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Victoria McDonald L#:00099149 Date: March 5, 2013 Grade Level: First Grade School: Mathews Elementary Cooperating Teacher: Lori Ashley Subject: Science Lesson Title: Basic Needs of a Plant Time: 45min-1hr Intended Curriculum SC Science Academic Standard: 1-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the special characteristics and needs of plants that allow them to survive in their own distinct environments. (Life Science) Indicator: 1-2.1: Recall the basic needs of plants (including air, water, nutrients, space, and light) for energy and growth. English Language Arts: 1-5: The student will write for a variety of purposes and audiences. Indicator: 1-5.2: Create narratives (for example, stories and journal entries) about people, places, actions, or things. Visual Arts: 1: The student will demonstrate competence in the use of ideas, materials, techniques, and processes in the creation of works of visual art. Indicators: VA1-1.1: Use his or her own ideas in the creation of works of visual art. VA1-1.4: Use all art materials and tools in a safe and responsible manner. EEDA: 2 Students will demonstrate decision-making Safe School Climate Act: SECTION 59-63-140. Local school districts to adopt policies prohibiting harassment; required components; model policies by State Board of Education; bullying prevention programs.

(3) a description of appropriate student behavior; Learning Objective (Goals): Students will recall that plants have basic needs for energy and growth. Students will recognize the basic needs of plants using drawings, symbols, and/or words. Students will also demonstrate an understanding of plants needs by planting and caring for seeds during germination. Prerequisites (Prior Knowledge): The class briefly discussed the needs of a plant last week when learning the parts of a plant. Also, in kindergarten (K-2.1), students recognized the needs of organisms (including air, water, food, and shelter). In 2nd grade (2-2.1), students will recall the basic needs of animals (including air, water, food, and shelter) for energy, growth, and protection. Students will take this information and expand their knowledge of basic needs of plants in 3rd grade (3-2). (South Carolina State Standards Science Support Document) Science Ideas: Students should make predictions and observations during this lesson. Their predictions should be formulated based on what they observe and prior knowledge from the previous lesson about the parts of a plant. Awareness of the parts of a plant and the functions of each part will guide students to higher learning. Student observations should demonstrate an understanding about essential needs for a plant to grow and have energy. Implemented Curriculum Engage: This lesson will begin with students observing two flowers. One of the flowers is healthy, while the other is beginning to wither and is dying. Students will take notes in their science notebook describing the two flowers. Students will be asked to pair up with another student to participate in think, pair, and share. Students will be given the following question to answer with their partner: What could have caused one flower to be so healthy while the other is not? Expected answers: o You did not take care of it. o The dying flower did not have enough sun. o The healthy flower had water and the other did not. Explore and Explain: Materials: SMART Board Crayons Pencils Writing paper 2 plants (1 healthy and 1 dying) Soil

Grass seeds Water Picture flash cards o Soil/Nutrients o Water o Sun o Air o Space o 3-5 additional cards with pictures of items not needed for plants energy and growth During this lesson I used the following additional cards Ice cream Lunch tray Play ground A watch Tennis shoes Procedures o As a class we will read a poem. A Seed Needs I see you are a seed, Tell me what do you need, I need some soil to grow, And then the sun to glow, Water to make me wet, Air for my leaves to get, Space for my roots to spread, Now Im a plant. By: Iram Khan o Using the SMART Board we will discuss the needs of a plant to make it grow and give it energy o Students will have a chance to think, pair, and share. EQ: Why do you believe plants needs sunlight, air, space, nutrients/soil, and water? Expected answers: o To grow; o To have energy; o So that the plants will not die; etc. o After some open discussions and explanations of each need for the plants students will be dismissed to their seats to begin seatwork. o Students will write about plants and their needs for growth and energy in their science notebooks. o Students will be asked to answer certain questions in their writing. What are the essential needs of a plant? Why do you need these for a plant? o When students feel they have completed their writing they will be allowed to draw an illustration showing the needs of a plant in their science notebook.

o As students finish up their writing they will be called a few at a time to come and plant their grass seeds and water them to begin the growing process. While students are planting seeds, ask students questions. Why do we need the soil? Do we have to have a seed? What will the water be used for? o This area could also be used as a pre-assessment for the next lesson on the plant life cycle. o When everyone as completed both task, students will be encouraged to volunteer to read their writing aloud to the class. Elaborate: At the conclusion of this lesson, we would resort back to the two flowers that were used to hook the students. Students will be asked, according to what we have learned today, what are some procedures that could have been done differently to allow this unhealthy flower to look like and grow like the other? Students will have the opportunity to express any questions or wonderings they may have gained during our exploration of plant needs. I would expect students to understand the purpose for each need and some results that may take place if essentials are not provided for plants. Achieved Curriculum Cross Curricular Connections: Students will use be practicing English language arts skills during this lesson. They will be writing about the basic needs of plants for survival. The students will also participate in visual arts because they will have the opportunity to complete an illustration to coincide their writings. Assessments of the Objectives (Evaluate): Students will complete a writing assignment about the basic needs of a plant. Students will be given a word bank to use. Within their writings students will be required to discuss the reasons these essentials are needed for plants. For example: Plants need light to make their own food and grow. This sentence would receive better scoring than someone only saying, Plants need light. Students will also be individually post-assessed using flash cards. This will be done throughout the next day or two during student daily seatwork and center time. This assessment will take place to ensure appropriateness of lesson. From this post- assessment it will be easily shown which students did and did not meet the intended goal for this lesson. Some students may not be able to express their learnings as

well on paper as others; therefore, the post assessment will allow them a chance to demonstrate their learning. Post Assessment (not to be completed in the same day) o As students finish up their writings, they will be called one at a time to participate in a one-on-one assessment with me. We will use flash cards with the needs of a plant on each (there will also be some other random cards thrown in). Students will have to show me the things plants need, dont need, and explain to me why certain needs are essential to the plants life. We will continue our lesson on plants by discussing the life cycle in the upcoming class periods. This will be a time where students can observe and study the progress of the seeds they planted. Accommodations: No special accommodations are needed for my class during this particular lesson at this time. Students that may have a difficult time expressing themselves through writing will have an opportunity to explain to me what they learned about plant needs during a teacher (me)-student conference. This is when the flashcard assessment will take place as well. If accommodations need to be made they will be done developmentally appropriate on a case-by-case basis. Early finishers will be allowed to complete a plant vocabulary word search. Resources: SC State Standards

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