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April Family Faith Packet

Topic: ON THIS ROCK, I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH MEMORY VERSES: The Memory Verses are a means of reinforcing the topic of the month by memorizing a verse from the Bible that speaks to the topic of the month. Encourage your kids to return to the next Family Faith Session knowing their memory verses and they will receive a little treat (non-food) from their Catechist. The CD included in the first month has both the memory verses for the year and the Books of the Bible to help with memorization. Good Idea: Try posting the Memory Verses somewhere where the kids will see it often for example on the refrigerator

Hey Dad! Dont forget to read the Hey Dad section on the Opening Page (lower left margin) of each weeks topic, which calls out to Dad to play a special part each week!! Good Idea: Start each Family Faith Session off by lighting a candle and saying a family prayer. This helps everyone center themselves and quiet down.

Week 3- April 28th Topic: God, the Father Focus: God is Love, and He created everything out of His love. Read the Opening Page, which introduces the Holy Trinity (Mays Family Faith topic), specifically focusing on the role of God the Father as creator.

1. WE BELIEVE IN ONE GOD , THE FATHER, THE ALMIGHTY, MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, OF ALL THAT IS SEEN AND UNSEEN. a. God created everything and everybody b. The world was made for the Glory of God because of His Pure Love c. Believing in and loving God i. We come to know Gods greatness and majesty i. We live for God and are thankful to God ii. We recognize the dignity of all creatures iii. We make good use of creation iv. Trust in God in all things

2. We reflect Gods love a. Free Will i. We freely choose to love God ii. We can choose to turn away from God = SIN iii. God wants us to choose HIM and be with HIM in Heaven 3. The Name of God a. I AM given to Moses i. God always was and always will be b. God - AEIOU i. A=Almighty (has all power and authority) ii. E=Everlasting (Forever) iii. I=Immortal (Never dying) iv. O=Omnipotent (has all powers) v. U=Universal (the same for all creatures)

Activity: Make play dough and be creators like God Holy God, We Praise Thy Name complete the booklet while reading through the lines of this song often referred to as the Catholic Anthem

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