bits of my Ife experiences-cxperi- ments with YOU treading my inner mind, show you the way | RECEIVED and my part in accomplishing whatever I vas after, The greatest difficulty you are golng to have in making these revelntiona useful to you is to break down the average barrier of disbelief which exists in everyone including me. If only you will accept this fact at the start, everything is poa- sible for all of us! Like you, like everybody else, we all want to be SOME- ONE important, to bo used valuably, to be recognized for what we are. None of us want to die 2 NOTHING, All of us recognize that the gift of life is a precious gift and should be used valuably. Like a man would look at his bank account, at seventeen, I looked at myself wallaware of the fact that I had onty a limited mind, that I couldn't adjust to the vio~ lence of the world, Its viclousness, its ugly patterns of ways io Of Ife, its stupidities, Lta ignorance, its ruthlessness, its moronic superstitions, the way It tears away the dignity of a person, the way it strikes you down if youdare to think individ— ualisticaly and act accordingly, that you have to be a sheep a- Mmongst sheep to garner some of the material comforts, Yet, somehow, someway, I had to fit myself into it and be a part of {tt without sacrificing my integrity. The rites of passage are performed swiftly. The ravages of age come upon us and we find ourselves imprisoned Inbodies. from which the beauty of youth has deserted. There is the continuous agony of saying goodbye to cur loves, the long dark lonely roads we must walk without oven the benison of ratn, We are born alone, we die alone and no one ever can truly share what we are, nor can we share the sacred privacy of other be- ings. ‘There fs the cold rebuff of etrangers' eyea, pinces of land which do net welcome us, the tearing lonilnesa of lack of love, and the unintentional, atupid things we do which aggrevate our miseries, Along wtth thia, we are confronted with the ohmolute sani- ty of tha majesty of night, of the storm, of the flowing river, ‘the sunset on strange seas, the long meadow in the warm after- neon sun, and the tote] happiness on a child's face, We observe that SOMEWHERE between these extremes laa place for ua to live. [found that place when I eared toORELATE toOMNIPO- TENCE, Learning that secret, I stopped pitying mysell, my so- Hmited mind and RELATED, What if | didn't have the Develop- ment of Sclf to become SOMEONE ? I began the RELATION- SHIP, asking for a frlendly spirit to use my living mind, BUT NOT TO POSSESS IT, and do through mo what I, of myself, ‘was not able to accomplish. 1 succeeded! The reason J was successful was because ] learned to pray CORRECTLY—and I don't mean mouthing a lot of pretty ‘words! Remember that it took me a lifetime to learn and practice CORRECTLY what f om telling you now, so relax, take it atop i by step, and if I repeat myself, it is for a sound reason. We are all separate individuals and are of varying de- grees of Development of Self which plainly means that nothing is free, thal we gel only that which we have carned, This Is scomingly contradictory but it is not, IL takes understanding. We, cach, create our own individual "Heaven" or "Hell" and they are conditions which exist HERE and NCA¥, As you are a good peraon, you develop SELF, and as you are evil, you destroy SELF. It ta as almple as that. When you learn the RELATIONSHIP you will become suc- cessful far beyond your most wishful thinking, you will have everything you SHOULD have, be free of disease, lack, vio- lence, distress, ignorance, etc., all of these in degree to your individual degree of DEVELOPMENT OF SELI, certainly far beyond anything you are capable of now, REMEMBER, our greatest enemies are superstition, and CLOSED MINDS, But ta go an with the bona fides, I have spoken before the world famous Dr, Rhine and his group of parspaychologiats when he wag at Duke Univeralty in Durham, N.C. and had my ESP ability tested by them, T have boon thoroughly tested by two psychiatrists who have found me “normal.” [do not hallucinate, am not a wiah- ful thinker, nor a Har, am of temperate habita, healthy in mind and body and sppreach Hfe with « robust sense of humor. | am honorable, ethical, moral, and live by high standards, am free of hatred of any kind, I belong to two fraternal organizations both of which thoroughly investigate you and which demand the highest moral and ethical standards, 1 tell you this so that you will not believe me insane when | show you how It is possible for some to live thousands of years in the same body, L have spent my entire life from early childhood in the study of metaphysics, the Eastern Philosophy which J practice, im ESP, PSI cognition and phonomena, PK and all such kindred subjects, besides which I was born a natural "sensitive" as my mother before me and her mother, eto. When twas a child I could sit beside another ond carry 12 on @ conversation until suddenly the person next to me would gay in nlorm, "But! didn't voloe my thoughtal" Apel thon in anger, "You were reading my mind!", and Thad lost another friend most times made an anemy bocnuse the person believed that I wae in league with Satan, People believe in avil ao easi- ly, and find It almost impossible to believe in GOOD! Or that COD can come from GOOD ALONE! I finally learned to listen for the volce sound before I spoke in return. [ was at a Magonle Falr in East Hampton, LLL, N.Y, (the “Bonnick"}, with an Italian friend. We stood before a con- cession raffling geese. Jokingly, he asked me what sumber would win, A chill of absolute imowledge went through my mind, Automatically, [ answered, “Twenty-five."* fe walled his eyes at me and put one hand behind his back. I knew what he was doing. He was closing the ring, mid- die und index fingers into the polm of his hand, making rigid the thumb and little Oinger which ia tho "Sign of the Horna” and is used to ward off the “evi) oye." He played two other numbers but twenty-five won. Not only won, but the leather finger shove tha pegged wheel etopped itat twenty-five star which meant that you got two geese Instead of ona. He wouWn't have any pert of me after that, He'd turn the other Way, when he'd seg mo comfng, and runt How sasy for some poor benighted minds to believe that evil ie tha only source of success! It is such senseless think- ing. During my school days, never had tostudyat all because when a question was asked, the answer was there In my mind, Thad gotten it from the questioner. But when a long column of figures wos put on the blackboard and we were asked to add thom mentally and even the teacher didn't imow the answer, sill | could write the answer immediately, There were some who considered me a genius, but achi- ally] was anexceedingly ignorant person with a gift if one could call it that. Avtually, It wes 0 curse becouse while I knew the Be anawers, It was only temporary knowledge, gone out of my mind immedlately it had served its purpose. | was using natu- ral powers of which I was unaware and certainly dida't know how to control. [ thought everyone eloe was like I was mental- ly, I didn't even question it. [ had ne reason. Bat then I learned what was taking place and how to turn it on and off at will, I shoukin't say it about myself'as there areoaly too many eager and ready to run you down, “little” minds raise them~ selves In their own estimation by this evil mothod, but the fact remains the fact that [ am not overburdened with brains. | hate to say this about myself, | wish it were otherwise, but that is the way it Io and [ stale It for the reazon that « human dowsn't have to be an intellectual ginnt to rise to an important position in whatever field he chooses, You may protest that it takes brains to become a Real Estate Broker, t pass the lengthy teat necessary to get 4 state Iecenge, that | am being unduly modest when manywhe had tak- ena four year college course in the aubject could not pase the teat while T romped through it Inles@ than half the time allowed, (Stata of California Broker}. And also, you may protect that {t takes a high grade of Intelligence and ereative ability to write a novel good enough to be published by the ancient, honorable and prestige firm of Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, Inc, of New York City, and to have the MacDowell Foundation offer you “haven,” which is almost equivalent iu my opinion ton Pulltzer Award, becouge of the artistry of that work, [| have been offered this award TWICE. Truc, I read up for a few days in advance about real cs- tate while performing acertain “relationship” about which Iwill explain later in this book, Needless to say, it wasn't through My conscious mind that I passed this test but through my IN- TEGRATED mind. And about my novel, PHOEBE AND THE MACFAIRLIE MYSTERY, this was written by the long deed Sir James Barrla, author of DEAR BRUTUS, PETER PAN, eto. THROUGH me. All did was copy down the words as be dictatad them in my molpd, Mu So it has boon with everything I have attempted. [ hava never dong anything of myself but through "relating to the WHOLE,” using tho limitless power in which we are immersed, In my earlicst days of life | used it without knowing what I wag doing. Then I learned what it wae and how to use it sctientifie— ally and that is what | om going to teach YOU, and there is NO ONE who reads this, unless he be evil,who cannot do the same, Whether you secept the embodiment of Omnipo— tence or not, hlatory doea record thie Man's miracles of which this Man sald twothings, "YOU, even ag 1," and "NOT OF MY- SELF, but of the Father," I have less ability personally than the least skilled of laborers, All I have boon able to porform or create in the felda In which I have exparimantad haa come THROUGH me, not ag a result of a skill or discipline inatilled into my ¢on- acious mini, AND, T have ysed only CASUALLY a tiny portion of the powers available to all as T am too self-indulgent and lazy to perform the exceedingly exacting "six moons purlfloa- tlon,” bestles I have everything I need or want. iany people reading this will conclude that [ am some kind of a nut, a guy with a lot of natural ability but with a dis- torted senee of modesty. Toan only PITY those who may. As poor, despatring Jesus said, “OH YE LITTLE FAITHS!" The Infinite Force ts thera for everyone and anyone to use (again, PROVIDING HE BE NOT EVIL), use as perhaps the "Beatles" have and do, (perhapa not consciously}, and it it SHEER STUPIDITY ALONE which prevents ANY Individual from realizing his Full potential which ta limitless! When 1 look at humanity, | cannot help commonting, with- out snobbery, upon the Incredible ignorance of the masses of people who have READY in thelr hands limitless power to do or BE anything and who are too dense montally to sec and use it, “You can lead a horse to water, but you CAN'T make him i ALAST { have bred numerous psychic experiences and if you will read my revelation-realization of what “GOD" jaand "DEATH" ig, you will Inow, that at the least, that 1 KNOW, beyond the 15 shaciow of mny doubt, that the life of the spirit 1s eternal, that psyohie phenomena Is a5 natural a thing as the sun rising, that Infinite power ia avaliable for every one to use ap and when he will, Tom not afraid of ghosts because I know that they are as alive ag Tam. The only difference botwoon us is that I have a body and they don’t. As the great F.D.R. said, "All we hove to fear is fear ttaelf," If youcan control your fear foros, you need fear no ghost. ‘One Inst word before | clese thia Introductory communi- cation, I have the knowledge of the Advanced Adept and I coukd put it all hore If lt would serve ony good purpose but this book ismeant for the masses who have never contacted the knowledge nontalned herein before. Whnt | tevea) in thie book has beon simplified go that all and any may understand and use RIGHT NOW and not instead, got loat in a mare of profundity and {m= ponderables of which the average person ja incapable of hand- lng- It the average man were given copies of the Gth, 7th and th Books of Moses, The Key of Solomon the King, the Quaba- lah, Abra Melin's inowledge, or other explanations of the GOOD aclences of Being, while he would be astounded that such ex- traordinary powers are possible, he would not be able to use them as tbey are too profound, too complex, can be devastat- ingly dangerous, and the disciplines almost (Impossible to the ordinary person, They were written for the Advanced Adept, the scholar, the pedant, not for the novice, the average lay- man. ‘Of what use is it to read a tot of thrilling knowledge if the possibilities cammot be put into IMMEDIATE practice, if EVERYONE cannot use them IMMEDIATELY? It is Uke church creeds, ¢o confused, everyone with his own explanation, that no one can PRACTICE beesuse he Is too involved in INTERPRETATION to the point where blind fnith Ie necessary and THAT impossible to almost everyone who dis- kes fumbling in the darkness so that the bewildered tura away Completely and in disgust, ery, "God 1s dead!" 16 This BIBLE OF THE UNDEAD requires no interpretation becouse (t states plain facts which can be put into practice tm- mediately without any vague "pie in the sky” mumbo jumbo, nor does it need BLIND PAITH, This is WHAT YOU MUST KOT DO with the knowledge contained in this book. You must do what you have todo with FULL CONSCIOUS AWARENESS OF WHAT, WHY and HOW, All you have to do is to read and DO, Any child can practice this totally good science without harm and with as much effect as any adult and get positive results NOW, There are many things which | coukl “tell and show" but I dare not as incorrect practice by a novice could be disas- trous, The average person le an ignorant child in the field of mataphysico, the occult, not really believing but hoping, and Hike a child given a stick of dynamite with percussion cap at- tached is belpless in his ignorance not to TRY and SEE if it will REALLY explode, [t DOES in both fielde. You may take my wor! for that, When you have mastered the HOW-TO-DO-ITS tn this BIBLE OF THE UNDEAD, you will then be suffiolently capable and eautious fo go on inte the more advanced areas of the eci- ence, Tothe so-called “sophisticated,” which as we know means: corruption of the reason, this is no parlor game, Leave your sneera and doubts and enter tho use of this knowledge Intoyour Ife, Believe me If DOES WORK, Of that I assure you on my boner. Do not cheat yoursolf of the incalculable benefits which you may have by sincere practice, May God guide you and hold His hand over you. u It FACTUAL PROOF THAT GOD EXISTS Ammuch better name than "Ged" would be Om for Omnipo- tence. The word "God" has been #o abused through ignorance down through the ages that [ can understand why some bewi!- dered persons say, “Cod is dead." With moat people, even some deeply devout, the conoep- Hon of God Is at the level of suporstition, Many wishful think- ora, people who won't take time to uncover the facta, only give lip service and actually have no belief at all, There was that devout, pitiful Jesuit, eighty-two years old who got up into the Pulpit at an eleven o*clock mass in a church on Park Avenue in Kew York City to give his sermon and instead burst into tears and cried in a loud moan of anguish, “Oh that I had the faith of @ Siberian peasant |* T knew anexceedingly worthy man who had spent hia whole life in good works for disadvantaged children especially. He Was in an Albany, N.Y, hospital dying. He confessed that he had lost all faith im the existence of a God as a certain hospital chaplain can attest. He told me that the vague "something" he had always tried to beliove existed, just couldn't, that the bhur- Fy conception of God as presented to him by his church didn't make sense. The very priest who should have been able to help him asked me to comfort the man and help him refind his faith even though T pointed out that It wag Like one of the doctors ask= ing me to perform an appemlectomy because the doctor wasn't eertaln of the technique. I did my best but the man was in such an advanced stage of hysteria by that time that I coukin't reach hin, Some of the priests, rabbis and ministers towhom T have talked were realletic and honest enough to achnit that they were foiling at their jobs of instilling faith in their poople, When T would point out why, they Would shake thair heads, “You can't tell people thoee things,” they would say, “you can't change their minds abowt what has been banded down from their par- ents, amd in any case, the church would not allow any change. Besides people simply do not want to think about the subject, What thoyhave learned a8 children, they will stay with all their lives. Even when they do not come to church any more they don't want to Lalk about the subject of God. To those who do come to church, secretly in their minds, It ig like bolieving in the"Easter Bunny,” achildigh thing which they have tolorated because as theyargue to themselves, "Who knows everything? Maybe I'm wrong not to be able to believe, So many people go to church for soclal rengong, anice place to show off your new clothes, [t's a friendly thing, It helps my busincas, Why showld [knock it? Aud who knows for certain, maybe God does exist after all.” And these men of the “cloth would add, "Religion for moot is atrictly emotional. It is a refuge from fear.. If it weren't for the fact of daath and disease they would abandon it altogether, That fe what so many of these men who have devoted their lives to religion have told me. I never showed my pity for them, Mow ion't that a tragic state of things? PARTICULARLY WHEN AWARENESS OF GOD 18 ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY IF AIUMAN EVER HOPES TO DEVELOP, NOT JUST SPIRITU- ALLY, BUT PHYSICALLY AND MATERIALLY. To escape diseuse, malerial lack, violonce, overcome his wesknesaes. THIS CAN GE DONE ONLY ONE WAY and that by and through the individual's RELATIONSHIP with GOD. This ia no bunk. ‘This is absolute FACT, And THERE © NO OTHER WAT! You may ignore NECESSARY spiritual development if you want to, but you will NEVER ESCAPE FROM BEING WHAT YOU ARE NOW UNTIL YOU ARE ABLE TO BECOME one It GOD. This is o CONCRETE fact! ‘Who and what is God? How can we know for certain that He exists? Firat, | woukd like to tell you, If you donot alrondy know, that It ia easler for the human mind to accept a complex con- cept than a simple one, easier to understand and digest. We shrug away the obvious and search endlessly for the secret, the hidden, the involved. All the sages down through the ages have bemoaned this fact, Achmlly, PROOF of a highly devel- oped mentality is ont which cam readily understand, absorb, and USE the OBVIOUS, How many times have you heard, “Mt was right there, under my very Hose, all the time!" ? A child is actually more intelligent than the average a- dult because hes able to sce the simple in simple terme. Gea- orally he loses this clarity of mind, along with the correct, natural way to breathe at about eleven years of age. Tt haa newer been difficult for me toconvinae a child that ‘God actually does exist and to make that belief an integral part of the chiki's life bet in contrant to the adult! Even armor= Plereing bullets cannot penetrate the stubborn ignorance of that one who clings with a drowning man's desperation to blindly ac- ‘cepted notions of God,even when that belief is built on sand and tho person KNOWS It. As 2 comedian once said, “Don't confuse my thinking with the facts!" Now—to the facts! ‘The atheist argues that everything in the universe ie the result of blind chance, that things as we know them just hap= pen. This was bere, That was there, They got together and Ago result Such came about. Yet the same man will acknowl= edge that there are laws governing chance, He'l epeak obout the laws of Nature, the Iawa of the atom, the laws of every- 20 Gung that repeats in definite similar pattern over and over again, BUT WHOSE LAWS ARE THESE? WHO made them? Are they Man's laws? To paraphrase the philosopher, Where thore is offect, there is cause, and effect is directly tracenble to some CAUSE, When anything repeats itself over and over ogain in the Same pattern, not once, not thrice, but billions of times, we KNOW that this has not come about through blind chance, bat is a LAW fn operation. Every mathematician, every scientist ‘owe this, It fa irrefutable fact #1, The word "Law" in its utmost simplification means a “Rule of conduct." Rules just don't HAPPEN, They have to be designed by someone. Someone not only has to make them, but to ENFORCE them too, Beyond the possibility of chance, grasa grows in the bil- Hons of blades each season, repeating its pattern, Man can plant grass seed but he cannot create the germ of life which is in it, which causes it to grow, Now bere iis a “rule of conduct" im operation, We say it is one of the laws of Nature, Who and what is "Nabore"? The buman being, minerals, fih, animals, trees, fruit, outs, ¢tc. ad infinitum are reproduced over and over in mum- bers beyond counting, beyond the remotest possibility for the most dense mentally to assume that their particular patterns came about by chance, Here are laws im operation. WHOSE? (Can ANY man do this? Is any man responsible for the life" which made these creations possible? The exquisite order of our umiverse, our galaxy of the ‘Milky Way, the constellation of Andromeda, the Whirlpool qal- axy, froma galaxy down to a tiny atom certainly proves beyond the shadow of sry doubt that some “intelligence” GREATER ‘THAN OURS is holding these things into their individual pat- terns. An Intelligence that has made laws which we find good {constructive}, not evil (destructive). Man can't, hasn't and doosn't. He DOES create evil and destroys and he makes laws a1 @bout this which he iz unable to enforce, HOW then can any intelligent man deny the existence af a superior being, another chviously superior to himsalt? “Bat Fean't talk to Him. [ean't sea Him, | can't feel Him. if He is everywhere, why doesn't he show Himself?" This is the big fat ego of man speaking, ‘Can you look into the wm with naked eyes and not be blinded ? - ‘Tey to realize thot thie superior being ia more potent than the material sun, beyond conception by a human brain, that the exceedingly immature, animal mind of man would be blasted utterly if such a conception were vouchenfed to It, Can n Single molecule of my physical body possibly see and know what my whole body is? You can't sce electricity but you can feel it, You can use it and know that itis there, Our ancestors would run scream- ing from a radio, terrified, faint, go into convulsions and Scream that Satan was walking the world, People would kill themselves, Ming themselves off cliffe, anything to escape from what they could not understand. And that's just a little RADIO! What would those people do if they wore shown men ‘walking on the moon? They would burn the astronauts ot the stake the moment they could lay their hands upon them scream- ing that they were evil, creatures of the Devil, Someone said, "Magic ia only science in its infancy,” Omnipotence ie the greatest scientist of all. ‘You cannot see God aa He is but youcan see his LAWS in operation, you oan feel the result of those laws, you can talk toa result of Hie law, another human being, and you can RE= LATE with Him, In doing so you will KNOW that He is here about you im evorything, In YOU, that you aro HE, a part at least, and anything you want ie available to you as a result of this fact, Almost all religions teach that God is everywhere, EV- ERYWHERE! While this ts true of everything governed by God's laws, the confusion theae religiona promulgate lies in 2 further teaching that man is made in the likeness of God, This be] is partly false. Man with his inflated ogotistical thinking, arrogutes to himeelf that bis BODY and HIS body alone is made in the like- wess of God. Is God a black, o yellow, a red, = female? This conception is obviously totally false. NO MATERIAL THING [8 A LIKENESS OF GOD. It ln only the SPIRIT OF EVERYTHING that is the Likeness of God. THE BODY AND ALL THINGS ARE THE RESULT OF GOD'S LAWS, the RESULT, not the (MAGE, excluding evil which is solely man created, ‘The greatest knowledge ia AWARENESS of God within and without you, Total fulfillmont of Life is obtained by the use ‘of the God=Force and through NOTHING ELSE. You are shown in those pages how you can use it, You have no excuse for lack ‘of fulfillment because there is no lack in God and YOU ARE IN GOD ETERNALLY, NOW and FOREVER. You have only to re- late your individuality to the WHOLE {NDIVIDUALITY and plo= ture what you want to happen ~ HAPPENING. "A prayer in its simplest definition is merely a wish turned God-ward," Philipps Breoka But also to be considered: - "[ havo Lived to thank God that all my prayers have not been answered.*! Jean Ingelow “Dost thou know the balancing of the clouds? Hast thou with him spread out the sky? Rast thou entered into the springs of the sea? Have the gutes of death beon openod unto thee? Cavest thou the goodly wings unto the peacock? or wings and foathora unto the ostrich? Hast thou given the horse strength? Doth the hiwk My by thy wisdom and stretch her wings to the south? Doth the cagle mount up at thy command amd make ber nest on high? Hath the rain a father? or who hath begotten the dropaof dew? ‘Out of whose womb came the ice? and the hoary frost of heay- pn which hath gendered it, Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Plaindes, or loose the hands of Orion? Who hath put wisdom in the imvard parts? Or given under- standing to the heart?" Job 37-38-39 WHAT LIFE IS, WHAT THE SPIRIT IS, WHAT FAITH I5, plus the question DO WE HAVE ANY REASON TO FEAR GOD? ‘The basis of all matter, of the very air we breathe, is vibration, harmonic patterns of same and the harmonic rela- flonship between, Any galaxy iz a complete exposition of the ptime source of life and divine Jaw. Everywhere sboutyou are all the answers to all questions you may cver have concerning the past, present and future, what you are, where you came from, WHY you are, where you MAY go, life, death and eter- ity. You have only to have patience like the beautiful pa- Hence of the Japanese, along with simplicityof mind to see the amewers which are everywhere about you, Now it would seem that vibration, per se, could not exist unless there were something to vibrate but that ie not trae, Vibration is a thing of {teelf and must bo understood ag such. Ag the beat 1s to the heart, so Vibration ia t all crea- Hon ond ta the rengon for all and any Iind of life manifested, The patterna of Vibration change, motlify, Increase, de- erease, and relax but never cease to be, They are eternal and all are related to the Infinite Pattern of Vibration as each molecule of one's bedy, together, make the whole body. Thad to die to discover this, The story of my death and Fenasoence is told elsewhere in this book, 26 Your major purpose fu life la to become more than what you ware, by using the life experience CONSTRUCTIVELY. You must live your life constructively, be ethical, moral, and try to maintain the highest standards of decency in your rela- tionship bo al] other forme of life, to humans, animals, plants, everything. Evil fs away of regression, Good isa way of progres- ston. Nothing in life is froc in the sense that 25 you deal so shall you be dealt with. Everything you need 1a instantly avail- able, Many people say this but they do not tell you HOW! it can be mada available, Hero is one example of HOW from my own life, and [am going to teach you through the use of EPFICA- CIOUS PRAYER how to do EXACTLY THE SAME THING, Tt le VERY, VERY simple, [ was out In Jackson Heights, Long laland,New York hav- Ing dinner with a deor friend, 0 poctess, back in 1938. We had forgotten f turn on the radio to catch Jack Benny's, alvaya in ood taste, comedy program. The poctess said, “In this day of scientific development you'd think there woukl be some kind of gadget that would turn @ Tadic on, aad tune it to a preselected station automatically, "That's a good idea," Iteld her, "I'll go home snd work one out,” T went home, sat before a table with pencil and paper, then concentrated my senslng {nto the right rear part of my brain reuching above thie into ‘devachan,” putting the request into that part of my superconscious. Instantly, os a picture on the face of a TV bbe, In my conscious mind appeared a complete Schematic drawing of such a device. I merely copied the draw- ‘ing on the paper before me, This 1¢ Patent #2172492 granted me by the United States Patent Office the twelfth day of Septembor 1939 called CON- TROL MECHANISM POR ELECTRIC CIRCUITS, It tas early automation, dust recently I needed a house. I have never saved a dime in my life. When [need something, I pray for it and I get it. My entire worldly wealth at the moment I found the place I ar wanted was forty dollare, | am writing this in that house which is now mine. There was another person who also wanted the house badly, but he not only didn't know how to pray but he had infinite contempt for those who did, Thad an elderly friend In Los Angeles, a darling person, She was seventy-two yeara old, an Adept, and folt that the state of poverty had nothing more to teach her, 80 she prompt- ly “demonstrated” the entire side of a city block of apartment ‘houses, Please believe me, this is no He nor an exaggeration az fantastic as it may sound to you, There are so many who doubt 60 rendity, those who have INFINITE faith and bella in FATL- URE, LACK, AND DISEASE and none at oll that everyone can have everything he SHOULD have, When I come acroas. people like that a8 J often do, [ think of Jesus and the agony of mind such poople must have caused Him. "Oh, ye little faiths!'', “And why tuke ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toll not, neither do they spin, er," ‘You should have no disease, no lack of anything you need to grow apiritually, There ie no excuse for such at all except the body's ego, doubt, and incorrect praying. Iwill go # little deeper into this, here, because [ know that it ig difficult for some to understand clearly. ‘You are aware of joybecause you know pain, night because day exists, male-female, positive-negalive, war-peace, etc. but when ft comes to “oneness,” this, 1 do agree, ia difficult to understand becauee we spend the time of earthly awarenesa Contemplating, reasoning, amd judging in comparative terme 80 that when we are faced with the necessary discipline of be= coming ONE with our individual part of OMNIPOTENCE (the Superconscious mind), we flounder, ‘Onevess is a state of being to which there fs no compara- tive, It is the resolution of all comparatives into ononoss. Scunds difficult to comprehend but it can be achieved Practice! @raying correctly) which disciplines the conscious Mind to unite Into SELF. "SELF" ‘being, of course, completed unification of the body, conscious mind and the superconacious mind, Remember that there ig no such thing aa an unconscious, nor a subconscious mind. You have hoard that incorrect state- ment for 60 many years that you have come to accept it, and it hae only ockled to the confusion in your mind, Even though many renowned persons of authority say such, that doosn't make it right, DUMP THAT THINKING OUT OF YOUR MIND NOW! That, along with other statements such as the world is, flat, that if God wanted man to My He would have given bim wings, that COD is a GOD of VENGEANCE, HATING, SENSE- LESSLY CRUEL AND UNFORCIVING, A SADIEST OF THE FIRST WATER, and other senseless tragh like that, Okay? ‘There are only two divisions of the mind, the conscious mind and the other, the superconscious, One is the mind of the body, the other, the mind of the spirit. Your problem is to unite these fvo, You do so with the act of proper prayer, The eonaclous MUST become AWARE of the superconscious, This jo “spiritual rebirth" because when you achieve this state, you RELATE to Omnipotence, Through correct prayer (see EFFICACKNIS PRAYER) you ‘ean get anything you NEED, No human really starts to live until be is able to perform this relationship. But you have to work a little to achieve it. You will know when the unification has been made by the feeling of tremendous joy which will fill your whole being, amd the abrupt change for the better in your fortanos, your health, in your whole life pattern, I gunrantee that you will KNOW, Some people try toachieve a state of oneness by the use of hypnosis which is morely artificially created concentration, vothing more. There is nothing wrong with the use of hypno~ ois BUT DO NOT USE IT WHILE TRYING TO ACHIEVE AKY OF THE DISCIPLINES. [won't go into the lengtly explanation of Why Not ?—just DON'T! A lot of nonsensical mystery has surrounded the use of hypnosis since Mesmor's firat experiments. The weaker the conscious brain's capaoity, the aogier it comes under hypne- 28 aig ac can be demonstrated with any fowl. You hold a chicken with tts bead te the ground and draw a line from its beak out- ward ond Presto! it is under bypnosia, ox you make a purring eound to baby chickt and thay freeze, With humans, you com-. bine the two in various forma and the mind ie etilled from dle- traction. Alwaya remember that your individual splrtt, your super- conscious mind, the microcosm, is a direct reflection of the mactocosm, the INPINITE SPIRIT, And, a8 the macrocosm ig perfection, all infinite power, #0, on YOUR sonia, YOU are! ‘The most important thing for you to echleva fa “fntth,* NOW WHAT EXACTLY 36 "FAITH"? Ia it BLIND belief? BLIND acceptance of what you are told is truth? NO! A thou- sand times NO! It is not! Faith is AWARENESS of actual truth, Emerson said, “Truth, ench beart vibrates to that Lron string.” EVERYONE, To matter what his level of intelligence or lack of it, KNOWS when a thing is "right" or a thing is "wrong." J have put those words in quotes because they are far more than WORDS in tho mind, they are DEEP FEELINGS native to EVERYONE. This feeling comes from the center of balance, from the corpus striatum of the brain, These judgments are seemingly instine- tive. Actually they hove become qualified by the kind of per- son you are, They can be both pure or clouded. They can nev- er be wrong howover no matter how you chooee to Interpret them, Guide your thinking and netione by this balance which is responeive to the Harmony of the Whole. 1 DO NOT MEAN the random thoughts which go through ev- @ryone's mind, Hike the follow when asked why he had chopped his mother up into little bite (and this actually hnppenad) with ‘his hatchet, replied, “Her sumber came up in my mind, 1] couldn't do anything about it, 1 HAD to chop her up!" All of ua have all kinds of aberrations, small, passionate, wiolont, compulsive, otc. like a lot of bugs crawling across the ground, Ignore them and don't WORRY! aa there is nosuch animal a3 a “normal” person, The conscious mind Is animal mattor, end just like your oar itches for no reason, so doas 30 the mind with stray thinking which scoms to have no sense and docen' ts The conscious mind has to be organized, disciplined, cleaned juat ae If lt were 2 dirty room which you go at with broom and mop and disinfectants, ond good soap aude, The best practical woy to atart this cleaning Is to go someplace where you canbe ALGNE. Lock the door. Tell people that it is important that you are not bothered. Get some paper and a pencil and write down everything which comes into your mind without any order, capitals, never mind the spelling, the per- ods, but do try to write clearly so that 1t may all be read back. Thie is called “flow of consciousness." Don't hesitate to write filth, swear words, hatred, ANYTHING that comes into your mind, EVERYTHING —WRITE! When you have covered one page, read It back silently to yourself, and be honest, read it with satiafaction, and do not shudder that you haye a cesspool of a mind, ALL OF US DO! What you put on that paper is OUT (OUT) GUT! of your mind os & you defacated and when you read it back you are flushing it down the drain, FOREVER! WHAT IS ON THAT PAPER |S OUT OF YOUR MIND like the feces out of the Intestinas, Lf you write words of hate, crazy sex, loathsome symbole—GOOD! Write them without hesitation UNRESTRAINED, Write in this way until you fool strong, CLEAN! und then burn, tear up, Mush down the com- mode all of your writing, KEVER! EVER! LET ANYONE SEE WHAT YOU HAVE WRITTEN FOR WHATEVER REASON, THIS & VITALLY DIPORTANT. And never fail to destroy your writing the moment you have finished and have road them back ONCE. DO NOT put thom aside to study or question lat- er. Do this EXACTLY as I tell you to de it and don't improvise or add any of your own ideas. Just write, read ONCE and de-~ atroy. Okay? Gestcally, we ore animale and have ingrained ateviatle in= stincls, We, in congeloug awargnega, are not highly advanced hore im thie "Border" world, In this custom house between a1 pwo totally different states of being possible to us, Our best SELVES are part animal, part "being," Our job Is to pull our- selves out of this mize through continuing discipline until it te impossible for the animal tendencies to have expression in ue. Buch tendencies an rapacioumoss, hatred, lust, onvy, greed, guthlessnosa, contempt, cruelty, selfishness, envy, etc. No action upon our parts should be motivated by other than Jove, respect, tolerance, empathy, sympathy, kindness, etc, for not oaly everyone but for EVERYTHING, Now, if you fee] any "truth" is wrong, or you feel it isn't entirely "right," then DUMP IT without a moment's quibble. By being totally honest with your scale of thinking, by not giv- tog lip service to superstition, you will grow, What matter if you make miajudgments ? What you think ls YOU at that atage of your development, Know this! You will correst any mis- takes automatically as you grow into becoming ONE. Being selective In what you cen accept le far better than stuffing your mind with a lot of indigestible Ideas of which you are ashamed deep down because that part of you which abhora error, por 4¢, Will nudge theac ideas with conlempt until you have to give thom up, Accept ideas only if you can In COM- PLETE HONESTY TO YOURSELF. YOU and YOU lone are all that matters, Now, ono thing ani an exceedingly important thing you HAVE TO LEARN is toACCEPT YOURSELF WITHOUT CRIT- ICBM OR NEGATIVE COMMENT, "Criticism or negative comment" means belief in self- failure, doubt in the efficacy of what you are doing when you feel you are Tight. You must eliminste ALL NEGATIVE THINKING. For an example, how many times have you said the following, o made similar comments? “That's the kind of thing that abvays happens to ME!", "The road can bo empty for miles, but whon I get to a curve, you may be certain that another car will be there!""See? I told you! I ALWAYS put my foot in it!" "WHO gets the blame when anything goes wrong? ME, naturally!" "You may bo cer= tain that Murphy's lew will take place, that the WORST will happen ALWAYS!" "Hf T put on this new garment, it will be cortnin to rain!"! Etootora ad nauseaum, Rid yourself ENTIRELY of this moat destructive way of thinking! Take a bit of your pleasure money and give it tochar~ ity every aingle time you entch yourself mouthing one of these forma of self-destruction, IF YOU HAVE FAITH IK GOD, THEN IT 18 SENSELESS NOT TOHAVE FAITH INYOURSELF! Now, pay particular attention to the following because it i@ a most important truth, DON'T YOU EVER BE APRAID OF GOD! YOU are o truly loved one! DO NOT BELIEVE any of the horrible things the mlaguid- ed and the bigots, those who cannot conceive any alate in which hatred, pain, and punishment do net exist. God ig NOT a God of Vengeance. Those who woukl have you belleve so have cre= ated a God In THEIR image and with aucdistle thrill ploture a ‘Hell, and THEY marching up to glory while the sinners get thaty behinda stick with pitehforka, Jesus called these people "whited sepulohera," and Shakespeare, "Like the goodly apple but rotten at the heat!’ The strangest thing to mo ta that they believe this non-~ genee with @ rock«like conviction, Like the woman In Los An= goles oa reported in the newspapers telling about tho earth- quake there and she running out Inte the streat shouting, "Here Tam God! Here lam! I'ma Presbyterian!" The Roman Catholica believe thateven if a man lagood hia whole Life long, even if a veritable saint, he haan't the tiniest chance of getting Into “Heaven” if be hadn"t been a Catholic, He is supposed to be confined for eternity in a dlamal gray Place called “Limbo,” That ho won't go to “Hell,” but he will never see the face of God, This because be didn’t belong to the only "TRUE" church, Then the “Hell Fire and Damnation" Baptista, eternal damnation for wmbaptized bablea, How senselessly cruel can you get! And the Kirk of the Scots, “Snares, Fire and Brimstone, furious storms on sinners He shall rage!" they shout with un- adultorated glee, loving the thought of the pain and anguish of others while they munch on cheese-Muvored manna adjusting their wings comfortably next to THEIR God, And in the name of the gentlest lover of all time, Jesus, the KIND, the GENTLE, the PATIENT, they put on the Inquiai- Hon, tore off women's breasts, [ried people, crushed them to death, bolled them, cracked thetr bones and meltod them with hot lead, drove them mad, THIS im the name of JESUB) And the Crusades! Slaughtering hundrode of thousands of man, women and children in the name of Joaua, ‘The Holy War, oa= tenuibly searching for the Holy Orail,the cup from which Jeaua drank at the lost Passover Supper, And there (# #0 much more of this "Holy Love," but why say LL? You know tt, and if THEY want to cling to that ovil heritage, then thet la THEIR privilege. You must rid yourself of ALL hate, and especially BELF- HATRED, The only one you noed over fear io YOURSELF, Nover give in to a thought of failure, Walk proudly and without fear. There is no need for fear in your life, You are SAFE in ‘God! Respect and love all others, in the impersonal songe of ‘course; you don't have to embrace the nearest bum! Dirt, of the body, of your surroundings, disorder of any Kind, woe of drugs, overuse of alcohol, tobacco, ice cream, candy, food, sex, violence, lack of respect for the rights and dignity of ANY OTHER; theve are wrong (destructive to YOU), but don’t become fanatical about tt. There is such a thing as clean dirt, orderly disorder, and the need to defend one's per= son or home, atc. MAINTAIN A BALANCE—BALANCE fn the corpus stria- tum and PROJECTED INTO ONE'S LIFE 15 VITALLY IdPOR- TAKT TO YOu. Use your common sense. The great Mothodist ministor and Mason, Edward Taylor, "“Futher" Taylor, 1793-1871 sald to spother minialer who reached the dogma of Infant damnation, "It's no uso, brother, preaching sermona like thot, because if what you aay could be (true, your God would be my devil.” Iv WHAT DEATH IS People are confronted with the possibility of death every moment of their lives, Mout of them eimply ignore what they conelder the inevitable but hidden in their minds ia the fear of tts Exeept for a few, no one accepts death in the right spirit. The average Individual has associated bis continuous and eter- nal awaroness with tho life of his body and therefore clings tenaciously to the body image, Man has not yet learned to accept the fact that the body is merely a convenience so that through its manipulation and use he will be able to develop his SELF beyond what it was. The spirit is like the driver of an sutomobila, the auto representing the body, the soul baing the personality of the car. When the body ceases to function, itis reduced. The soul foce on to its limited but forover recorded life, and the spirit ig free again to go on to ite next adventure. ‘The spirit can sever love its Individuality, ite iree will, It is eternal because it it a part of Omnipotence. WHAT IS IT LIKE BEING DEAD? After the three day perlod cf stun-like sleep (with some shorter or longer periods}, you become aware that the other Side of Ife 1a certainly not a situation to ba dreaded, You will See no stare or planets as you do with the eyes of the body. 368 There ls no darkness, no shadows [or those who dic blind nor for anyone alse. The only darkness possible for you to see ia when you seek the earth mansion and those who live in the flesh. Hf you re-enter that plane, you, in your tum, can be seen as 2 ghost only if you clothe yourself with the octoplasm or animal magnetiem of those living in the body, When you have separated completely from the body and it is "dead," you will find yourself surrounded with o beautiful soft golden light In which are glittering harmonic patterns of vibration. Joining these patterns are faint silver lines as thin and attensated as amoke, Joining them into a gigantic under- standablo pattern which stretches as far and wide as your awareness, You will be aware of things, conceptions which you could not realise while in tha body, You will undarstand what the earth mansion is, what is meant truly by a "border place," and of a choice you will eventually have to make, You will Imow the joyous thing it is to be free of the restrictions and limitations of the body, You will hear a gentle sound almost below the level of awareness not unlike tiny wavelets upon a beach af night, sooth ing like a tree Acolian barp, Hike Chineso wind bells, cheer- ing, exciting. You will not be afraid. You will not be alone but aheliered, protected and cared for as you were in your mother's womb, You will be aware of an effulgence of love surrounding and being a part of your very being so great that you will find yourself saying the ultimate of prayers, gratitude to the Being of whom you are an integral part. There are other states in which the awakened spirit may be received, each according to his development. Uf you have regressed badly, no owareness at ofl may be possible to you. This does not mean that ANYONE will ever have his chance to develop taken from him, or thal he will ever lose his individu- ality, or freddom of will and choice. If you have led a reagonably decent life in which you have progressed, the level of development into which your spirit will awaken need not be feared, Remember two things. First, you can only punieh yourself, God docs not punish, Second, the only thing you ever need fear is YOURSELF. That is why ay gt ia so important to develop SELF while on the earthplane, You may gay, this all sounds very pretty and pat but where are the facts? How do we know for certain that we live on when the body dics? ‘The eastest way to prove It Is this. Take a amall piece of paper ia your hand and look at it. I now aak you ta digpoae of it, to remove It entirely [rom the material world. Burn [t, shred it, consume {t In aecid, blow lt up, use ony method you wish. You will Eind thst while you can change ite FORAI, that you cannot put it out of the material world, You can CHANGE dt in form dozens of ways but you cannot pul fitout of this sphera of life 9 that {t will be truly dead, @ nothingness. When the body is reduced, what haa hnppened ia that the earth has reclaimed the “makings" of a body which has been Tent to you only for a period of what we know ag Hime. Like o rented garment, You have to return it to the owner, You must “render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's and unto God, the things which are God's." So many people believe erroneously that when they dio their troubles are over and done with. L ask you, "lf fam mis= erable in New York City and Igo to London, England, have I escaped MYSELF?" Going from life to death is only a passage, e change, the Spirit makes each time un experience is at an end and another about to begin, YOU TAKE WHAT YOU ARE WITH YOU! Ih the state of daath you become aware again of the limit- leas eternity before you in which you can improve and grow and what you can grow toward, how gigantically glorious your heritage truly is. Then you rearm yourself with whatyou deem Recossary to face your next experience and use it succeasful- ly. There is the comfort of the awarences that Hmo is time- leas. You can and will contemplate the earth experience, go over it minutely, dwell in the moments of joy, and pain too, if You wish oo that you may understand that which went by so fleetingly, A stugle tear may be frozen in mid-air for seem- ‘tngly thousands of years if you wish so that you may see truly ‘What you should have done or what you didn't do. When you have finished the review and done certain things of which I can- not spéok, your plana are al] made, and your exploration done, you have “dwelled” in the forces, you will feel the far-off be- ginning of a tug, like receding water all about your spirie pull- ing you Loward the next moment of kismet. You ARE what you have MADE OF YOURSELF! No one, nothing, God or Satan is responaible for what you are or what happens to you. Herein Iles the punishment of "Hell," and the reward of "Heaven." No such actual atatlc placea exist, Life af, and development of the spirit is an eternal process, The true suicide (there are other typerof seli-immolation. which are not suicides) ia a tragic act which enacts a terrible payment from the individual whe porforma it as when you de- atroy a “pattern and thrust the apirit out of the body before its Ume of experience Is complete, you upset the “balance,” and the spirit cnlers the death state in a condition not unlike that of an insane person on earth, and actually, such ae the latter are relncarnated spirits of thoae who have suicided, 1, myself, have died and | know whereof I speak. Asa living person, and in death, as the Christian Scien= tists say and truly, You are SAFE!" You need fear nothing if you live ina reasonably decent fashion und TRY to grow con= structively. If you still Find it difficult to believe that lle continues af- ter deuth of the body, it is because, ingrained in you, ate the old erroneous standbys upon which you have leaned for a life- time. Allow me to pull a couple out from under you. You do believe that TIME oxigts, You do believe ln the dnfinthide of SPACE. If anyone told you that neither existed as you understand them, you would think such a person totally mad. Let us tako "Time" first. L suggest that what [ tell you is POSSIBLE though not noc- essarily PROBABLE, Mor arc travoling faster every day, They have progressed from the horse-drawn cart to recket propuleion and will un- doubted]y Sind the lechnique mecessary to Ming their ships along the magnetic Lines of force which join every planct and star one to cach other, at epeed beyond present conception, Also man finds better and better meana for viewing ai a distance, from the “opera glass,"' to the radar telyscope. Ev- emtually he will perfect means to see infinite distances, Ag we all know, what we see is because of the reflection of light and what we see comes to our cyes at the speed of light, If I were om the moon and I waved my arm at you, with you onearth watching me through your highly developed scope, it would be a time LATER, AFTER the action had taken place that you woul! witness it. Now, if you were to get into your highly advanced space ship with your extraordinarily developed scope and flung your- self to a planet light yoars oway where the reflection of the sunlight on earth was just reaching and you looked back at earth through your scope, you could see the crucifixion of Jesus im progress. Now, iu this ship of infinite speed you travel back to earth ia five minutes, or five seconds, peering all the time through your scope, you would witness events which had taken five thousand years of "time" to happen on arth. So what le time? Do you see that you do mot know WHAT time Is? Por your comfort, there are people who are trying to find out WHAT it is such as those two dedicated scientists at Georgetown University who have proven over and over again thet time setually can be collapacd, I can collapse and DOES. Time te alao called the "Fourth Dimoneton." Can you aoe that this Implies many more dimensions, possibly am infinitude. Picture yourself a two dimensional creature, You are Wide and long, Could you understand “ HIGH"? But you believe in the absolute infinity of space. Take a movie projector, plug it in and you have o ray of concentrated Light which will fill a movie screen, Point it out 8 window at the sky. Its beam widens and keeps on widening snd NEVER STOPS WIDENING. That beam of light keeps on widening infinitely, And this ls exactly similar to tha so-called “infinity” of SPACE. Now, turn that projector at the wall be= side you and that same infinimde of light is the size of a coin. (Cam it be that INFINITUDE can be encompassed in such LIMITED and CONFINED space? YES! It can! L could show you many other things but [ don't want tocon- fuse or frighten you. You are SAFE. Believe me, we are the voriost of children and like samo are gurrounded with won- dora, impordcrabloa, yot at the same time the SIMPLE an- awers explaining all of such are all about us all the time. Un- Ike children of a very early age we have learned to use the animal braln processes and forgotien how to RELATE, We believe that one and one make two, Yot thie ie false because there are not two exact alikes in our universe and “two” im- plies a combination of two cxucta, We don't let this make ua despuir of ever undorstanding beomuse man will soon learn to uso tho laws of Vibration, (See AN EXPERIENCE AFTER I DIED.) You are “ulive’ today, You wero "dead" last night, This fa the same thing ae "life" and ‘death. Tha sleeping, the re- Unguishment of the body, and the reawakening, once again in the body. The sign of tho Hlerophant which Jesus made when- ever He held up His hand was the promise of this Master that there is no "death." There is no “end' for anybody nor for anything, there is only CHANGE, Progression, or regression, YOU choose! 41 v WHAT & GHOST IS including WHAT THE SOUL IS The oul la what you aee as a ghoat, not the spirit, The spirit ia invielble to the human oye but paradoxically not in- visible, While tt cannot be sean ne it te, you can become aware of it as a symbol or distortion of same, ‘The soul la Hed by what may be understood ag an umbili— sal cord to the body and this bend cannot be severed until the ‘pedy is entirely reduced, However the soul can leave the body and wander anywhere within the earth mansion but limited ta the furthest reaches of life consoloussess, As long as the soul is captive of the body, haunting Is possible, Kounting ie ond can be done by living peopla, But when ft ie done by those who are alive, it is not possible to dlatingwieh between such a ghost nnd a living person for the reason that a living person baa full uso of the body's animal magnetism and ‘eCloplasm and can manifest im another place than where the body ts lef, In solid form, speak In normal andible sound, @to. This has been proven by a group of French scientists m- der comrolled conditions in India. There are many types of paychic phenomena which must not be mistaken for hauntings by souls ag there are "things" which exist such a8 the Dwellers of the Threshold of which Sir Bulwer-Lytton spoke, aa well aa "things" not a part of Divine Spirit, and much man-made ovil both formed and formless, as well as those highly developed spirita who no longer have souls, who have returned to the earth mansion for various reasons by thelr own cholea, plus raw forces of which we have little knowledge, then a whole vast host of dervons both good and bad, some of these are exceedingly umpredictable and highly dangerous if they can gain what they need to manifest, The soul {¢ a mirror-image of the kind of balance which has been maintained during the Life period in the corpus stria- tum of the brain, This ‘balunce"' ia controlled entiraly by the eonsclous mind, handling the infinite possibilities of two am- hivalent forces. This "balancing" can be understood by ob- serving the function of the grid botween the filament and plato ofa radio vacuum tube considering the individual will aa the “arid,” The manner in which the two forces ave balanced or tilted decides the kim! of Life experience, the fortunes, state of health, successes, failures, typos of people contacted, also goverda relationship with same and is controlled entirely and solely by individual, unrestricted will. This balancing decides whether the SELF will progress or regress. Upon the death of a human, the soul exits through the so- lar plexus, called by some, the "Central Sun," and also, "The ‘Thousand Potaled Lotus." The spirit, the last to leave, exits from the superconscious. The individual soul is created, Tho Individual spirit ls eternal, a part of Ormipotence, The spirit 18 the individual, The woight of the soul varies from individual to individual, averaging around (wo grams. A ghost of w digembeodied soul geta the material power to manifest itself, rap on tables, operate in various mechanical ways, levitate things, etc. by using the onimal magnetiam of living people. Some people lond thomsalves willingly to this process, even supplementing with their own living ectoplasm, ‘Others do 30 unwillingly but nevertheless in greater force than ‘naual through tho amotion of fear trebling their projection, The Sensitive, knowing what the ghost needs, projecta an= other kind of foree but this takes training and discipline to do. 43 The Sensitive links the aura of his Centar of Balance with the bodyless person, doing it with great care, gently #0 a8 not to arouse terror im the ghost, Ihave done this, though to my surprise, there have been those ghosts whe didn't necd my help to manifest. There wasn't anyone else about at the time, my animal magnetism was blocked off and only tentative projection made (u "feel- ar"). Of course, thera is ao vary much that we do not mow. I for one am no longer interested in probing for auch knowledge, J have what my friend, the Adept, to whom I refer in these pages, uéed to call a “saturated solution.” I projected avidly in these fields in my youth to find out Specifically about God, life after death, and to taste the thrill- ing powers of the Adept. I have dove so, sufficiently, that I am able to help others who havenot gone along this path them- selvea, Some day, the deepest of these scionces will bo common knowledge, part of the Millennium, part of the curricwums of all schools and the mish-mash of creed religions will be a thing of the past of these DARK AGES, Mysteries, "forbidden Imowledge," magic, will be practical sciences as they should ‘be and the dirty superstitions which befoul the buman mind will be excised, VI WHAT THE POLTERGEIST IS and THE SOURCE OF [TS POWER The dictionary says that the "Poltergeist" is 4 mischiev~ ous, noisy spirit, [t doog throw things about and does a lot of sengelogs damage but none of the various scicntista who have observed ite depredations under controlled conditions seem to know exactly what it is. The poltergeist is the manifestation of a ghost of a child who ia annoyed that it no longer has a body, and ts dolighted with the fact that it cannot be reached and punished for the sometimes cruel things which it is able to do, It is alse an adult with the mentality of on evil child. Ituses the raw ani- mal magnetism of living children whose energy is im great volume to throw things about, create fires, heave rocks, tmash, torment living belngs, and even break the necks of an- imals which has happened, Kt gives the ruthless child a sense @f power over adults to do things the child wouldn't dare to do if he were im the body. Romember, this creature is as alive an when it was im the body and of the same level of intelligence. It is good that there are lawa governing the icngth of time auch creaures' souls are able to exist. Ite very ignorance is what limits ite exist- ence, ‘These creatures will not let you contact them mentally as

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