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Belle Johnston 6 period English 3/21/13 Qin Shi Wang Di Qin Shi Hang Di Was Qin Shi Hang

g Di a good emperor or a bad emperor for the state? Well lets just say he did bad things and good things. Qin Shi Hang Di was the first emperor of China. Chin Shi Hang Di was born to the Qin family. He was born in Zheng. When he was three he concurred the state of Zhou. He rained from 259 B.C to 210 B.C. Qin Shi Hang Di became emperor when he was thirteen years old. He was a legalist at the time. Qin Shi Hang Di concurred all of the Warring States Period. Qin Shi Hang Di did many things that were good for the society. He built the Great Wall of China, but there were some things bad to that. He built the Great Wall of China because so that invaders dont come in, and so people dont run away, or try to escape. Qin Shi Hang Di built canals, and roads to make it easier for transportation, trade, and getting across the ocean. He concurred all the Warring States. Qin Shi Hang Di created money for all of China to use for buying food, for trade, for transportation, for houses, and supplies. Also Qin Shi Hang Di created measurements and weights. Qin Shi Hang Di standardized money and measurements and weights to make it easier for trade. Qin Shi Hang Di invented the Chain Pump, the Wheel Barrow, and the Iron Plow, to make farming easier. He also created a bureaucracy. These are some things Qin Shi Hang Di that was good for China and the society. Qin Shi Hang Di also did many bad things to the society. When he was planning to build the Great Wall of China, he force labored millions of men from China to build the Great Wall. Millions died building the Great Wall because they died either from starvation, they died from the cold in the winter, falling off the Great Wall, and being smashed. Qin Shi Hang Di burned all books, and he buried

alive scholars because they wouldnt give up their scrolls. He also killed his own mother, because he wanted the throne to himself. Once people got mad at Qin Shi Hang Di he started to not trust anyone, Qin Shi Hang Di had many palaces to sleep at night, so every night Qin Shi Hang Di would go somewhere different to sleep, and if anyone knew where he was staying that night at told someone, they would be put to death. People also died from building underground tunnels for Qin Shi Hang Di to pass by every night for somewhere different to sleep every night. Qin Shi Hang Di had so many bad punishments for the people. Qin Shi Hang Di was very against Confucius. Qin Shi Hang Di also force labored with building the Great Wall of China, building the roads and canals, building tunnels for the king at night, farming, and serving Qin Shi Hang Di. These are some very bad things Qin Shi Hang Di did to the society After Qin Shi Hang Dis death, the Qin dynasty went on, but the Zhou dynasty concurred the Qin dynasty. The Terracotta Warriors were made when he died. The Great Wall of China was successfully built. I think that Qin Shi Hang Di was a good and a bad emperor. Qin Shi Hang Di did many things bad, and many things that were good. This is what Qin Shi Hang Di did.

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