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Untuk memudahkan mengingat dan menelusuri kemungkinan kemungkinan penyebab penurunan kesadaran dengan istilah SEMENITE yaitu :

S : Sirkulasi
Meliputi stroke dan penyakit jantung

E : Ensefalitis
Dengan tetap mempertimbangkan adanya infeksi sistemik / sepsis yang mungkin melatarbelakanginya atau muncul secara bersamaan.

M : Metabolik
Misalnya hiperglikemia, hipoglikemia, hipoksia, uremia, koma hepatikum

E : Elektrolit
Misalnya diare dan muntah yang berlebihan.

N : Neoplasma
Tumor otak baik primer maupun metastasis

I : Intoksikasi
Intoksikasi berbagai macam obat maupun bahan kimia dapat menyebabkan penurunan kesadaran

T : Trauma
Terutama trauma kapitis : komusio, kontusio, perdarahan epidural, perdarahan subdural, dapat pula trauma abdomen dan dada.

E : Epilepsi
Pasca serangan Grand Mall atau pada status epileptikus dapat menyebabkan penurunan kesadaran.

The major causes of unconsciousness: FISH SHAPED

Faint - a brief and temporary loss of consciousness Infection - may produce a very high temperature leading to convulsions, especially in infants Shock - caused by a failure of the circulatory system Head injuries - concussion the brain has been badly shaken
Compression-due to a build up of pressure in the skull

Stroke - caused by an interruption of the blood supply to brain tissue resulting in oxygen deprivation
and death of tissue

Heart disease - angina caused by a narrowing of the blood vessels which supply the heart muscle.
Heart attack which occurs when the heart muscle is deprived of oxygen and death of tissue results

Asphyxia - results in an inadequate supply of oxygen to the brain leading to unconsciousness and
eventual death

Poisons - any substance that if taken into the body in sufficient quantity is capable of destroying life.
They may be injected, inhaled, absorbed or ingested

Epilepsy - various types exist but they all involve some degree of electrical disturbance in the brain Diabetes - caused by the bodies failure to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood stream. Two
emergencies can occur hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia

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