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3 Ethics Of Computer Usage

Computer Ethics
Computers cause new ethical problems Computer ethics uses basic ethical principles to help you make the right decisions

Ethical principles are tools which are used to think through difficult situations Three useful ethical principles:
An act is ethical if, were everyone to act the same, society benefits from it An act is ethical if people are treated as ends and not as a means to ends An act is ethical if it is fair to all parties involved


1. Copyright infringement: The act of using material from a copyrighted source without getting permission to do so. 2. Copyright protection scheme: A method used by software manufacturers to ensure that users cannot produce unauthorized copies of copyrighted software.

Unethical Use of Computer


Various unethical use of computers. Effect of unethical use of computers.


Senarai peraturan dalam makmal komputer.

1. Pengguna tidak boleh masuk ke dalam makmal komputer tanpa izin atau tiada guru. 2. Kemas makmal sebelum keluar. Susun atur semula kerusi supaya kemas. 3. Lapor kerosakan dengan segera kepada guru bertugas 4. Pastikan alat pemadam api ada dan boleh digunakan

Senarai peraturan dalam makmal komputer.

5. Pengguna perlu mengikut jadual penggunaan makmal komputer. 6. Pengguna dikehendaki mencatat pada buku log/buku rekod penggunaan makmal komputer. 7. Jaga kebersihan makmal.

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